Simulated A Million Times, The Brave Man Transformed Into A Demon!

Chapter 57 Black Dragon Leather Armor And Burning Necklace

[Afterwards, you use healing skills to treat Donna and clean her up]

[You pretend nothing happened]

[The next morning, Donna woke up and found nothing unusual, and she left your home]

[Ten days later at night, the eldest prince sent someone to capture you. You knew that once you use the magic sword, you will be in a dead end. You think maybe Catherine will come to save you]

[You resisted the other party's mental hypnosis, but you couldn't stand all kinds of torture, and your hands and feet were broken]

[Three days later you finally found the opportunity and successfully committed suicide]

[A month later, Donna came to your home and she vowed to find you and kill you]

【Her body is giving birth to new life】

[End of simulation]

[You should not get involved in the fight between Catherine and the eldest prince, it will bring you unnecessary trouble. As for Donna, she may not really kill you]

[Comprehensive score: 19 points]

[Earn 19 simulation experience points and 19+4 simulation points]

[Please select the reward that needs to be redeemed into the real world (remaining 47 points)]

[1. Falling Star Sword·Bronze level, 10 points]

[2. Intermediate Magic Swordsmanship Lv1/6, 10 points]

[3. Falling Star Sword·Silver level, 15 points]

According to Chu Yun's estimation, the eldest prince should be able to bid about 10,000 gold coins for this sword.

In other words, 15 points can be exchanged for 10,000 gold coins, which is much more cost-effective than directly converting them into gold coins.

Although it is still not as good as grinding money in the arena, high-quality magic equipment is rare and cannot be purchased at all times.

Chu Yun first exchanged one for himself, and then returned to the real world and planned to help Donna also take the Falling Star Sword.

As long as the operation is successful, he will not be targeted by the big prince.

With the remaining 32 points, he learned the intermediate magic sword technique to level 3.

Chu Yun came to Donna and said, "Donna, I'm very interested in your magic sword skills."

"I'm willing to pay the tuition if you can teach me, or I can pay the tuition in advance."

Donna knew that Chu Yun was rich, but she never thought of borrowing money from this person she had just met for less than a day.

Borrowing money feels good for a while, but when it comes time to pay it back, you don’t know how long it will take.

"My magic sword skills are extraordinary. It is an exclusive secret passed down to me by my father. I will not teach it to you easily." Donna looked at Chu Yun warily and said.

Chu Yun smiled and said: "As a reward of one hundred gold coins each time, I can pay you for fifty lessons."

Donna heard that Chu Yun wanted to help her take down the Falling Star Sword.


"Actually, it's not that important that my father, who doesn't know where he's gone or whether he's dead or not, is not that important." Donna looked anxiously as the auctioneer was about to drop the hammer.

"Then it's settled, before my magic sword skills surpass yours. You have to come and give me a lesson at least once a week."

This way, you can see Donna more often, and it will be easier to conquer it when the time comes.

"What if you learned it in advance?" Donna didn't want to owe too much money.

"Besides magic swordsmanship, you have many skills, I want to learn them all."

"make a deal!"

Donna wanted the Falling Star Sword very much. She would be bored in the capital anyway, and she didn't hate Chu Yun either.

With Chu Yun's support of five thousand gold coins, Donna immediately felt confident. She raised the price to five thousand and made a bid in person.

The eldest prince didn't notice the deal between Donna and Chu Yun. He already hated half-elves, so when he saw that Donna was ahead, he increased the price again.

"6,000 gold coins."

Donna was a little anxious. Even with the money from Chu Yun, she could only come up with a total of 8,500 gold coins.

"Don't lose your momentum. Once the eldest prince sees through, he will continue to increase the price." Catherine reminded.

Donna gritted her teeth and directly increased the price by two thousand.

"8,000 gold coins!"

During the previous simulation, Chu Yun also offered a price of 8,000 gold coins.

Under Chu Yun's provocation and previous resentment, the eldest prince raised the price to 9,000 gold coins, and then was severely slapped in the face by Chu Yun.

