After Chu Yun finished purchasing the supplies, he bid farewell to Irene and Betty. He rode on his chocobo and left the royal capital alone.

He already knew where Catherine was from the previous simulations, which saved him the time of searching along the way.

At his own pace, he would only need to travel a day and a night to meet her.

On the way forward, Chu Yun was thinking about a more stable plan while learning the new skills and mastery, and was full of praise for the contents.

At noon the next day, he finally came to the vicinity of Catherine's army.

At this time, the team was resting for a meal. When Chu Yun appeared, the soldiers immediately surrounded him.

"Who is it? Why are they here?" The soldier looked at Chu Yun warily and asked.

Chu Yun took out his noble badge and said: "I am Chu Yun, Baron of the Kingdom. I have important information to report to the princess."

After hearing Chu Yun's self-report, the soldiers sent one person to report.

About five minutes later, Donna came to greet Chu Yun in person.

"Chu Yun, why are you here?" Donna asked in surprise.

Chu Yun followed Donna towards where Princess Catherine was. He explained: "Something happened in the royal capital. I think it is very important to Princess Catherine. She may not know it yet."

Chu Yun came to find Princess Catherine in person, intending not to tell her about getting the Dragon Horn.

His intelligence ability has long been recognized by Princess Catherine, and now it is logical to know that the Dragon Horn of the Cade family has been stolen.

Donna brought Chu Yun to Princess Catherine, who had just finished a simple lunch.

Seeing Chu Yun arriving, he eagerly greeted him.

Before he left, the information Chu Yun gave her through Donna was very useful, allowing her to recruit the help of the elves, and at the same time, she also used the secret information to conquer some important generals in the army.

It's a pity that the threat of the Dragon's Horn has prevented her from thinking about a solution yet, but now that she knows about it, there is still hope of success no matter what method she uses.

"Chu Yun, the soldier said you have important information? What happened in the capital?"

Catherine also had an intelligence network in the royal capital, and they continued to deliver news to her while she was away.

If something big happened in the capital, she should know about it.

Chu Yun came here from the royal capital. The incident may have happened for a day or two, but she has not received relevant news yet.

"Something happened to the Queen's family, and many clan experts and guards are searching everywhere."

The search of the queen's family was actually carried out secretly, and mainly targeted members of the family. Therefore, although the princess' intelligence personnel noticed some abnormalities, they only saw the surface.

"It is said that the priceless high-quality magic core is lost?" Princess Catherine asked doubtfully.

This was false news she got from intelligence agents, and such an incident did not deserve her attention.

Chu Yun shook his head: "This is just false news they released. As far as I know, what they lost was the Dragon's Horn."

"What!" Catherine was shocked.

Fortunately, there were no outsiders around at this time, only Donna and her maid were there.

"Are you telling the truth?" Catherine's eyes showed a hint of fanaticism.

If the opponent really loses his horn, this will be her best chance.

"As far as I know, it should be true." Chu Yun said with great certainty.

Although Princess Catherine believed in Chu Yun's intelligence capabilities, she did not have absolute trust in Chu Yun himself.

This information is of great importance and may even affect her fate. She must treat it with more caution.

"Chu Yun, can you tell me the source of your intelligence? How did you know what happened to the Cade family?" Princess Catherine asked solemnly.

"If the information is true, I will give you the maximum reward after the matter is over!"

Chu Yun smiled calmly: "I am a believer of the goddess, and the goddess attaches great importance to this war between gods and demons."

"His Majesty the King is old and his power has always been controlled by the Queen. The goddess does not like incompetent men, let alone a queen who secretly believes in the Dragon God."

Chu Yun nodded, and Catherine immediately figured out all the details.

"I see, then what do you think I should do now?" Although Catherine was asking Chu Yun, what she actually wanted to know was the goddess's thoughts.

She didn't think Chu Yun dared to joke in the name of the goddess. This was a very serious matter for a priest, especially a silver-level priest.

"Your Highness, Princess, must have heard about the attack on Palavon by the Naga sea monster, right?" Chu Yun asked.

Princess Catherine nodded slightly: "Yes, the space cracks that appear on the seabed are the most difficult to deal with, but there are also intelligent life in the deep sea, and they will also work with humans to resist the invasion of the devil."

The mermaids have their own civilization, and the legendary underwater city of Atlantis is their origin.

In the ancient city of R'lyeh in the deep sea dreamland, there is sleeping the old ruler who is powerful enough to compete with the demon gods.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess can go to the coast in the name of rescuing refugees. Along the way, you can ask nobles to join your expedition team and bring them back to the royal capital together."

The Naga Siren clan is very cunning. They will definitely not confront the princess's army head-on, and the princess's purpose is not to defeat them.

As long as the refugees are gathered together, then they can legitimately lead a large army back to the royal capital.

In the previous simulations, the plan went smoothly, and there should be no problems in executing it now.

"However, the team lacks gold-level experts. If possible, it is best to seek help from the elves."

"As long as the elves agree to kill all the queen's clan, they will be very willing to cooperate." Chu Yun looked at Donna and said.

Donna nodded and said: "As long as the Dragon's Horn thing is true, the Elf Forest will never give up revenge."

Catherine looked at Donna: "Donna, during this time, I also asked people to conduct an investigation. Cade's ancestor was a dragon knight."

"Although their family's inheritance has been interrupted, that dragon is probably their ancestor's mount."

The life of dragons is longer than that of elves. It is not a problem to send away more than ten generations of the Cade family.

"I'll go back to the tribe first. It shouldn't be a big problem to bring the masters, but whether or not to join the war may depend on the specific situation." Donna reminded.

The influence of gold-level masters on the war cannot be ignored. If the gap in high-level military force between the two sides is too large, then there is a high possibility that the other side will use decapitation tactics to quickly end the war.

As long as the gap between the two sides is not too big, these gold-level masters will not dare to rush into the enemy's formation.

"Leave it to you. If it succeeds, I will give you a 10% discount on the deal with the elves." Since there was no proof of the Dragon's Horn, Catherine had no choice but to use more bargaining chips.

Donna mounted her unicorn and left in the direction of the Elf Forest, while the army changed its route after resting in the name of supporting the border city.

Chu Yun also became the garrison chaplain and military advisor at the invitation of Princess Catherine.

As long as Catherine doesn't know that she possesses the Dragon's Horn, maybe they can still live in harmony.

And if he could find an opportunity along the way, Chu Yun wouldn't mind taking the opportunity to attack Catherine.

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