Simulated A Million Times, The Brave Man Transformed Into A Demon!

Chapter 81: A Common Man Is Guilty Of Having A Jade In His Possession

[You have solved Catherine's major problem. You are waiting for Catherine's return. You have decided...]

[1. Leave the Holy City in person, meet up with Catherine, and dedicate the Dragon's Horn to Catherine]

[2. Leave the Holy City in person, meet up with Catherine, and tell Catherine about the fact that you captured the Dragon Horn]

[3. Wait for Catherine to return and consider taking action when she is in danger]

Chu Yun's purpose for each simulation was different, and his choices were based on his purpose.

Sometimes it is to search for information, sometimes it is to exchange for needed things or to formulate feasible plans.

He mainly wanted to see how Catherine would treat him after she succeeded in this simulation, so he needed to choose a more feasible solution in the real world.

The first option was eliminated first. Chu Yun had no intention of doing such a stupid thing.

[You left the Holy City, found Catherine in advance, and informed her about the Dragon Horn]

[You suggest that Catherine start recruiting as many rebels as possible to strengthen her own strength to rebel]

[Catherine wants to see the Dragon's Horn to confirm the authenticity of your words, you decide...]

[1. Give the genuine Dragon Horn to the other party for inspection]

[2. Give the fake dragon horn to the other party for inspection]

[3. Refuse to hand it over to the other party for inspection, believe it or not]

If Chu Yun wants to get his pension, he naturally needs to let Catherine know his contribution. Chu Yun wants to try to see if this fake dragon horn can hide it from others.

[You gave the fake Dragon Horn to Catherine for inspection, and Catherine called Donna for confirmation]

[Donna blew the horn and confirmed that the dragon's horn was the sound she heard when the Elf Forest was attacked decades ago]

[Catherine hopes that you can temporarily lend her the Dragon Horn to prevent accidents, and then return it to you after the incident is over. You decide...]

[1. Trust Catherine and lend her the real Dragon Horn]

[2. Take back the dragon horn and say that you will act with her]

[3. You don’t believe Catherine, but this is just a fake, so there’s no harm in leaving it with her]

Chu Yun understood Catherine's concerns. The dragon attacking the Elf Forest was too powerful and could change the possible war that would follow.

[You don’t believe Catherine, but leaving the fake in her hands is no big deal]

[Catherine is very satisfied with your behavior. He hopes that you can stay in the team and continue to advise her]

[You choose to stay. Before arriving in the royal capital, Catherine asked Donna to go to the Elf Forest to recruit the Avengers. With the dragon horn, she will prove that the other party will help Catherine usurp the throne]

[While waiting for the Elf Legion, you suggested that Catherine go to Palavon and recruit the noble legions along the way in the name of countering the Naga Siren]

[Catherine followed your advice, and the nobles along the way joined in under Catherine's coercion and inducement]

[The high-end combat power of the elves joins Catherine's army, and the army marches towards the royal capital]

[The officer responsible for guarding the city gate was Catherine's man, and the army easily entered the royal capital and surrounded the palace]

[Catherine doesn’t want to cause too many casualties. She consults your opinion. You propose...]

[1. Now we need to show the power of the new king and enter the palace directly, so as to intimidate other nobles and make them more obedient in the future]

[2. Use the dragon's horn to threaten the king, and make the other party voluntarily abdicate and maybe have a good old age]

[3. It is proposed to use the dragon's horn to launch a war, which can at least reduce one's own casualties]

Chu Yun thought for a while and chose the second option.

[Catherine thought this was a good idea, and she took out the dragon's horn to persuade everyone in the palace to surrender]

[The queen and king were shocked when they saw the horn, and the king seemed to know about the dragon horn]

[Facing the threat of the dragon, the king used special props to ask for help from the Goddess of Holy Light]

[Although the Goddess of Holy Light has been cared for by the kingdom's policy for a long time, the dragon hurt the followers of her best friend "The Elf Goddess"]

[The Goddess of Holy Light refused to send church personnel to participate in the war on the grounds that this was an internal matter within the royal family]

[After learning that the elves sent experts to help, and the threat of the dragon's horn, the king and queen, knowing that there was no hope of victory, decided to surrender and give up their throne after discussion]

[But the king made a request. He asked Catherine to hand over Chu Yun who stole the Dragon Horn to them, otherwise he would fight to the death with massive magic scrolls]

[Catherine refused the king's request. Doing so would lose her prestige in front of her subordinates]

[The king did not fight to the end, he chose to surrender and survive]

The king actually did not like the queen, but preferred the "young" and beautiful Catherine's mother.

In the process of seizing the throne, the king relied on the power of the queen's family. After success, the power in his hands was continuously eroded.

By handing the throne to Catherine, his life would be no worse than it was now.

[The accompanying elven masters asked Catherine to destroy the queen's family in order to avenge the elves]

[Katherine was worried, and she asked your opinion again. What do you think...]

[1. The queen’s family should be eradicated so that we can get more help from the elves in subsequent wars]

[2. Just kill the queen and other high-level officials. Killing them all would be too involved and would cause internal turmoil in the kingdom. Now is not a good time]

[3. Pardon the queen’s family and allow them to surrender and pay compensation to the elves. Without the dragon’s horn, they cannot make waves]

[Do you think it is safest to eliminate the evil and eradicate it by eradicating the root?]

[Catherine did not agree with your plan. She only captured the core members of the queen’s family and executed them in public]

[The elves reluctantly accepted this result, but later rejected Catherine's proposal to establish a defense community to resist the invasion of demons]

[Catherine's throne gradually stabilized, and you received the title of earl and a reward of 100,000 gold coins, but the other party did not return the Dragon Horn]

[Catherine found you, she hopes to buy the Dragon Horn, you decide...]

[1. Refuse the other party’s request and ask the other party to return it immediately]

[2. Accept the other party’s request and leave after getting the money]

[3. Tell Catherine that the Dragon's Horn requires the direct blood of the Kane family to activate, and it is useless for her to hold it now]

Chu Yun had expected that Catherine wanted to get the Dragon Horn, but what he wanted to know was what would happen to the other party if he refused.

[You rejected Princess Catherine's request. Princess Catherine refused to return it on the grounds that it was contraband to the kingdom, and asked the men lurking nearby to capture you]

[You had no time to summon the dragon, so you activated the magic sword to defeat the guards and Princess Catherine, and then activated the teleportation ring to capture Princess Catherine into the empty room bound by the teleportation ring]

[Facing Princess Catherine who betrayed you, you decide...]

【1. Conquer the other person and make her your woman】

[2. Kill the other party, this is the ending she deserves]

[3. Let the other party go and threaten the other party with the dragon's horn so that she will not cause trouble to you again]

"This woman is really not worthy of trust." Chu Yun sneered and chose the first option.

[You try to conquer Princess Catherine]

[During the battle, you became a eunuch, and then the princess killed you]

[End of simulation]


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