Kane first spread the news that Chu Yun had taken Irene in, and sent people to spread the news that it was Chu Yun who maliciously killed Prince Kane first.

In this way, he would have a legitimate reason to deal with Chu Yun later.

As for the evidence, after catching Chu Yun, wouldn’t it be enough to just forge some evidence?

He has done this kind of thing many times and is already familiar with it.

Chu Yun on the other side was still sleeping soundly. Betty, who had returned from shopping for groceries, hurriedly woke him up.

"Master, something serious has happened!"

Chu Yun yawned: "What's wrong?"

"When I was buying groceries just now, many people were spreading rumors that you killed Prince Kane's people."

"And...and...she also harbors heretics expelled by the Holy Light Church."

Chu Yun waved his hand and said, "I know, is breakfast ready?"

Betty saw Chu Yun's calm look, and her mood gradually calmed down.

"Not yet, I'll do it right away."

Watching Betty's leaving figure, Chu Yun stretched and then got up.

He had already guessed that there would be such a result last night, but he was not worried because he had to do something big today.

The demon stronghold outside the Holy City is very important information.

In recent days, the Holy City has been continuously invaded by demons, and more and more people have disappeared.

If the stronghold can be wiped out, it will be a great achievement.

Chu Yun now has three choices. One is to find Mavis and the Archbishop and use the power of the church to clear out the stronghold.

Or he can find Catherine. Now that Catherine has a certain number of soldiers in her hands, it is also possible to clear out the demon stronghold before heading to the border.

The third method is for Chu Yun to form a team of demon hunters or hire mercenaries to clear out the stronghold, but this method is too risky and the gain outweighs the gain.

Considering that he was taking in Irene and that Catherine's favorability was already very high, he decided to seek help from the church.

The church is a force that Catherine and Prince Kane both strive for. With the support of the church, Prince Kane should not dare to attack him.

After enjoying a delicious breakfast, Chu Yun took a car to the church alone and then started the simulation.

[The simulation is about to start, please select your initial exchange option (3 points remaining, 4/8 times)]

[1. Range detection skill level +1, 10 points]

[2. Holy Fire Level +1, 10 points]

[3. Monster Taming Level +1, 10 points]

【4. Free simulation, 20 points】

The simulation rewards this time are very unified, and they are all skills that have been learned before.

[When you come outside the church, how do you decide to clear out the Demon Cave? 】

[1. Seek help from Archbishop Anthony and ask him to send people to go with you to clear out the Demon Cave]

[2. Seek help from Mavis and let her go alone with you to eliminate monsters]

[3. Seek the help of the Holy Knights and let them follow you to clear the Demon Cave]

Mabius's strength is enough to complete the clearing, but I'm afraid it won't bring much reward or help to Chu Yun afterwards.

[You find Archbishop Anthony, he is a little surprised by your arrival]

[Tell the archbishop that you have found the stronghold of the demon advance force, and inform the other party of the number and strength of the enemies inside]

[Archbishop Anthony takes this very seriously and he doesn’t think you would deceive him on such a matter]

[Anthony decided to send troops to go with you to eliminate the demon heretics. Do you think it should...]

[1. Send a small number of elites there to prevent the news from leaking]

[2. Send a large number of people there, leave the city for other reasons and quickly go to the stronghold]

[3. Send a large number of people there, disperse and leave the Holy City, gather outside the city, and then act together]

There are many demons and traitors in the Holy City, and too much movement can easily arouse the other party's vigilance.

[You propose to send a small number of elites there. Archbishop Anthony agrees with your proposal, but he did not tell him because of his poor relationship with Mavis]

[Archbishop Anthony brings his trustworthy people, disguises himself and leaves the Holy City with you]

[You arrive outside the winery. Archbishop Anthony releases a Holy Light Barrier to surround the winery. Then the two sides start a fierce battle. You choose...]

[1. Participate in the battle and kill members of the demon clan]

[2. Watch the battle quietly and treat friendly forces appropriately]

[3. Rebellion on the spot, took out the magic sword and joined hands with the demons to kill the archbishop]

Chu Yun really wanted to try the third option, but now his purpose was to see how it would develop in the future, so he chose the first option.

[You join the battle, you understand the strength of these enemies, so you hunt carefully]

[The battle ended soon. You treated everyone. Everyone gained a lot and rescued a large number of captured humans, including many nobles.]

[Archbishop Anthony and others changed their clothes and returned in triumph. Church members who had received the news in advance were ready to welcome them]

[When you arrive outside the city gate, a large group of people are waiting for the hero to return at the city gate]

[Mavis was a little dissatisfied that you didn’t tell her the news, but she didn’t care too much]

[Anthony brought the demon captives and corpses to the square, and the rescued humans were grateful and tortured the demons in retaliation]

[The church burned the demons to death, Anthony wants to make your achievements public, you have become a hero in the hearts of everyone, and Prince Kane dare not touch you for the time being]

[After the incident is over, you return home and Mavis comes to visit]

[She warns you that you may have been targeted by demons, you decide...]

[1. Temporarily live in the church to avoid revenge from the demons]

[2. Live at home and wait for the demons to come and then fight back]

[3. Hire a guard and let the guard be responsible for your safety]

Antony's publicity of his exploits, although it would enhance his reputation, was undoubtedly a dangerous thing.

[You decided to see what the demons could do. You ignored Mavis’ reminder and continued to live at home as before]

[Five days later at night, the chocobo screams, and a silver-level demon comes to attack you]

[You summoned the flame giant and defeated the opponent by various means, you didn't even use the magic sword]

[The opponent escaped after being seriously injured]

[In the next period of time, people from the demon camp will not harass you again]

[End of simulation]

[They have underestimated your strength. They do not have the high-end power to retaliate against you for the time being, and they probably won’t have time to pay attention to you after the demon invasion begins.]

[Comprehensive score: 22 points]

[Earn 22 simulation experience points and 22+4 simulation points]

[Please select the reward that needs to be redeemed into the real world (remaining 29 points)]

Chu Yun exchanged two levels of sacred fire. This skill is very effective against demons, and it can also have a superimposed and enhanced effect when combined with flame enchantment.

After this simulation, Chu Yun made a decision in his heart.

He entered the church, came outside Anna's residence, and knocked on the door.

"Are you there?"

"Anna, it's me."

There was a sound of falling in the room, and then Anna opened the door in surprise.

"Chu Yun!"

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