The simulation options this time are a little different. Even the blood of ancient demons appears.

You know, this drop of blood was obtained by Chu Yun by sacrificing the precious magic sword, and now it can be exchanged directly!

"It's a pity that I don't have enough points, and there is no benefit in becoming a demon now."

Now that Chu Yun has found the method for the appearance of the ancient demon essence blood, when he wants it later, as long as he takes the route of sacrificing the demon sword in the simulation, there is a high probability that this reward will appear again.

[You are very dissatisfied with the suspicious people lurking near your home, and you decide to interrogate and kill them]

[You rest at home and wait until the sun is about to rise to start taking action]

[You use the invisibility ring to get behind the strongest enemy, you sneak attack and successfully injure him]

[When the other two people came to support, you killed the other party]

[You summoned a bronze-level flame giant to drag down one of the enemies, and then successfully killed the other with many skills and equipment]

[The flame giant severely injured the enemy, you can choose after catching him...]

[1. Interrogation on the spot, patrol team is coming here]

[2. Caught into the house for interrogation, and used his status as a noble to make the patrolling soldiers back away]

[3. Follow the patrol soldiers and go to the professional torture room for interrogation]

Chu Yun had the ability to charm and hypnotize and could perform a certain degree of mental torture. There was no need to hand the prisoner over to the soldiers, and he didn't bother to explain to the soldiers.

[You put the body into your personal space, and then take the survivors into the basement of the house. When the patrol arrives, you make up any excuse to send them away]

[You first tortured the survivor, but the other party did not surrender]

[After seriously injuring the opponent, you change into Betty's clothes, and then use the dark night disguise to dress up as a woman]

[You activated the charm technique, and the other person was fascinated by you, and told you everything in a daze]

[The people who are monitoring you are the eldest prince’s subordinates. Since you came into contact with Catherine and Donna, the eldest prince began to investigate you]

[Your behavior at the auction house made the eldest prince hate you even more]

[After discovering that you entered the hotel where Irene was staying, his people sent people to keep an eye on you]

[It was learned from the interrogation that the eldest prince was very moved by Irene’s former identity, and he asked his men to capture Irene and take her back if they had the chance]

[After learning the truth, you feel angry towards the eldest prince, and you decide...]

[1. Dedicate Irene to the eldest prince, so as to join the eldest prince’s camp, and perhaps investigate the situation of the Dragon’s Horn]

[2. After killing the opponent, throw the body outside the prince's mansion and warn him not to provoke you again in the future]

[3. Design to use Irene to lure the eldest prince to a secret place, and then find an opportunity to kill the eldest prince]

Chu Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect that it would be the eldest prince who would cause trouble for him.

Killing the eldest prince is not feasible in the real world. It would bring endless trouble to himself, and it would be difficult for him not to leave any traces.

As for dedicating Irene to the eldest prince.

Judging from the previous simulation, the eldest prince just had a temporary interest. After playing with it, he killed Irene and threw her body on the street.

It is not reliable at all to gain the trust of the eldest prince and investigate the Dragon Horn in this way.

But Chu Yun was simulating now, and he could boldly threaten the eldest prince and ask for the secrets related to the Dragon's Horn.

[You are planning to trap and kill the eldest prince, and take the opportunity to ask about the relevant secrets]

[You ask as many details as possible about the contact information between the prisoner and the eldest prince, and then you capture the other person’s face]

[You told Irene your plan, Irene felt it was very dangerous, but decided to help you anyway]

[You took Irene to meet the eldest prince under a disguised identity. The eldest prince was very happy and asked you to watch the battle. You choose...]

[1. They broke out on the spot, took the prince hostage and asked about the situation of the Dragon Horn]

[2. Wait for the opportunity, find the right opportunity and cooperate with Irene to defeat the prince]

[3. Wait silently, he should be able to succeed after the battle is over when his physical strength is exhausted]

The eldest prince had a lot of equipment on his body. If he attacked rashly, he would only be killed by the opponent. Chu Yun chose to wait for time.

[Soon, the great prince will only have the space ring equipment left on him. You choose...]

[1. To launch an attack, now is the right time]

[2. Wait for the opportunity, now is not the time]

[3. Watching the battle silently, it seems very interesting]

Chu Yun didn't want to wait any longer and watch the prince's ugly figure, nor did he want Irene to be humiliated.

[You launched a sneak attack, and the eldest prince’s arm with the space ring was cut off directly by you]

[Before the eldest prince screamed, you blocked his mouth, and you and Irene began to torture him to extract a confession]

[The eldest prince couldn't stand the forced confession, so he quickly told everything he knew]

[The Dragon's Horn is the secret treasure of the Queen's family, and the previous attack on the Elf Forest was also the Queen's family's plan]

[After the Elf Forest was damaged, the queen married the king and replaced Catherine's mother as the new queen]

[The Dragon's Horn will lose its effect after being used 5 times. The Dragon Clan will no longer serve the Queen's family after completing the contract. It has been used 3 times so far]

[The key to the Dragon's Horn is kept by the queen's family elders and the clan leader, and only the clan leader knows where it is hidden]

[After getting the information you want, you kill the eldest prince and then take his appearance and clothes]

[You pretend to leave as the eldest prince, and then find an opportunity to change back to your original appearance]

[The next day, news of the disappearance of the eldest prince spread]

[The Royal Knights quickly found out about you. Although there is no evidence, they still require you to undergo mental hypnosis questioning]

[Your mental power has resisted the other party’s hypnosis, but this range of behavior makes the other party more suspicious of you]

[Irene was found and she and Betty were hypnotized together. Your crime of killing the king is unforgivable]

[You are caught and killed]

[End of simulation]

[You have already expected this ending, but fortunately you got a lot of information]

[Comprehensive score: 15 points]

[Acquire 15 points of simulation experience and 15+4 points of simulation points]

[Please select the reward that needs to be redeemed into the real world (remaining 48 points)]

[1. Silencer bracelet, 5 points]

[2. Own level +1, 10 points]

[3. Ancient Demon Essence Blood X1 drop, 100 points]

Chu Yun exchanged for level 4, so that his mental power could finally reach the level of 46+5 points.

This means that he can start using the magic sword for a short time without being backlashed by the magic sword!

This way, he will have more choices, whether in the real world or in a simulation.

For example, when facing Demon Chris, he can directly kill him.

For example, when surrounded by the Royal Knights, he can break out and leave.

Then he exchanged it for a silencer bracelet. With this piece of equipment, he could quietly kill the enemies one by one without causing too much noise.

【Silence Bracelet】

Rank: Bronze

Effect: After activation, it can isolate sounds within a radius of 10 meters for 30 seconds.

Note: The principle of noise reduction is to create an invisible soundproof barrier within a 10-meter radius boundary. Please do not leave the range.

Chu Yun's consciousness returned to the real world.

Facing the surveillance of the eldest prince, Chu Yun decided to kill the chicken first to scare the monkeys.

After he simulates the perfect method of stealing the Dragon's Horn, it won't be too late to cooperate with Catherine to kill the other party.

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