Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 125 Corpses Are More Useful Things

Before saying goodbye to He Shuo, Ye Zhou gave him a new task, which is to count the list of people who are in the same situation as him, and then find out their true thoughts.

According to the information Ye Zhou has learned before, in fact, it is not uncommon for He Shuo to have such a situation inside Liming Aviation, especially after the malicious remarks against Feng Fei on the Internet have fermented, such a situation has always intensified in the past few years. the trend of.

So it is said that Yuan Lao made them too full. These keyboard warriors who have no moral bottom line can't do their jobs, and they are really powerful when they go bad.

After sending He Shuo upstairs, Ye Zhou and Chen Hao returned to the car. The work on the first day of arrival was basically completed. The next step was to return to the joint headquarters to rest.

"How is it? What are your thoughts on this today?"

As soon as he got in the car, Chen Hao asked.

"No idea. The economic base determines the superstructure. The reason for the brain drain in the Northeast is essentially because of the decline of various industries, resulting in insufficient demand for talents, and then this lack of demand leads to a new round of decline, a vicious circle. "

"I can't change this status quo, but the sedan chair project can. So, if you can pull one back for the time being, just pull one back."

Chen Hao nodded in relief and said:

"It's definitely not in a hurry, so let's find a way to get things done right. Today is the last day of leisure time. Go out for a small barbecue at night?"

"No, I have something to do tonight."

"...This is the second time you've rejected me. Forget it, I'll go by myself. You can do your own thing when you're busy. Pay attention to your body, don't get overwhelmed before the project starts."

"Will not."

Ye Zhou replied lightly.

According to his own arrangement, he has to go to the simulator again today to try to solve the mystery of the "ugly Chinese who killed indiscriminately". It is definitely impossible to tell Chen Hao about this.

But thinking of the simulated plot, he suddenly realized that Wu Ping might be more sensitive to this matter than himself.

He has been working in a secret position for more than ten years. If you want to guess the enemy's mind, no one Ye Zhou knows is stronger than him.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou spoke directly to Wu Ping.

----It is meaningless to avoid Chen Hao. What I said to Wu Ping will definitely be passed on to the ears of the official high-level officials. It is better to just ask them generously. Anyway, I often ask some extremely nonsensical questions. It's not surprising to ask an agent or something.

"Brother Wu, let me ask you a question. That is, have you ever encountered a situation in your career where your lurking enemy suddenly killed you for no reason?"

Wu Ping was stunned for a moment, and then asked back:

"There are many situations like this. Isn't the lurking enemy just to kill you? Is it possible to say hello to you first?"

Ye Zhou scratched his head, realizing that his question was a little wrong.

He rearranged the language and said:

"Oh, that's not what I'm talking about, what I'm talking about is that it's only useful if you're alive, but the other party kills you without hesitation."

"That means your usefulness has disappeared."

Ye Zhou was speechless.

He carefully recalled the simulated plot, and according to his memory, the engineer named Wang Hai had obviously not reached the time when the value disappeared----no, his existence itself has little value, because he is just a middleman.

The ugly country needs to use him to complete the data transaction with Huaxia. He does not directly control any project resources, and killing the ugly country will not bring any benefits to the ugly country.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou asked:

"Another question, if a person is originally a marginal person, he is not of much value when he is alive, and it is unnecessary to kill, and it will even lead to new problems. In this case, why would you kill this person? "

After listening to Ye Zhou's words, Wu Ping was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said:

"Kill him, is the body still there?"


Ye Zhou looked at Wu Ping's face in the rearview mirror in confusion, and after a few seconds, his heart suddenly trembled.

Gu Que Corpse!

That's right!

This is where he has always felt discordant before!

In fact, his talent as a planner has reminded him of the key points of the problem many times, such as the needle hidden in his hand, and the order of killing Ye Zhou first at the expense of his own people, all of which were once in the simulation. Subconsciously, he paid more attention.

However, because I am not a professional agent, I have ignored these two details several times.

Now that I think about it, I am afraid that the other party really does not want the two people on his side to die, but wants their corpses!

----No, all they want is the corpse of the engineer named Wang Hai.

In the simulated plot, they have never been soft on Ye Zhou. The first thing they do is use a powerful large-caliber anti-equipment sniper rifle, but for Wang Hai, the situation has changed.

They were careful to avoid Wang Hai getting hurt, or rather, preventing him from getting hurt before he died.

what is this?

Borrowing the corpse to bring back the soul and breaking into China?

This is too bullshit.

Ye Zhou looked at Wu Ping and continued to ask:

"The corpse is still there! By the way, what's the use of having a corpse?"

"There are so many uses, for example, it can be used to frame, create panic, use the fingerprints or iris features of the corpse to open doors that could not be opened before, model the face based on the corpse, and then do plastic surgery to create a substitute. .....very many."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou suddenly had a terrible thought in his heart.

Wang Hai and the representative of Chouguo of ge company were in the factory, and they did not carry any confidential documents during the process, and Chouguo did not need to use his iris characteristics to open any doors.

At least in the factory there is no need to open the door.

However, they wanted Wang Hai to die in the factory.

Then there is only one answer, they need Wang Hai's body, but not immediately.

What they have to do is to copy Wang Hai, directly replace him, and enter Huaxia.

When Wang Hai was alive, it was impossible for them to have the opportunity to obtain this information. This step could only be carried out when he left the whole corpse dead.

If successful, it will not only thwart China's "Matrix" project, but also make the so-called "Wang Hai" the most concealed agent in history.

Ye Zhou asked eagerly:

"Is it possible that they could use a dead body to reproduce a person? I mean, a person with the exact same authentication information like fingerprints and irises?"

After thinking for a moment, Wu Ping shook his head and replied:

"Theoretically it is impossible. We do have the technology to read the iris, but to create the structure of the iris and copy it to another mouse that doesn't know where it came from is completely beyond the current level of technology. Well, our department doesn’t have this kind of technology anyway.”

"Are you sure you don't, or you don't know?"

"It's definitely not - not yet, but I feel that there should be in a few decades, because I did hear that there is research in this direction."

That's right.

Ye Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no technology now, there will be technology in the future.

And the time when the simulated plot takes place is decades after the current time!

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