Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 298 Precision Instruments, No Visit

The international military competition has not yet started, but the contest between the two countries seems to have been decided. During the subsequent voyage, the Roosevelt aircraft carrier formation maintained a distance from the 002 formation throughout the whole process, and it was only when the two sides arrived at the port. meet once.

This can be said to be a historic meeting. Before this, the top leaders of the two countries have met and talked countless times, but the commander of the aircraft carrier battle group, which is the core of maritime deterrence, has never met.

Even a one-sided visit can be traced back to that one in 1980.

Just like the generals who fought on horseback in ancient times, they may have heard each other's names, but they often do not meet, because when they meet, they are fighting for life and death.

However, this time is an exception.

After all the ships docked at the port, He Kangmei, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese fleet, and Luo Lin, the commander-in-chief of the Chou Kingdom, met for the first time in the conference room arranged by Xiong University.

The expressions of both sides are calm, but if you observe carefully, you can see that the calm of one of them is not so natural.

The senior representatives of Xiong University reiterated the discipline of the competition and the principles of non-combat, honesty and mutual trust to the personnel of both parties. After both parties clearly expressed their agreement, the meeting officially entered the free discussion session.

The first contact is with the middle and lower-level officers of both sides. Compared with the confrontation of the high-level officers, the middle- and lower-level officers are actually much simpler to get along with.

Soldiers in China have long been stressed about discipline. Those who compete should return to competition, and those who fight should return to fighting. Don't bring the hatred of combat into the game, so as not to appear petty.

As for the ugly country, their soldiers actually don't care at all - anyway, as long as they are not at war, no one can control them.

In this atmosphere of gradual integration, the commanders-in-chief of the two formations finally stood together.

The first person to speak was Luo Lin, who reservedly raised his glass to He Kangmei, and then said:

"Nice to meet you."

Before the translator on the side could translate, he heard He Kangmei reply in not much standard English:

"It's nice to meet you too, how are you?"

"I'm fine, it's a good place, the climate is good, right?"

"It's a little too cold for me - I prefer the southern sea breeze."

Rollin smiled a little embarrassedly, then skipped the topic casually.

"I heard that none of your senior officers like to communicate with people in other countries' languages. You seem to be an exception?"

He Kangmei shook her head and replied with a polite smile as well:

"No, we just don't like being forced to use their language - in general, we are willing to facilitate the other side of communication, which is the demeanor of a great power."

"Yes, yes, but Chinese is too difficult for us. How did you learn English? Maybe there is some strong motivation?"

"To read your technical documentation."

He Kangmei replied unabashedly.

Hearing this, Luo Lin finally revealed a natural and understanding smile on his face.

"It's true, I also learned Russian. It's a natural thing.... We're not totally dependent on ourselves."

Having said that, Rollin paused for a moment and continued to speak:

"I've seen some sayings on the Internet that say 'the rabbit crosses the river by feeling the eagle sauce', which seems to be adapted from an old proverb, it took me a lot of time to understand its meaning, and now, You seem to have indeed crossed the river, don't you?"

"Still a long way to go."

He Kangmei denied it without changing her face.

"Our country is still in and will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time. This national situation has not changed. Although some insignificant achievements have been made, it is still far worse than yours."

What He Kangmei said was an objective judgment, but in Luo Lin's voice, there was something indescribable about it.

There is nothing wrong with what the other party said, even from the judgment of his own think tank, what he said is true, but why does he always feel that something is wrong?

After a moment of silence, he said:

"Maybe so, but just now at sea, you surprised me... Has the speed of the submarine developed to this level?"

Luo Lin's tone sounded a bit desolate and humble, but in fact, this was just one of his temptations.

Although the performance of the submarine with a speed of 60 knots has been improved compared to the previous generation, in fact, as early as ten years ago, our side had already reached this target, but it was not in service due to economic considerations.

He was instinctively shocked that Huaxia had mastered such a technique in such a short period of time, but the professional quality of the soldier made him calm down quickly.

He Kangmei shook her head slightly when she heard Luo Lin's words and replied:

"It's just a few dragged beacons, I lied to you."

"...Well, maybe it is. Will you open equipment tours for this competition?"

"Yes, but only in limited areas."

"Will the 055d be open? I mean, the railgun."

"Will do."

He Kangmei replied briefly.

