Simulated A Million Times, The Brave Man Transformed Into A Demon!

Chapter 27 The First Step To Conquer The Goddess

Chu Yun has no intention of being loyal to anyone. Now he is only interested in improving his strength and money.

"Your Highness Princess, thank you for the invitation, but I have already shared everything with Your Majesty the Goddess."

"The demonic invasion is imminent. I still have many things to do and need to follow the instructions of Her Majesty the Goddess. I cannot be of service to you."

Princess Catherine was a little disappointed when she heard Chu Yun's reply. Although she didn't like men, she was not too repelled by a handsome man like Chu Yun.

If the other party can help you seize power and increase your strength to a certain level to be worthy of you, it may be possible to marry him and produce excellent offspring for yourself.

"I still hope you can return to the Holy City with me."

"As a reward, I can give you a thousand gold coins and the noble status of a baron." Catherine offered the chips again.

This reward actually includes rewards for Chu Yun's previous actions.

This attack left her with lingering fears, but as long as Chu Yun was around, she could feel relatively at ease.

Chu Yun looked at the number of simulations that had returned to 5/6 and the simulator that was about to be upgraded to level 3. After thinking about it, he chose to stay.

Now he doesn't even have a legal status. If he can become a baron, this hidden danger can be solved.

One thousand gold coins can also allow him to purchase more powerful equipment and scrolls, which will make it more efficient to gain experience in the Holy City.

Although the title of Viscount is the lower rank among the nobility after the honorary noble, he enjoys the same protection of noble laws as other nobles, allowing him to obtain privileges in front of common people.

But once he accepts it, he will be considered a member of Princess Catherine's camp regardless of whether he agrees or not.

"At worst, I can simulate it every day from now on. I think I can avoid most troubles." Chu Yun couldn't refuse the conditions given by the other party.

"I can continue to walk with you, but the premise is that you can continue to maintain a pure friendship with my students." Chu Yun made his request.

Princess Catherine frowned, and after much thought, she agreed.

"No problem, but if Anna takes the initiative to find me, don't stop her."

"make a deal!"

The two sides reached an agreement, and Anna struggled internally.

She knew that her father's transfer might be in doubt, but at least the initiative was now in her own hands.

The team is packed.

The flying dragon was directly killed by Catherine, and Earl Edin was still taken to the Holy City to face the trial of the noble court.

As for the belongings of Earl Edin's family, most of them were stored in his space ring, and the rest were also taken away.

Chu Yun got his own one thousand gold coins in advance and was happily reading a book in the carriage.

Earl Edin has a large collection of books. As long as Chu Yun casually browses these books, even without actually reading them, the simulator can absorb knowledge, which is very helpful for subsequent simulations.

Anna's prayers are quite efficient when paired with a hat, but the contribution points obtained by providing the power of faith through prayers may not necessarily allow her to cast magical spells.

Several conditions need to be met to cast divine spells.

First of all, Anna needs to increase her contribution to a certain level and obtain the authorization of the Goddess. Secondly, her own affinity with the light element must meet the standard. Thirdly, her mental strength must be strong enough.

Anna's affinity is no problem, and her mental strength is enough to perform some low-level magic.

As for the authorization of the goddess's divinity, it is more troublesome. Usually, a priest at the bishop level needs to apply to the goddess.

Of course, there are also some talented believers who will be directly attracted by the goddess and obtain the authorization of divine magic.

Anna's current basic contribution value has reached the requirements for casting the lowest level divine spells.

Chu Yun plans to take her to perform several high-return prayers, which may allow Anna to attract the favor of the goddess.

This is also a small method commonly used by many second-generation and third-generation Holy families to help their children become priests. It can also be regarded as a small bug in the self-management system of the Godhead.

Once Anna masters divine magic, she will save herself the most troublesome process of entering the church.

Looking at Anna who was praying seriously, Chu Yun started the simulator.

[The simulation is about to start, please select your initial ability]

[1. 20 gold coins, 1 point]

[2. Own level +1, 10 points]

【3.Holy Fire Lv1, 10 points】

【4. Free simulation, 20 points】

Something unexpected appeared in the options this time. It can be directly exchanged for gold coins.

But now Chu Yun is not short of money, so there is no need to waste points here.

Chu Yun's simulator is about to be upgraded. This time, he will complete the upgrade as much as possible to see what new functions can appear.

[Your apprentice Anna is praying seriously, but even using a prayer hat fails to attract the attention of the goddess. You decide to help her master the magic in advance]

[You ask Anna to stop meditating, you use a prayer ring to assist her in meditating, and you choose to control the rate of return at...]

[1. Pray with all your strength, 100% return rate and quickly accumulate contribution points]

[2. Fair prayer, 50% return rate can quickly accumulate contribution points and attract the attention of the goddess]

[3. Pray in a low-key manner, the 25% return rate is enough to make the godhead mistakenly think that the bishop is recommending believers to become priests, and it does not attract too much attention]

Different levels of clergy have different proportions of return. Ordinary believers and trainee priests have a rate of return of about 10%, ordinary priests have about 15%, and bishops can reach 20%.

In fact, when you reach the level of bishop or above, in addition to the basic rate of return, you will also receive varying degrees of rate of return increases based on the development of the church.

The 25% level is what a good bishop can achieve, which is enough to qualify for recommending believers to become priests.

For the sake of safety, Chu Yun would choose 25% in the real world, but in the simulation he chose to pray 100% to see what would happen.

[You assisted Anna in praying for a 100% return rate. Anna was shocked by this. She even suspected that you were the incarnation of the goddess in the human world]

[You explain in the name of the Holy Son and ask Anna to keep it a secret, and Anna will obey your words]

[You have been praying for a 100% return rate for three full hours, and the abnormal situation finally attracted the attention of the goddess's divine personality and the goddess's body]

[The Goddess of Holy Light failed to detect you. Her consciousness established a connection with Anna through Anna’s prayer, and Anna told the other party the truth]

[You attracted the attention of the Goddess of Holy Light, and she possessed Anna to communicate with you]

[The goddess found out that you were not a believer and that you could take advantage of loopholes in the divine personality. She was very hostile to you and used Anna's body to attack you]

[The battle attracted the attention of Princess Catherine's escort, and the goddess invited them to help kill you]

[Since Anna is not a suitable projection body, the goddess's strength is only silver level. You choose...]

[1. Beg for mercy from the goddess and express your willingness to become the most devout believer]

[2. Asked the princess for help and said that Anna was controlled by the demons and was not the real goddess projection]

[3. Activate the magic sword, your power is enough to destroy them]

If begging for mercy had been effective, this situation would not have occurred. Asking the princess for help may not necessarily convince the other party, and even if the lie is persuaded, the lie will be seen through in the future.

[You take out the magic sword. The magic sword has the breath of the goddess of disgust. It helps you kill all the enemies. In the end, only Anna is left.]

[The projection of the goddess’s consciousness has not dissipated, and is sealed in Anna’s body by the magic sword, unable to escape. You choose...]

[1. Kill Anna so no one knows what happened]

[2. Ask for reconciliation and let go of the goddess’s consciousness projection]

[3. Strike while the iron is hot and try to conquer the goddess with your desire instinct]

This opportunity was rare, and an evil smile appeared on Chu Yun's lips.

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