[You came outside the city and looked at the smiling soldiers who opened the door for Princess Catherine, with a somewhat complicated mood]

[Princess Catherine’s army entered the city. The king realized that something was wrong and had begun to blockade the palace for defense and asked Catherine to stop advancing and take the soldiers outside the city]

[Catherine is already your puppet, she will implement any choice you make, you decide...]

[1. Put down the butcher knife and end this farce]

[2. Kill them all, kill all the members of the royal family and the queen’s family]

[3. Focus on persuading surrender and try to reduce internal friction]

Now that you have decided to take this path, there is no need to be merciful.

[You decide to kill all possible dangers in the future]

[Catherine was a little intolerant, but she used your order as an excuse to convince herself that she should do this]

[The battle broke out completely, and the king asked the goddess for help. The goddess found nothing unusual and refused to take action on the grounds that this was a royal civil war, but it did not prevent believers from participating in the war in their own name]

[The king asked Anthony for help, and Anthony and Mavis joined Catherine's team to attack the king]

[After the battle, Catherine handed over the queen's family to the elves for execution, killing all the people in the royal family who might seize her throne, leaving only her younger brother, the third prince]

[Katherine begs you to let the third prince go, you decide...]

[1. Let the third prince go and let the elves take him back to the Elf Forest]

[2. Let the third prince go and put him under house arrest in the palace]

[3. Kill the third prince and make her dehumanize and become your tool]

The third prince is Catherine's biological brother. He is still young and does not pose a threat, but he does not rule out being taken advantage of by someone with serious intentions.

[You agreed to Catherine's request, but the third prince must stay in the palace]

[After a few days, the situation gradually stabilized, and Catherine found you]

[She wants to marry you, give up the throne to you, and hopes you can terminate the contract. You decide...]

[1. Agree with this proposal and become the king of the Crescent Kingdom]

[2. Reject this proposal and ask her to give up the throne to you]

[3. Reject this proposal, sweep away all the wealth in the kingdom, and then leave with her]

Chu Yun was not very satisfied with any of the three options, so Chu Yun refreshed the first option.

[Option 1 has been refreshed]

[1. You agreed with this proposal, but you did not agree to her termination of the contract]

[Catherine is under the control of the contract and can only obey your orders]

[Catherine announced to the people that she was marrying you, and the wedding was held as scheduled three days later]

[On the second day after the wedding, Catherine gave up the throne to you, and the king and nobles objected.]

[Catherine did not hold a parliamentary vote and insisted on making you the new king]

[Soon after, the major nobles of the Crescent Kingdom declared independence one after another, and some nobles even directly defected to the Kingdom of Rhine]

[The Kingdom of Rhine took this opportunity to launch a war, and the new leader of the Naga Siren also attacked coastal cities again]

[There is chaos within the kingdom, and the goblins and ogres and other legions who have taken refuge in the demons also take the opportunity to attack]

[A month later, the royal capital was surrounded by the Rhine Kingdom army]

[You summoned a giant dragon to repel the Rhine Kingdom army, but soon more enemies attacked]

[You were unable to resist and wanted to use the teleportation ring to escape with Catherine, but you were still hunted down by the enemy]

[The prince of the Rhine Kingdom wanted to humiliate Catherine in front of you, so you activated the contract to kill Catherine]

[The angry prince will control you and throw you to the sows. You will be worse than dead]

[In an accident, you died]

[End of simulation]

[This is probably not the result you want. You should just give it up. You deserve to die]

[Comprehensive score: 14 points]

[Earn 14 simulation experience points and 14+4 simulation points]

Although the simulation failed, fortunately, Chu Yun had obtained the answer he wanted, and the props he exchanged were of no use for the time being.

While Chu Yun was thinking, the team had arrived outside the palace.

The scene he had experienced many times in the simulation finally appeared in front of him.

On the palace wall, His Majesty the King was talking to the Queen with a look of horror on his face.

He knew that the Queen's family had the Dragon's Horn, but he just found out that they actually lost the Dragon's Horn!

The king, who originally planned to teach Catherine a lesson, finally got tough and slapped the queen on the face.

The queen who felt wronged also burst into tears at this time. She knew that she was the one Catherine wanted to deal with the most.

"Catherine, my dear daughter, I have always felt that you are the best heir to the throne."

"Stop it, I will give you the throne tomorrow." The king said with a bitter look on his face.

Catherine naturally did not believe the king's lies, and she waved her hand to signal the army to start attacking.

The king hurriedly took out the statue of the goddess from the ring and prayed. A huge beam of light penetrated into the sky, and the shadow of the goddess appeared in front of everyone.

Soldiers on both sides stopped fighting out of reverence for the gods.

The goddess was a little dissatisfied, as it seemed to disturb her from doing other things.

The king hurriedly knelt down and informed the other party of the situation.

After listening, the goddess glanced at Catherine and the battle situation. She had heard about Catherine from Anthony's daily reports.

According to Anthony, if Catherine becomes queen, the Crescent Kingdom will be able to increase its faith value gain by at least 30%.

"This is an internal dispute within your royal family. According to the agreement between the gods, I will not interfere."

"But I don't prohibit believers from participating in it."

After saying that, the saintly goddess disappeared, and the king was overjoyed.

"Did you hear that? Come on, Anthony, bring your people to support me!"

However, he was not happy for a long time when he found Anthony appearing from Catherine's side.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, the believers like Princess Catherine more."

The king fell into despair. He looked at Catherine and forced a smile: "My dear, I surrender, and I will give the throne to you immediately."

"As long as you give me a castle, guarantee my safety, and let me live out my old age, I will surrender immediately." The king chose to surrender directly, regardless of the soldiers who were still fighting for him.

Catherine's face was expressionless, and she looked to Chu Yun to ask for his opinion.

“Cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows, don’t let any of them go.”

Catherine signaled everyone to continue the attack, but she did not kill all the soldiers who dropped their weapons and surrendered.

As more and more soldiers surrendered, the king began to flee. He asked those masters to protect him and leave the palace. There might be a chance to make a comeback in the future.

Unfortunately, Catherine's side had the help of a gold-level master from the elves. The king was caught before he could escape from the palace, and the war ended prematurely.

Chu Yun did not participate in the next chores.

He was thinking about future plans.

Judging from the last simulation, something is wrong with the Rhine Kingdom.

During the war, many abnormally strong men appeared in the Rhine Kingdom. The Goblins and Ogres in the southern wilderness area and the Naga Siren in the east seemed to be cooperating with the rhythm of the Rhine Kingdom's war.

When Chu Yun summoned the giant dragon to fight, he even noticed that the corpses of these powerful men after death were very strange.

Chu Yun did not want to give up the status and power he had finally gained in the Crescent Kingdom. In the future, the Crescent Kingdom was likely to have a war with the Rhine Kingdom.

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