Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 145 Infiltration

Just as Monte thought, the resistance he encountered in Wen Xiao was far less than Tom expected.

Of course, he has not formally proposed to Wen Xiao to let him support Liming Hangfa and obtain information from the inside, but his pre-action has been activated, and the effect has been received.

The most important thing is that the relationship with the woman he put next to Wen Xiao has already progressed.

In the office, Monte faced this woman named Lin Xin and asked:

"Where are you now?"

"Have met twice alone -- or he thought it was a date, I've given him a gift as planned, and he's given me a gift back, and as you say, the value varies greatly."

"He probably didn't realize that the shoes I gave him were couture, and someone needs to wake him up."

Monte nodded and replied:

"I see, I will arrange for a marginal person to do this. Also, you have to maintain your own personality and don't act too urgent, understand?"

"I know. He thinks he's a smart guy, but he's still a novice when it comes to relationships."

"A novice who is just getting started... don't think too simple about him. He doesn't think that he is a smart person. A smart person learns everything quickly, so you must not show any flaws."

Lin Xin smiled sweetly, her innocent face showed a bit of flattery, she looked at Monte with burning eyes, and asked:

"When did I expose it?"

"...Don't put these thoughts on me, stay away from me this time, I need you to get him first, understand?"

"...And after it's done?"

"I'll pay you back when it's done. Now, go do your own thing."

Lin Xin shook her head helplessly, turned and walked out of the office. At the last second when the door was closed, she suddenly turned around and said playfully:

"During this time, you can take a good rest..."

Monte smiled softly and didn't answer.


On the other side, Wen Xiao is packing data files in the laboratory. With the strong support of the Navigator project, his project is progressing surprisingly fast. If he can continue to develop at this speed, then he is likely to develop in just over a month. In a short period of time, it has achieved results that others have been unable to achieve for years.

This kind of achievement made him very happy, but what made him even more satisfied was that he also had a breakthrough in his relationship.

The other party is a salesperson of a peripheral supplier of the Navigator project, whose name is Lin Xin. Because he had several contacts with him about material procurement matters, he added his contact information. After chatting a few times, the two finally broke away from the partner. relationship, became friends outside of work.

Lin Xin admires her identity as a researcher. Every time she chats, she has a lot of questions. Although these questions are very basic, Wen Xiao patiently answers her every time. Xin occasionally goes to check the information by himself.

This made Wen Xiao feel that she was different. She really respected her job, rather than judging herself from secular values.

Today is their third date. Lin Xin asked him to meet at the exhibition hall to see a modern art exhibition.

Wen Xiao deliberately put on the leather shoes she gave him last time, and changed into a more casual suit. After leaving the laboratory, while waiting for the car, he happened to meet a colleague from the group next to him.

The other party saw him at a glance and ran over to greet him warmly.

"Brother Wen! Where are you waiting for the car? Do you want to go out?"

Wen Xiao nodded and replied:

"Yeah, go out to see a solo exhibition with friends and relax."

A look of admiration appeared on the other's face, and he said with some mockery:

"I'm sour... Are you going to meet your girlfriend? You dress so handsomely. I heard that your group has been making good progress recently. Is the result coming soon?"

"How can it be so fast, it will take at least a month or two."

Wen Xiao replied reservedly.

"One or two months! It's awesome, I can't even think about it... The gap between people and people is really big enough, and the workplace is also proud of it. Our group is still clueless, and the resources are not enough. I don’t know when the results will come out.”

"Didn't you apply for resources? I heard that the resources of each team in the Navigator Project are quite sufficient?"

"Yes, compared with domestic projects, it is definitely sufficient, but adequacy is also relative. Some projects that are not so promising have much less resources, such as ours."

"What subject are you working on?"

Wen Xiao asked curiously.

In fact, he is not surprised by this situation. Research is utilitarian. If he hadn't promised to be a technical consultant, the resources he could get for this purely theoretical topic would not be much better than the other party's.

"What we are doing is an intermetallic compound, a γ-phase titanium-aluminum compound. The goal is to resist high temperature and creep, but the progress is very slow, and the application prospects are not broad. Now the mainstream direction is still to engage in the direction of negative thermal expansion. Forget it. , don't talk about this, it's a big day off."

Wen Xiao nodded, skipped this technical topic, and turned to the other party and asked:

"Where are you going? Dates too?"

The latter smiled helplessly and replied:

"Where can I make an appointment? I'll go buy some clothes and a pair of shoes. If I don't have a girlfriend, I can only do it myself. Hey, did you buy these new shoes?"

"Yes, it was given by a friend."

"It was given by a girlfriend----wait, your girlfriend is not an ordinary person."

Hearing the other party's words, Wen Xiao's face showed a somewhat puzzled look, so he asked:

"Why aren't you ordinary people?"

"These shoes are ysl's French haute couture. They cost tens of thousands. I remember that a rich second generation in our group wore a similar pair, but they are definitely not the same style, but they have similar characteristics."

"Real or fake? So expensive?"

Wen Xiao asked in surprise.

In fact, tens of thousands of dollars is not a lot of money for him, but putting such a sum of money on a pair of shoes is indeed more than his usual consumption habits.

It's not that I can't afford it, I just subconsciously feel that I don't need to be so good.

"I'm not too sure. You can ask your girlfriend, there's nothing wrong with that."

Wen Xiao pondered for a moment, then nodded.

More than an hour later, he saw Lin Xin at the entrance of the exhibition hall.

The latter is wearing an off-white windbreaker and stockings on his legs. The tight fit of the top and bottom weakens the frivolous properties of black silk, but instead gives a half-concealed sense of luxury.

During the visit, Lin Xin changed the appearance of the curious baby in front of her, and instead introduced herself to each work from beginning to end, which opened the eyes of Wen Xiao, who did not know much about modern art.

But at the same time, he was also a little puzzled. Where did the other party learn so much art-related knowledge?

Combined with the shoes on his feet, he faintly felt that Lin Xin seemed to be more than a simple salesman.

Thinking of this, he asked:

"Xinxin, I heard from my colleague that the shoes you gave me last time were expensive, right?"

An embarrassed smile appeared on Lin Xin's face.

"It's not too expensive.... Just last time you said you want to buy shoes, I asked a friend to help me bring a pair. I made them according to his size, and they looked quite suitable."

"Okay, don't buy such an expensive gift next time. Your family... is also in business?"

"Well. The company belongs to my family."

Wen Xiao suddenly realized, and then he understood why Lin Xin was just an ordinary salesman, but had so much dominance over the contract.

It was a family business.

This topic was brushed over lightly, but Lin Xin knew that the seed had already been planted.

The identity gap that he deliberately created will take root in Wen Xiao's heart, and slowly, he will involuntarily develop in the direction he needs.

By that time, it's almost time for them to pick the fruit.

And now, for me, the most important short-term goal is to find a way to make him obediently enter the Liming Flight...

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