Simulated A Million Times, The Brave Man Transformed Into A Demon!

Chapter 32 Where There Is Light, There Is Shadow

[You reveal your identity as a priest, and everyone makes way for you. At this time, Laertes has already activated his magic to burst out with powerful combat power]

[Although Laertes was besieged, he relied on his powerful magic to defeat Gulan and his three followers. Gulan will make a fool of himself if he continues.]

[Fortunately, you appeared on the scene at this time to prevent Laertes from further actions. Laertes, who calmed down, did not want to do things too badly to avoid suffering more revenge]

[He sold you a favor and interrupted the battle]

[After Laertes left, Gulan was very grateful for your rescue and invited you to dine at the Stars Tavern]

[Gulan’s eyes were a little obsessed when he saw Anna, and his attitude toward you also changed subtly]

[I was even more happy after learning that Anna was about to go to the monastery to study. His father, Bishop Douglas, is one of the leaders of the monastery]

[Gulan and his friends kept toasting to you and Anna, and you and Anna were both a little drunk]

[Gulan proposes to take you to experience the charm of foreign races, you decide...]

[1. Follow Gulan to Fengyue Street, taste the alien girl, and let his followers escort Anna back to the palace]

[2. Take Anna with you to Fengyue Street, maybe something interesting will happen]

[3. Refuse to go, escort Anna back to the palace, and end the simulation]

Fengyue Street is not the place Anna should go, and Chu Yun is not willing to end the simulation early.

The first option seemed to have some problems, but Chu Yun didn't want to waste points to refresh the option. He wanted to see what would happen.

[You choose to follow Gulan to Fengyue Street, Gulan asks his followers to escort Anna back to the palace]

[You feel a little uneasy on the way forward, but Gulan introduces you to many interesting girls, which makes you excited]

[You were taken to a store specializing in girls with cat ears. You hesitated a little but soon got lost in the meows.]

[You returned to the palace the next day, but you did not find Anna. The guard did not see Anna coming back last night]

[You anxiously went to the church to look for Anna, but Gulan sent someone to display two image crystals in front of you]

[One of them records the image of your battle last night. Gulan uses this to threaten you not to look for Anna again, otherwise the image will be made public and your reputation will be ruined]

[The other one will make you burst with tears. It tells what happened to Anna after she was taken to another place. Anna rolled her eyes with tears on her face and kept calling your name.]

[The other party said that Anna is already Gulan's woman and will have nothing to do with you in the future. Faced with Gulan's threat, you choose...]

[1. Pull out the magic sword and break into the church, find and kill Gulan]

[2. Kneel down to show submission, hoping to get the other person’s care in the future]

[3. Take away the crystal and seek help from Princess Catherine and Laertes]


Chu Yun was a little speechless. He just wanted to see a more realistic Lifan in Fengyue Street, but he didn't expect that he would become the sufferer.

"These Paladins are really not human beings. This Gulan is too arrogant!"

Although this is just a simulated ending, the anger in Chu Yun's heart towards Gu Lan is real.

Chu Yun wanted to pull out the magic sword and break into the church, but regardless of whether Gu Lan was in the church or not, even with the blessing of the magic sword, he would only have gold-level strength at most.

In the Holy Light Church, where there are so many masters, once you break in with a magic sword, you will probably be killed without anyone seeing you.

[You start a fierce battle with the opponent, and after defeating the opponent, you take the image of Anna's humiliation and ask to find Princess Catherine]

[Princess Catherine couldn’t help but became furious, informed the archbishop and led soldiers into the church to find Douglas’s people]

[Gulan was already prepared, he slandered you as the murderer]

[Because Gulan did not show up in the image ball, and what Anna called was your name. The owner of the Mao'er Hotel also perjured himself to prove that you were not here last night. You can't defend yourself]

[Facing the situation of being arrested and interrogated, you were so ashamed and angry that you pulled out the magic sword and killed Gulan in the chaos, but you were immediately killed by everyone in the church]

[End of simulation]

[Where there is light, there is shadow, and darkness is everywhere. You should not believe those who claim to be righteous]

[Comprehensive score: 13 points]

[Earn 13 simulation experience points and 13+3 simulation points]

[Please select the reward that needs to be redeemed in the real world]

[1. Cross Slash Level +1, 5 points]

[2. Holy Light Shield Level +1, 10 points]

[3. Holy Fire Level +1, 10 points]

Chu Yun felt unwilling and wanted to kill Gu Lan immediately.

He added all 20 points to the Holy Light Shield, then started the simulation again and chose to help Laertes.

[You reveal your identity as a priest and come to the front of the battlefield]

[Laertes beat the opponent back steadily, but Gulan's counterattacks were also very fierce. Although he could win if he continued, he would also be seriously injured]

[You cast a healing spell on Laertes, and then put a holy shield on him]

[Laertes suddenly lost all worries. He burst out with powerful force and knocked Gulan's long sword away with one sword. Gulan fell to the ground in defeat and looked at you, an outsider, with an angry face.]

[Laertes expresses his gratitude to you and invites you to the Lion Heart Tavern. After you escort Anna back to the palace, you go to the Lion Heart Tavern with him]

[Laertes regards you as a friend. You both drank a lot that night. He offers to escort you back to the palace to avoid revenge from Gulan. You choose...]

[1. Accept escort and return to the palace]

[2. Refuse to be escorted and return alone]

[3. Check into the tavern directly and not return to the palace tonight]

Gu Lan is a vengeful villain, and Chu Yun's behavior will inevitably arouse the other party's revenge.

[Laertes escorts you back to the outside of the palace, and you return to the palace safely]

[Early the next morning, Her Royal Highness the Princess found you and took you to the king’s meeting]

[The king grants you the title of baronet, and you become the upstart of the Crescent Kingdom, and are invited to attend the Queen’s birthday party tonight]

The queen is not the mother of Princess Catherine, Catherine's elf mother is just a concubine.

Compared to the huge power of the queen's family, Catherine's mother's status among the elves was not high. When she was married to the king decades ago, she was just an ordinary elf traveling on the mainland.

The poor elf girl thought she could have a beautiful love with the prince, but it turned out that the prince married the current queen soon after becoming the king.

For the sake of the friendship established between the elves and the Crescent Kingdom, she originally wanted to leave but was forced to stay.

After having Catherine, she never slept with the king again.

Catherine's idea of ​​usurping the throne was more or less influenced by her mother.

[You attended the banquet that night]

[At the banquet, the king announced that he would marry Princess Catherine to the prince of a neighboring country in exchange for his help in resisting the invasion of the devil in the future]

[Princess Catherine wanted to refuse, but all the officials were silent, and even those who took refuge in him did not dare to speak for her]

[Most of the nobles who supported Catherine were not invited, and the remaining nobles were waiting and watching]

[During Princess Catherine’s absence, something happened, but Catherine doesn’t know it yet]

[The situation is not good. In desperation, Princess Catherine lied that she had had a relationship with you and made a private contract for life]

[Everyone will turn their attention to you, you choose...]

[1. Expose Princess Catherine’s lies and persuade her to serve the country well]

[2. Step forward and take Princess Catherine’s hand to show their relationship]

[3. Beg for mercy from the king, indicate that he was forced by the princess, and apply for state compensation at the same time]

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