[1.Basic Archery Lv1, 5 points]

[2. Cross Slash Level 1, 5 points]

[3. Detect Evil Level 1, 5 points]

The initial options in the previous three simulations were somewhat similar, but this time the three options are different, which means that Chu Yun will have more choices in the future.

Although the archery skills in the options can be used for long-range attacks, Chu Yun now has no bow and arrow skills and cannot use them for the time being. He exchanged them for the other two items.

[Successful redemption, points -10]

[Congratulations, you have mastered "Cross Slash Lv1" and "Detect Evil Lv1"]

【Simulation starts】

[You and Irene escaped from Qida Village, but the goblins came prepared this time and probably blocked other roads]

[The closer route to the north may be blocked by goblins, while the route to the east may be far away and you may encounter dangers on the way. You decide...]

[1. Separate from Aileen and secretly follow Anlin to the north]

[2. Separate from Irene and head east]

[3. Together with Irene, go to the north]

Irene planned to head north secretly, and Chu Yun didn't want to spend too much time on the unknown road. He was killed by a demon wolf once.

"Choose 3!"

[You decided to continue walking with Irene. When you arrived near the official road, you and Irene took turns to use the magic of detecting evil, and soon discovered a group of goblins hiding in the grass]

[There are about 10 of them, so you and Irene decide to take a detour]

[While taking a detour, Irene accidentally stepped on the goblin's Yoneda Kyo. She was a bit of a germaphobe and exclaimed, and her voice attracted the attention of the nearby goblins]

[You tried to get through using Goblin language, but three goblins still came to investigate the situation. You decided...]

[1. Kill the opponent and then quickly escape from the scene]

【2.Hide and pretend nothing happened】

[3. Let Irene attract the other party’s attention and then take the opportunity to escape]

The opponent only had three goblins, and after killing them there were seven remaining, so it was not difficult to deal with them.

[If you want to increase your level, cooperate with Irene and kill three goblins together]

[The screams of the goblin before his death attracted the attention of seven other goblins. You ambush in the grass and launch a surprise attack on the seven goblins]

[You were hit with three sticks, and Irene was stabbed in the abdomen. Fortunately, you both know healing skills, and there was no serious problem after treating each other]

[You get a rusty short sword and 18 copper coins]

[You and Irene continue to walk forward, and soon you find a team of goblins again, this time there are twenty people]

[You chose to take a detour and successfully avoided each other. The rest of the journey went very smoothly. You arrived at the gate of Panshi Town before the sun rose.]

Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Goblins are goblins after all, and after confirming that Irene was hiding in the village, the defenses on other roads were not tight.

[The priest's robe and church medal on Irene's body indicate her identity. The guard soldier did not embarrass her but stopped you and wanted to take you to the interrogation room to verify your identity]

[Your identity is very suspicious and there is no way to explain it. You decide...]

[1. Ask Eileen to vouch for herself and let the guards let her into the town]

[2. Obey the arrangements of the guards, truthfully confess your origins, and help Irene escape the siege of monsters]

[3. Use copper coins to bribe the guards, these moths are not really that responsible]

Although Eileen can vouch for herself, the guarding soldiers may not necessarily buy it. Chu Yun thought for a while and chose the third option.

[You quietly handed ten copper coins to the guard. The guard looked around in a panic. Fortunately, no one else noticed the situation here.]

[You and Irene entered Panshi Town together. Now that you are safe for the time being, you choose...]

[1. Separate from Irene and end this simulation]

[2. Follow Irene to the church, maybe you can get some rewards, but the leak of Irene's whereabouts may be because there is a spy in the church]

[3. Persuade Irene to find the mayor first and inform him of the situation of Qida Village and the Goblin Army]

Not many people knew about Irene becoming a candidate for a saint. It was very suspicious that a mere goblin could rob her halfway.

[You persuaded Irene to inform the mayor of the situation first, but Irene rejected your proposal. She was eager to return to the embrace of the Holy Light]

Chu Yun was a little surprised. This was the first time that he did not develop according to the options after making a choice.

[After your persuasion failed, you were a little angry and decided to ignore Irene]

[You wander around Panshi Town and use the remaining copper coins to check into the hotel and rest]

[You woke up and ate something, and heard news about Panshi Town Church]

[Irene died tragically in the church, and the pastor of Panshi Town disappeared mysteriously, but this has nothing to do with you]

[Not long after, the soldier who accepted your bribe found you with a patrol. You were unable to resist and were arrested as a suspicious person and taken to the interrogation room]

[The interrogator tortured you mercilessly. You told the truth but no one believed it. The mayor hired a spiritual mage to cast a spell on you]

[You told the truth again, and then became a vegetative state due to the side effects of the spell]

[The mage took you away and used your body to conduct various experiments. You died completely after three months]

[End of simulation]

[The secret to living a long life is to "mind your own business", but sometimes misfortune comes from the sky and it's hard to stay out of it]

[Comprehensive score: 17 points]

[Earn 17 simulation experience points and 17 simulation points]

[Please select the reward that needs to be redeemed in the real world]

[1. Holy Light Priest Medal, 5 points]

[2. Cross Slash Level 1, 5 points]

[3. Detect Evil Level 1, 5 points]

Chu Yun exchanged all three rewards into the real world. With the Priest Medal, no one would stop him from entering Panshi Town.

[Holy Light Priest Medal]

Rank: Black Iron Level

Effect: slightly improves mental recovery speed

Description: A medal representing the Holy Light Priest.

Although this simulation failed, Chu Yun also found a way to stay out of it.

As long as he doesn't enter the city with Irene, he shouldn't be suspected by the other party.

Furthermore, knowing that there is a problem with the priest of Panshi Town, he can also inform Irene in the name of the goddess and ask her to skip Panshi Town and head to the next destination.

"Chu Yun, where should we go now?" Eileen saw Chu Yun in a daze and asked.

Chu Yun smiled: "Go north, but Panshi Town is not safe. The priest there betrayed the Holy Light and fell into the arms of the demons."

"We need to arrive at Panshi Town to seek help from the mayor, and then arrest the priest first!"

"Ah, how could it be possible? Pastor Hook has always been the most devout believer in the crown of the goddess."

"This is what the goddess told me in a dream. You have to understand who rescued you. Don't you believe me?"

"Who are the people who know your whereabouts? Pastor Hook is among them, right?"

Irene was silent for a long time. Just as Chu Yun said, Hook knew her route and was responsible for receiving her on the way.

"Then give it a try. If it was a misunderstanding, then apologize properly to Pastor Hook."

"No, no, how could your Majesty be wrong? Damn it, Hook!"

This time Irene chose to trust Chu Yun and follow his arrangements.

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