Now he was facing Donna, and the hatred value was not that high.

His budget for bidding on the Falling Star Sword this time was 5,000 to 8,000 gold coins. If he spent too much, another more important piece of equipment might be missed.

"Your Highness, the base price of this sword is 1,000 gold coins, and now the price is too high." The aide next to the eldest prince took advantage of the prince to calm down and finally found an opportunity to persuade him.

"Although the spells attached to this falling star sword are good, it is only a silver-level weapon after all. The price of eight thousand gold coins is a bit high."

Under normal circumstances, a silver-level weapon can be sold for 3,000 gold coins, which is good. Although this weapon is indeed good, if it is sold in the ordinary market, it will only cost 5,000 or 6,000 gold coins.

"Your Highness, your wit has cost Princess Catherine and others a lot of money. They must be very depressed now."

"If we continue to increase the price now, we will make them laugh if we buy it at a high price." The staff who knew the prince's character well advised him again.

The eldest prince nodded: "You are right, let her regret raising the price!"

The eldest prince chose to give up. With the high price of eight thousand gold coins, even those who maliciously raised the price did not dare to raise the price randomly at this time.

As her beloved sword appeared in front of her, Donna almost jumped with joy.

She couldn't put it down and stroked the blade of the sword, wishing she could leave here immediately and kill everywhere.

The auction continues and Catherine has something she wants to buy.

In order to prevent the eldest prince and the prince from raising each other's prices and making the auction cheaper, the two parties stopped competing with each other in a tacit understanding.

In the subsequent auction, Chu Yun not only bought a gold-grade magic leather armor and necklace for himself, but also bought a good bronze longbow for Betty.

[Black Dragon Leather Armor]

Rank: Gold

Effects: 1. Dragon Power Lv4, physical strength +10. 2. Dragon Power Lv2, can drive away monsters with lower strength than itself within 20 meters.

Description: Black dragon leather armor has strong defensive power, but it may cause disgust to dragon creatures when worn.

Chu Yun spent 18,000 gold coins to buy this piece of equipment. It was not only lightweight but also had higher defense than steel. The leather armor also had a force-discharging effect to prevent impact damage.

Not to mention the 10-point physical increase that comes with Dragon Power. For a bronze-level guy, he needs to upgrade by 5 levels to get so many attribute points.

As for the necklace, it was also gold-quality equipment, and Chu Yun spent 15,000 gold coins on it.

【Burning Necklace】

Rank: Gold

Effect: 1. Wisdom Lv2, mental attribute +5 points. 2. Fire Giant Level 4, can summon a silver-level fire giant to assist in combat, lasting 4 minutes.

Description: A black iron-level flame giant can be summoned with 5 to 10 mental power points, a bronze-level flame giant can be summoned with 15 to 30 mental power points, and a silver-level flame giant can be summoned with 35 or more mental power points.

Unlike the black dragon leather armor, the burning necklace has certain requirements for the user.

Different levels of mental power can summon different flame giants, and the amount of mental power consumed during summoning is also different.

With the blessing of equipment, Chu Yun's mental power has reached 36 points, meeting the conditions for summoning a silver-level flame giant.

However, during battle, if he wanted to save his mental energy, he could also summon the next level Fire Giant.

After purchasing these two pieces of equipment, Chu Yun's self-protection ability has been greatly improved.

Now he has no regard for ordinary equipment. He only has 9,200 gold coins left in his funds and cannot afford other gold-level equipment.

Chu Yun planned to continue to earn money in the arena and then collect a complete set of gold-level equipment.

The grand finale of the auction, the Fountain of Life, was ultimately purchased by Duke Tulip of the Crescent Kingdom for a high price of 100,000 gold coins.

The audience began to leave. The VIP box had a special passage, so there was no need to squeeze in with ordinary people.

"Chu Yun, you bought two pieces of gold-level equipment today. I'm afraid you will be targeted by some people with malicious intentions." Princess Catherine did not expect that Chu Yun was so rich.

"Donna, why don't you escort Chu Yun back, and you'll know where he lives when you teach him magic sword skills later."


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