Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 120 Security Is Happiness

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Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang (tiandixuanhuang), cosmic flood (yuzhouhonghuang).

The sun and the moon are full of stars (riyueyingze).

Cold and summer travel (hanlaishuwang), autumn harvest and winter storage (qiushoudongg).

Leap Yuchengsui (runyugsui), Lulu Tiaoyang (lulutiaoyang).

Yunteng causes rain (yuntengzhiyu), and dew becomes frost (lujieweishuang).

Jinsheng Lishui (jinshenglishui), jade out of Kungang (yubsp; Kungang).

The sword is called jianhaojuque, and the pearl is called zhugyeguang.

Guozhen Li Ye (guozhenlinai), vegetable heavy mustard ginger (bsp; zhongjiejiang).

The sea is salty and the river is light (haixianhedan), and the scales are hidden in the feathers (linqianyuxiang).

Dragon Master Fire Emperor (longshihuodi), bird official human emperor (niaoguanrenhuang).

The first writing (shizhiwenzi) is the clothes (naifuyig).

Pushing the position to make the country (tuiweirangguo), there is Yutaotang (youyutaotang).

Diaominfazui (diaominfazui), Zhoufayintang (zhoufayintang).

Sitting facing the question (zuochaowendao), hanging the arched flat chapter (chuigongpianzhang). [2]

Aiyuli head (aiyulishou), minister Furongqiang (furongqiang).

xiaeryiti (xiaeryiti), lead guests to return to the king (shuaibinguiwang).

Mingfeng is in Bamboo (mingfengzaizhu), Baiju Food Court (baijushig).

Huabeibsp; mu), Lai and Wanfang (laijiwanfang).

Cover this body hair (gaibsp; shenfa), the four great five permanent (sidawug).

Gongwei Ju Yang (gongweijuyang), how dare you damage (qiganhuishang).

Women admire chastity (numuzhenjie), and men are good-looking (nanxiaobsp; liang).

Knowing mistakes must be corrected (zhiguobigai), must be able not to forget (denengmowang).

Don't talk about his shortness (wangtanbiduan), and be extravagant to one's own longness (mishijig).

The messenger can be covered (xinshikefu), and the desire for tools is difficult to measure (qiyunanliang).

Mobeisiran (mobeisiran), poetry praise lamb (shizangaoyang).

Jingxing Weixian (jingxingweixian), Ke Nian Zuosheng (kenianzuosheng).

Dejian's name is established (dejianmingli), and the shape end is positive (xingduanbiaozheng).

The empty valley transmits the voice (konggusheng), and the empty hall learns to listen (xutangxiting).

Misfortune and evil accumulation (huoyineji), good fortune (fuyuanshanqing).

Chibi is not treasure (bsp; bifeibao), cun Yin is competition (bsp; yinshijing).

Zifu Shijun (zifushijun), said Yan Yujing (yueyanyujing).

Filial piety (xiaodangjieli), loyalty (zhongzejinming).

Lin Shen Lubo (linshenlubo), Suxing Wenshang (suxingwenqing).

Like silansixin, like rusongzhisheng.

The river flows without end (liubuxi), and the Yuancheng reflects (yuangquying).

Rongzhiruosi (rongzhiruosi), stable speech (yanding).

Be honest and beautiful at the beginning (dubsp; gmei), and be careful at the end (shenzhongyiling).

Rongye's foundation (rongyesuoji), the membership is very unfinished (jishenwujing).

Xueyoudengshi (xueyoudengshi), shezhigzheng.

Save Gantang (bsp; yigantang), go and queryiyong.

Music is different from the noble and the lowly (yueshuguijian), and the etiquette is different from the honorable and lowly (libiezunbei).

The upper and lower harmony (shanghexiamu), the husband sings and the wife follows (fugfusui).

He received Fu Xun (waishoufuxun) from outside, and entered into Fengmuyi (rufengmuyi).

Zhuguboshu (zhuguboshu), Youzibier (youzibier).

Konghuai brothers (konghuaixiongdi), the same gas and branch (tongqilianzhi).

Friends vote points (jiaoyoutoufen), cutting rules (qiemozhengui).

Kindness and sympathy (renbsp; yince), zaobsp; fuli.

Jieyiliantui (jieyiliantui), dianpeifeikui (dianpeifeikui).

Sexual tranquility (xingjingqingyi), mental fatigue (xindongshenpi).

Keep the truth full of ambition (shouzhenzhiman), and move by object (zhuwuyiyi).

Adhere to yacao (jianbsp; yacao), and be good at it (haojuezimi).

The capital Huaxia (duyihuaxia), the east and west two capitals (dongxierjing).

Beimangmianluo (beimangmianluo), Fuwei Jujing (fuweijujing).

Palace Panyu (gongdianpanyu), Louguanfeijing (louguanfeijing).

Drawings of animals (tuxieqinshou) and painting of colorful fairy spirits (huabsp; xianling).

Bingshe side opening (bingshepangqi), Jiazhang couplet (jiazhangduiying).

Set up a banquet (siyanshexi), and encourage the trumpet (gusechuisheng).

Ascension Nabi (shengjienabi), bianzhuanyixing (bianzhuanyixing).

Youtongguangnei on the right and zuodagming on the left.

Not only the collection of graves (jijifendian), but also the gathering of heroes (yijuqunying).

Du draft Zhongli (dugaozhongli), lacquer book wall scriptures (qishubijing).

Fuluo Jiangxiang (fuluojiangxiang), Luxia Huaiqing (lujiahuaiqing).

Hufeng eight counties (hufengbaxian), home to Qianbing (jiajiqianbing).

Gaoguan Peinian (gaoguanpeinian), driving hub Zhenying (quguzhenying).

Shilubsp; fu is rich in the world, and the car is fat and light (bsp; jiafeiqing).

Policy Gongmaoshi (bsp; gongmaoshi), Lebeikeming (lebeikeming).

Panxi Yiyin (panxiyiyin), Zuoshieheng (zuoshieheng).

Yanzhai Qufu (yanzhaiqufu), Weidanshuying (weidanshuying).

Huan Gong Kuanghe (huangongkuanghe), helping the weak and leaning (jiruofuqing).

Qi Hui Hanhui (qihuihanhui), said the sense of Wuding (yueganwuding).

Junyimiwu (junyimiwu), Duoshishining.

Jin Chu Gengba (jinbsp; gengba), Zhao Wei trapped horizontal (zhaoweikunheng).

Destroy the Guo (jiatumieguo) on a false journey, and practice the soil union (jiantuhuimeng).

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