On March 18, 20xx, the countdown to the engine ground test, 72 hours.

The engine assembly has been completed, and the hoisting is about to begin. At this time, the sedan project team held a simple but important meeting.

At the meeting, a decision was made to declassify the sedan chair project to a limited extent.

The decision to declassify was finally reached after the intelligence working team communicated with the technical team for many times. The factors considered mainly include three points:

The first point is that with the start of the engine test work, the difficulty of keeping secrets has further increased, and no matter how much effort is invested, it is basically impossible to guarantee that the secrets will not be leaked.

The second point is that the engine has been fully assembled. According to the judgment of the decision-making members of the project team and the members of the leading group, the possibility of the results of this project being damaged again has been greatly reduced, and the results have been initially anchored.

Thirdly, the cooperation negotiation with the two countries is in progress, and we need to present some results to promote the negotiation process, so as to form a positive impetus for the follow-up Nantianmen project.

Based on these three points, the project team finally made a partial decryption decision.

The so-called partial decryption is actually the downgrade of the project’s secret level from top secret to decryption. It can reveal part of the text information that does not involve numbers, and can reveal the overall progress of the project, but it is not allowed to spread through pictures, videos, etc.

After the decision was made, the official media released news about the progress of the project on the same day, and the inside of the factory was also declassified. The closed management was not cancelled, but all project participants were informed of the truth of the project through a collective meeting. content.

After this meeting, the inside of the factory fell into a general and wide-ranging atmosphere of joy. After dinner, if you take a walk in the open space in the closed area of ​​the project, you can meet people who are discussing in groups of three or five.

Wang Hu is also a member of this discussion.

After being annoyed by the 500,000 people on the Internet before, his heart was actually full of energy, always thinking about doing more work and taking out what they were doing as soon as possible, maybe he would be able to Those people's faces were swollen.

He is a pure Northeasterner, and he doesn't have a very high culture. If he was asked to say some lofty ideals, aspirations and other words, he couldn't say it, but every time he chatted with his co-workers, he would say:

"Don't care what people outside say about us, you just need to know that what we are doing is definitely a big thing. Do it well, and when it's done, take it out and turn those people around!"

And now, more than half of his idea has been realized.

As soon as the declassification notification meeting for the sedan chair project opened, he ran home and told his wife immediately, and then he opened the door without stopping to find the co-workers who had gathered together and chatted enthusiastically.

At this moment, he was bragging about his foresight, and the expression on his face was full of pride.

"I said what we're doing is a big thing, you still don't believe it! How is it now? The sedan chair project! Do you know what a sedan chair is? It's a sub-project of the Nantianmen project, and it's a big engine!"

"I can't think of it, I can't think of it! I can't imagine that my old king can do such a big thing in this life! Hey, do you know that? I milled all the bearings in the engine! I have inquired about it with Zhao Gong, and that's the key. Parts, we will have electronic signatures in the future!"

"As long as it's time for repairs and maintenance in the future, all have to come to me! Do you know what it means? I'm the first responsible person!"

The workers on the side agreed with him kindly, and one of them said jokingly:

"Pharaoh, don't be too happy. In the future, I will find you for maintenance. If there is a problem, I will also find you. Aren't you afraid?"

Wang Hu boldly waved his hand and replied:

"What's so scary about that! Let me tell you, I can't find a problem in a thousand of the things I milled out, let alone when I do this work, it's fine and fine!"

"Really, if you don't believe me, ask Gong Zhao. He told me before that my work has the lowest tolerance rate!"

"Take 10,000 steps back, even if there is a real problem, you can find me! If it's a big deal, I will repair it! We have to test this engine before it goes to heaven. It is inevitable that tens of thousands of parts will have problems. Rework? As long as I rework, I will never have the same problem again!"

The surrounding workers nodded again and again. In fact, aren't they thinking the same as Wang Hu?

Although they are just ordinary workers, they are self-sufficient in their craftsmanship.

This kind of self-confidence is like a swordsman cherishing his swordsmanship and a literati cherishing his pen style.

Several people chatted for a while, and suddenly someone asked:

"I heard that our test drive is three days later? You say, do we have to... prepare in advance?"

"Of course, you have to prepare in advance! Are you really just watching these three days? I have all the tools and everything ready, and I have practiced my hands. When there is a problem, I will go to it immediately, and don't delay for a minute!"

"Hey, I'm not talking about this kind of preparation... I mean, this is the first time we've worked on such a big project, and it's the first test drive, there's always a bit of luck in it."

"Or... why don't we also burn incense sticks and worship?"

After hearing this, Wang Hu couldn't help but froze for a moment.

He had heard of such ceremonies before, such as smashing champagne before the ship was launched, and the water gate before the plane took off, but the engine test drive?

Is this still burning incense?

Not quite right.

After all, he has been working in Liming Factory for a long time, and he has long been soaked in the concept of materialism based on logic. Although he respects some traditional things, he always feels that something is wrong when it comes to the sedan chair project.

Eight poles can't hit.

He opened his mouth, trying to stop it, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

He hopes too much that the engine he personally participated in building can become famous in battle.

In case, that is, in case, bye bye, can it really be useful?

Even if it's useless, some things seem to be okay, right?

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"I think it's okay to bow down... But, who do we worship? We can't worship Bao Jiaxian like this, right? If Bao Jiaxian can protect this, I will give him three big pig hoofs a day. Give it up!"

After listening to his words, the worker who made this suggestion before smiled and replied:

"What kind of Baojiaxian do you worship... I mean, worship your ancestors."

"What ancestors do you worship?"

"That's too much, what ****, Zhao Shangzhi, Zhao Yiman... Then we will burn incense and paper together, and whoever you remember in your heart should be worshipped."

Wang Hu nodded and responded in silence.

Whoever I remember in my heart is worshipped.

I just hope they can see it too.

Hope they can bless our project and make sure it goes well.


A few hours later, at midnight, a cluster of fires lit up within the project enclosure of the Dawn Factory.

The people from the security department immediately went to check and found that after burning the paper, Wang Hu and his party temporarily detained them and reported it to the intelligence department.

Ye Zhou was in a meeting with Chen Hao and the others in the intelligence office at this time, and just after hearing the news, he directly ordered the security office to release him.

Chen Hao on the side looked at Ye Zhou with great interest, and after the guards left, he asked:

"It's a bit strange for you, a scientific researcher, you are not angry when you see someone practicing feudal superstition in your territory?"

Ye Zhou smiled and shook his head and replied:

"This kind of thing is definitely useless from the point of view of my materialist, but from the perspective of modern psychology, ritual actions like this can indeed bring people Some psychological comfort."

"We have been busy for more than half a year, and the workers are very tired. Suddenly they know what they are doing, and suddenly they know that the project is about to succeed. It is normal to have some fluctuations in their hearts and emotions, and they have to give them a vent. "

"In addition, I don't actually think this is a superstitious activity. Didn't you just listen to the security guard? The people like Wang Hu burn paper not for bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, but for ancestors."

"The paper money burned to the ancestors cannot be regarded as superstition. It can only be said to be a kind of remembrance and respect for the predecessors, the ancestors, and the history. Otherwise, why do we need the Qingming Festival?"

"It's a very simple feeling... In the final analysis, it's just what I hope my ancestors can have."

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