Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 12 Non-Stop Phone Calls

Ye Zhou never imagined that the talent purchased in the simulator would actually be inherited into the real world!

Obviously, this talent has been weakened in reality. It no longer intuitively presents the distribution of the force network of a certain structure as in the simulator, but still prompts the stress concentration in a way similar to intuition. point location.

Just like this, it is already outrageously strong.

However, Ye Zhou is not a civil engineering major, and he actually doesn't know what this ability can be used for.

Construction inspector? Supervision? Or the foreman of the demolition team?

He shook his head, forcibly resisting the urge to knock on his bed, put on his clothes and walked to the bathroom.

It was only then that Ye Zhou realized that knowing too much was not necessarily a good thing.

There are places he wants to knock on the sink, there are places he wants to knock on the mirror, and even the toilet he wants to kick with his feet. He finally picked a small chair in the dining room.

With just a slight break, the usually sturdy four-legged chair fell into a pile, which made Ye Zhou feel a strange sense of destruction.

Sure enough, the essence of human beings is Huskies, and there is no difference between humans and dogs when it comes to the joy of demolishing a home.

After struggling until midnight, Ye Zhou finally got used to this kind of life that made him have the urge to tear down his home everywhere. He lay on the bed with his eyes closed, recalling that this day was far more exciting than the sum of the past 22 years.

Sometimes life is like this. Before you know it, you will always embark on a road you never imagined. The road is so turbulent that you can't get it back once you go. At the beginning of that day, you just ate a A simple bowl of egg noodles, just watched a sunrise that is no different from the past 6,000 days.

When he was about to sink into the dream, the phone on the bedside suddenly rang suddenly.

Ye Zhou grabbed the phone in a daze, and after connecting, a familiar voice came from the opposite side.

"Hello, Ye Zhou? Are you asleep?"

"Uh... just lying down, are you... President Lu?"

"Don't call the president, just call Brother Xu. The company's decision has been made, and your plan has been approved. In addition, the company will first pay you a dp----an advance payment, the amount is relatively large and cannot arrive immediately. The account, but it is estimated that within the past two days, you should pay attention to check it."

"Good good!"

Ye Zhou suddenly woke up, feeling both excited and puzzled.

The excitement is that the money will be available soon, and the doubt is that the money will be sent in the evening. I have never seen this battle before.

After a pause, he said politely:

"It's hard work, Brother Xu, please let me know this evening..."

"It's alright, we just finished the meeting, and we are preparing to issue a mission. I'll tell you about the follow-up arrangements. Tomorrow is Saturday, we won't arrange for you to come over to sign the contract, and you will come back on Monday. , then there will be someone to communicate with you about the plan, if you are worried, you can also contact us to arrange a third-party lawyer consultation."

"Remember not to mention any news about Yinglong eda to anyone, which has been set as top secret information within the company."

"In addition, after this call, people will continue to call you. If you take it hard, stay up late today - it may be all night."

Ye Zhou felt a sigh in his heart. For the first time, he intuitively felt the working style of Huaji Company.

Although Huaji is rumored to be like a sweatshop, it is undeniable that when he looks at this style from the perspective of customers, he is actually very happy.

Who can say no to a company that sees a product the same day and chases you to pay you the same day?

Who can say no to a company that offers third-party legal advice for free?

Hua Kee is indeed the ultimate in customer service.

And the so-called wolf culture is probably also a strategy of last resort under the competition of the bayonet.

This strategy should gradually disappear after the launch of Yinglong eda and the subsequent sub-nanometer wafer manufacturing process.

The reason for this can be summed up in just one sentence.

Offensive and defensive change, the bandits can go, and I can go too.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zhou was no longer sleepy at all. At this time, he remembered that he forgot to ask the specific amount of the advance payment on the phone just now, but even Lu Xu said something like "the amount is relatively large", then The description is definitely not small.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Looking at the empty cup on the side, he tapped the handle of the cup with a spoon. As expected, the originally sturdy mug shattered into slag. .

Just as he moaned and collected the debris, the phone rang again.

"Hello, hello?"

"Hello, Ye Zhou, right? I'm here from the Shencheng State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission..."

The identity of the caller was so high that Ye Zhou was taken aback. The other party said a lot of words of encouragement, and finally re-emphasized the principle of confidentiality. After Ye Zhou repeatedly assured him, the other party politely hung up the phone.

The next person who called was the principal of Ye Zhou's alma mater. He chatted with Ye Zhou for ten minutes as a friend and asked him to meet and talk at the school. It is said that the main purpose is to ensure Ye Zhou's mental health.

In the end, still ended the call with a confidential exhortation, hung up less than 5 minutes, and the phone rang again.


On this night, Ye Zhou received a total of no less than 20 calls, all of which were from the senior management of the relevant departments. The sensation caused by Ying Long eda far exceeded his imagination.

But in contrast, this kind of sensation is strictly limited by the special system, and each department calling is out of their own responsibilities, rather than receiving leaked information to win over Ye Zhou .

So the same confidentiality rules, Ye Zhou also listened to it twenty times.

It wasn't until six o'clock in the morning, after the initiator of the last call told him "I'm the last person, you can have a good night's sleep", Ye Zhou threw himself on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

A second before he lost consciousness, things about the wafer manufacturing process were still circling in his mind.

It is impossible to be as public as Yinglong eda.

On the one hand, just being an eda has attracted far more attention than he can bear. It is difficult to say what consequences it will cause if such a big killer as the wafer manufacturing process is disclosed.

On the other hand, the main reason why I chose to disclose Yinglong eda in this way was to obtain direct benefits. Now that the goal has been completed, there is no need to dispel the lack of people.

But what should we do?

Ye Zhou's consciousness gradually fell into darkness, and the big words in the simulator flickered in his mind from time to time.

[The stars are forever, the human race is forever prosperous]

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