Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 177: The Painful Memories Of Take-Off

The next day, Ye Zhou resumed his daily work rhythm. He arrived at the factory at 8:00 a.m. every day, read the work report of the previous day in the office, and then set off on time at 10:00 to inspect various workshops. In the afternoon, he concentrated on solving the technologies found in the process. question.

This kind of work rhythm made him feel extremely fulfilled. After he was fully used to it, his work efficiency was greatly improved, and he could even occasionally find time with Tengfei to figure out how to help him chase Wanzhou.

After Ye Zhou introduced Wan Zhou to Tengfei, the two of them have had preliminary communication and understanding, but relatively, it seems that Tengfei is more interested in Wan Zhou, while the latter always points out politely. so far.

On the bench in the small park, Tengfei looked at the phone screen, frowned and said to Ye Zhou:

"Is your little girl reliable? Why do I feel that people don't look down on me at all, and it's just out of your face to keep in touch with me?"

"If it continues like this, I might as well just have a showdown with her. It's embarrassing to keep bothering people like this, and it also delays her work."

Ye Zhou leaned to the side and took a look, as expected by what Tengfei said, most of the messages on the phone were sent by Tengfei to Wan Zhou, and the latter just replied politely.

In fact, Ye Zhou doesn't have much experience in this situation.

It's not that they haven't been in love at all, or that they haven't seriously pursued girls.

He frowned and pondered for a moment, then said:

" find some funny jokes to send to her?"

Tengfei glared at Ye Zhou with hateful eyes, and replied:

"What kind of routine are you doing? Where can today's little girls still eat this set? It depends if the Lezi people won't find it by themselves, do I still need to send it?"

"Then didn't I hear that falling in love means sharing desire?"

"You still know that it's a relationship? Am I dating her now? If she doesn't care about me, and I send her all these things all day long, it's not sharing, it's harassment, do you understand? "

"......don't know."

Tengfei sighed and said helplessly:

"Engineer Ye, you're not stupid. Why do you feel like a primary school student when it comes to relationships? Hey, I said, it's good for you if you don't study psychology."

"You have the advantage of your size. Your theoretical knowledge is so eloquent. I have not seen how good you are in practice."

"That's better than you don't even have a practical object, right?"

Ye Zhou was speechless by him, so he had no choice but to get up and leave.

The topic of discussing Wan Zhou with Tengfei has become his daily leisure and entertainment project, but this project also has a disadvantage, that is, almost every time it ends with his anger and leaving the venue.

No matter what he said, the other party was always just one sentence:

"A man who hasn't even kissed a girl before, what is he doing here?"

Tengfei relies on this sentence because Ye Zhou has occupied an invincible position in several mutual confrontations. If Wan Zhou or Ye Zhou kindly introduced him to him, it is estimated that he could be even more ruthless.

However, a joke was a joke after all. Seeing Ye Zhou seemed to be a little angry, Tengfei quickly chased after him.

"Look at you, how can you say that you are not happy? Actually, falling in love later has the advantage of falling in love later. It is enough to find the right person from the beginning. You are like me, do you know why I haven't been in love for so many years? I was injured too."

"Have you been injured?"

This was the first time Ye Zhou heard Tengfei talk about this topic. The gossip gene in human instinct was instantly activated. He walked back to the bench and sat down again, looked at Tengfei and said:

"Come on, talk about it, let me have a good time too."

"...You are such a real dog Ye Zhou, I can tell you about this, but don't tell my dad."

"Well, I certainly won't say it."

Ye Zhou's expression was serious, but he had already started to invite Mr. Teng Jian out to talk about his son's life events.

After all, the old father should also have the right to know, which is very reasonable.

Tengfei was deceived by Ye Zhou's expression, and after sighing, he sat down on the bench next to him, and was silent for a few seconds before he said:

"Actually, I also had a girlfriend when I was in college."

"She is an international student. She is very beautiful and popular. I was a top student at that time, and she also engaged in many entrepreneurial activities on campus, and attracted investment."

"You know, this is popular in the ugly country."

"Anyway, I'm also a popular figure in the school. After meeting her, the two of us came together very quickly. Every day is like glue. I can't wait to go to the toilet and get tired of being together."

"People around us say that we are talented and beautiful. Even my dad is very satisfied with her, and I have helped me figure out the marriage."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou asked curiously:

"Then why didn't you come together after that?"

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