Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 314 Treat It As A Military Training

On July 1, the Ryukyu waters, the high seas area outside the first island chain.

The 002 aircraft carrier formation has approached the position of the Christanis and the Reagan formations less than 200 nautical miles, but the other party has no intention of retreating. .

According to the current speed of the 002 formation, in about 10 hours, the three aircraft carrier formations will collide face to face.

He Kangmei stood in the command room with a serious face. The radar screen displayed those Ugly fighter jets that had entered the radar range, and their own fighter jets had already taken off, performing routine alert and expulsion missions. .

"Is the intention of the other party clear? What are they trying to do? Are they planning to fight us, or are they just trying to disgust us?"

Chen Liguo, the chief intelligence officer on the side, shook his head slightly and replied:

"It's hard to judge at the moment. According to the information we have now, the probability of disgusting us is relatively high, but the problem is that they use this method to disgust us, and the probability of causing local conflicts is very high. We can't guarantee that it will really be like that. Step outside that line with precision -- again, they can't do it."

"So, our basic principle is to maintain the highest vigilance. All combat units are ready, and other support forces within the first island chain are also coming. Formation 001 will arrive at the reserved position in 4 hours. Stand by outside the alert range, and if something happens on our side, they will immediately launch support from a distance."

"In addition, the land positions are all ready, and the target has been locked, but we will not do it unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Now only the Stennis formation has been exposed by the other side. We are still looking for the positions of the other two formations. The positions have not yet been determined, but the satellites have been mobilized. We can complete the positioning within two hours at most."

Hearing this, He Kangmei's originally serious face showed some doubts.

"So what does the other party mean? This kind of action is too inconsistent with military common sense. If you say they are going to fight, I will never believe it. Put the aircraft carrier under the nose of our first island chain, if it is true Come on, are they here to deliver the courier?"

"But if we don't fight, what's the situation? Just want to use deterrence to rub our spirits? What are we doing? Are we afraid of them?"

Chen Liguo thought for a moment in silence, and then answered:

"In my opinion, this is probably a kind of psychological game for them."

"We are beyond the military field. There are too many recent events that are unfavorable to them. From energy, to currency, to aviation, we have new technologies emerging one after another in almost every field. Their technological leadership It is gradually being lost, and international prestige has begun to decline significantly."

"No, it can't be said to be a significant decline, it should be said to be a cliff-like decline."

"So, they desperately need an opportunity to re-enhance their prestige----they have already started their actions in terms of food, but they dare not do it in terms of military affairs, so they use this method to kidnap us and let us play with them. the play."

He Kangmei shook her head slightly and continued to ask:

"They are not afraid that we will actually do it??"

"We can't do it! This point is actually very clear. We can't do it with them at the juncture of the explosive development of technology. This is not a good choice in any case."

"It might be a bit frustrating, but it's definitely the best option in the long run."

"Actually, even if we completely admit our counsel in this confrontation, it won't have much adverse effect on us, but they can take the opportunity to restore some of their international prestige and regain some of the status that originally belonged to them."

"So in their view, this is actually a win-win game - provided we admit counsel."

"That's why they dare to do it, because we've always been too rational, and they take it for granted that we'll still make rational choices this time around."

Hearing this, He Kangmei sighed deeply.

Yes, this navy on our side is a typical purely rational army made by collective decision-making. Such an army has extremely strong combat effectiveness and is not difficult to command, but the only problem is that at certain times, the deterrence is insufficient. .

Because your enemy knows that you won't do it without breaking the bottom line.

This is the current situation, has the other party breached the bottom line?


The waters near the first island chain are all high seas, and they even left a certain strait far away, and they do not appear in any sensitive areas. They have only one purpose: to disgust you once without touching your core interests.

And you can't really do it yourself.

It would be great if the Xiong formation was escorted this time. If something happened, they really dared to beat him.

Thinking of this, He Kangmei said:

"So the current situation is very clear, we can't do it, they don't dare to do it, it's like driving a vindictive car on the road, he just stopped us in front of us and deliberately stepped on the brakes, and we had to move forward."

"It's really troublesome... What about the carrier aircraft? Is there any problem?"

Chen Liguo glanced at the commander of the carrier air wing next to him, the latter stepped forward and replied:

"There is no problem at the moment, they are all normal escorts to drive away, they don't have weapons, and we don't have weapons, but now the intensity is getting higher and higher, their takeoff waves are faster than ours, we can't keep up. superior."

"Can you still maintain basic expulsion?"

"It's not a problem. Don't worry too much, old He. So far, the disgusting has turned into disgusting, but they are all obeying the rules, and there is no sign of the conflict escalating."

"That's good."

He Kangmei nodded slightly, then added:

"Don't pass this information to the lower levels. No matter what the actual situation is, we still treat this time as a training exercise."


After the short steps, He Kangmei walked to the open-air command post on the bridge and watched the ski-jumping fighter planes on the deck, and fell into contemplation for a while.

That's right, neither side had any intention of taking action in this confrontation. There is absolutely no information gap on this point.

However, in such a high-intensity aerial confrontation, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

And as long as there is an accident, it will definitely become the fuse of some major events.

-----Unless, there is a heavier and more icy deterrent, falling from the sky and pouring it on their heads, so that they have to calm down even if they face an accident.

Where is such a deterrent?


That's absolutely impossible, and things haven't gotten to this point at all.


The other party has already taken precautions, and if those forces are really deployed, it is actually not much different from nuclear.

The situation has become increasingly anxious.

A large number of fighter planes flew by in the low sky, and the heat wave of the engines on the deck had even refracted and distorted the entire overtime air.

All ships have entered the highest level of alert, only the submerged submarine has remained silent as always.

They absolutely cannot participate in this confrontation.

This is the tacit understanding of both parties.

Because once they appear, it means that this "play" of tacit understanding between ourselves and the enemy will uncontrollably slide in another direction.

The current time is 10:00 am on July 1, and it has been more than 6 hours since the two sides officially began to confront each other.

But just when He Kangmei was thinking about the strategies he might propose to his superiors, a phone call called him back to the command room.

On the other end of the phone, his superior said in an understatement:

"The situation has been determined, rest assured, we have made all preparations."

"You can just follow the normal eviction process. As for any accident during the process, we will make the bottom of it."

"Don't worry, they dare not jump."

"We'll give them a reason they absolutely can't refuse."


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