In fact, before coming here, the superiors have already given instructions on the routine equipment tour of the military competition, and opened up some equipment areas that do not involve key technologies and key secrets, including those that definitely cannot be leaked through secret photography and other methods. Electromagnetic gun.

The core problem that the electromagnetic gun needs to solve is the power system, and the power system is completely impossible to touch unless it passes through the drawings.

But even just taking a look at the exterior is a novel experience for soldiers of other countries.

After all, this kind of thing, they probably won't be able to have it in the next few decades.

After receiving He Kangmei's affirmative reply, Luo Lin's expression became a little eager to try.

"Can you see it now? I mean, it's still early, maybe you'll be interested in seeing our Zumwalt-class destroyer after the railgun tour?"

"...To tell you the truth, this kind of coastal attack ship is outdated----but it's okay to take a look."

If he went back 20 years ago, maybe He Kangmei would still be interested in that sci-fi warship, but now that the island chain defense system is basically taking shape, he feels more and more that this kind of ship is tasteless—— No wonder even Chouguo himself almost gave up on the project.

After reaching a consensus, several senior officers present gathered together immediately. They brought their own translators and prepared to visit the 055d ship.

At this time, the 055d was moored in the port closest to the working area, and after a few minutes of walking, they had already boarded the deck.

Seeing the sight of the blond and blue-eyed foreigner boarding the ship with joy, He Kangmei suddenly felt a little dazed.

He seemed to see the shadow of the man.

In 1980, Liu Huaqing visited the battle group of the opponent's aircraft carrier during his visit to the Chou Kingdom.

The other party warmly received the visiting Huaxia delegation and arranged to visit and inspect three warships, including the two aircraft carriers "C61 Raider" and "CV63 Kitty Hawk".

During this visit, Liu Huaqing, who was 64 years old at the time, insisted on climbing the stairs layer by layer and visited all the cabins. In the video records at that time, he was wearing dark green, slightly rustic clothes and the clothes next to him. Ugly soldiers in black uniforms are a stark contrast.

But the contrast doesn't stop there.

The "Kitty Hawk" was the last conventionally powered aircraft carrier of the Chou Kingdom. When Liu Huaqing visited it, it was about to be demolished. At that time, Huaxia couldn't even find a large surface ship.

It is conceivable what expression Liu Huaqing had when faced with this aircraft carrier that could be visited even if it was about to be decommissioned, but still represented the highest level of the world navy.

The gray-haired old man, the naval veteran of the Republic, stood on the deck so humblely, eagerly, and even slightly at a loss, tiptoeing to look at the cockpit of the aircraft carrier's helicopter.

And what stopped him was just a small colonel.

"There are precision instruments in here, and it is forbidden to touch them."

Such a short sentence has already written down the weakness and even the humiliation of the Huaxia Navy back then.

How much we longed to have an aircraft carrier of our own at that time.

Even without an aircraft carrier, a larger destroyer would do.

But no, it can't be made.

At that time, Liu Huaqing also suffered a huge impact during this visit. After he served as the commander in 1982, he once made a famous conclusion, that is:

The aircraft carrier starts from the demonstration and research, to the completion of construction, and then to the initial formation of combat effectiveness. Generally, it takes 20 to 30 years. If you don't relax, the Chinese aircraft carrier will not be able to form combat effectiveness until 2010 to 2015.

And the fact is almost exactly the same as his judgment.

Now we have an aircraft carrier, a 10,000-ton drive, and a 075 Deng... The navy is already strong, but the old man who stood on tiptoe and pushed the waves toward the deep blue with difficulty for the Huaxia Navy back then is no longer there.

He Kangmei let out a deep breath. The sea breeze in the northern hemisphere made his eyes a little numb. He looked back at the senior officers who had just boarded the ship, picked up his expressions, and walked towards them.

These people have already begun to visit the electromagnetic guns on the ship under the leadership of the designated personnel. The instructor is explaining the working principle of the electromagnetic guns, but what he said is all common sense things, and the audience has little interest.

"Can we just walk around a little bit? Can we touch it?"

Someone in the officer ranks asked.

Regarding this request, the interpreter was a little uncertain. He looked at He Kangmei, who was beside him, and asked for his opinion with his eyes.

The latter was stunned for a while, and went through the scope of confidentiality in his mind. After realizing that his superiors did not prohibit touching the electromagnetic gun, he was about to speak, but suddenly stopped.

After a while, He Kangmei smiled kindly at several officers and replied:


"There are precision instruments here, no touching."

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