Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 318 How To Be A Good Dog

The experience of Goofy and Medellin is probably only a small microcosm, but on a larger scale, this anticlimactic confrontation also caused an uproar.

The ugly country naturally claims to be the victorious party, and such rhetoric has gained a certain market, but most countries, especially those that are already in a neutral position, are not and are unwilling to be blind.

The three major aircraft carrier fleets assembled on the first island chain, and then retreated in disarray just 11 hours after the confrontation began?

How dare you say that you won?

That's probably really treating all countries as fools.

Some countries have begun to make choices slowly, including the island country represented by Hiroshi Yamamura.

Just a month ago, they were negotiating with the ugly country to let the other party take over the defense of the entire island country, thereby providing a springboard to upgrade the Self-Defense Forces, but a month later, they abruptly terminated this process.

The base of the ugly country in the island country is facing unprecedented pressure. This pressure not only comes from the public opinion deliberately indulged or even guided by the island country officials, but also includes the dismantling of the original series of security facilities, the cancellation of security measures, and various parties. The harassment of power.

After July 1, most of the bases in the island nation even began to eat fresh vegetables.

Even if it can barely be delivered, it requires a lot of money and a lot of relationship dredging.

The lower-level officers did not understand what was going on, and the information they received only told them that it was because of the influence of xx. The supply was a little tight, but to the upper-level, the reason for this situation was obvious.

Port of Yokosuka, USS Ronald Reagan.

The commander-in-chief of the fleet frowned at the thick pile of complaint reports and asked:

"Why hasn't the problem been solved yet? Do they really want to rebel? We can't do Huaxia, and we can't do them? How dare they not be afraid?"

The chief logistics support officer on the side sighed slightly and replied:

"In the current situation, we really have no way to take them."

"We understand that they made their choice long before we evacuated - after the F35c crashed."

"We have learned from our inside informants that they monitored our movements after we went into radio silence, and through certain channels communicated to our adversaries our possible navigational direction."

"Although this message is not that critical, it shows an attitude."

"According to the Chinese people, this is a 'name submission', which means that they will no longer follow us in the future."

"So, in this situation, especially when we've shown weakness, it's quite normal for them to start organizing their ostracism against us."

"It's not just them, we're already facing pressures like this in many parts of the world."

"It's fine in those bases far away from China. After all, they are beyond their reach, but in the island country... We really have no choice. We can't have another confrontation, right?"

".……Why not?"

The commander-in-chief of the fleet waved his hand irritably. In fact, he himself knew the answer to this rhetorical question very well, but he just wanted to ask it, as if the answer would change after the question was asked.

The chief logistics officer noticed his expression, shook his head, and did not speak.

The two were silent for a moment, and finally the chief logistics officer spoke first:

"It is impossible for us to think about how to change this status quo. What we really need to think about is how to maintain our influence as much as possible under this status quo."

"These bases cannot be abandoned, and the island country cannot be too firm. We can still stay here."

"But the question is, how do we better stay here."

"The first thing to solve is the problem of eating - we can't eat canned food all the time, can we?"

Hearing this, the fleet commander's expression became even more irritable.

He never imagined that, as the commander-in-chief of the strongest force at sea, there would be such a day that he would need to discuss such a topic in person.

the problem of eating.

It's ridiculous, but also realistic.

After a long silence, he finally said:

"Okay, then let's start from the beginning."

"It's like we're here on our first day."


A certain low house in Kyoto.

Several senior officials in suits and ties sat together with sake in front of them.

Their faces were full of anticipation. Of course, this anticipation was also mixed with the helplessness of compromise, but in general, the atmosphere was quite pleasant.

One of the men raised his glass and said:

"Gentlemen, starting from today, we are about to enter a new history."

"The object of our attachment has lost his power, and now, we are going to board a bigger ship."

"Of course, we've had huge conflicts with the crew of this ship, but we've also managed to regain each other's trust - albeit a very, very rudimentary level of trust."

"We will continue to strengthen that trust and tie our interests to theirs in the future."

"Masters, don't feel humiliated, this is only a temporary strategy when we are not strong yet. One day, we will grow into warriors who can slay dragons. At that time, we will pull out our samurai swords and face the giant dragon. ."

"----Of course, the time has not yet come, we still need to curry favor with the dragon, chase his leftovers, and grow at any cost."

"So everyone, work hard, drink this glass of wine, and take this difficult step."

"Drink together!"

Everyone said in unison, and then they raised their cups.


When they drank the glass of weak wine with a degree of no more than 20 out of strange pride, all aspects of the island country were also quietly changing.

In a printing factory specializing in printing teaching materials, the workers received a sample of the latest edition of the textbook for elementary school students. One of them opened it curiously, and the content above shocked him.

On the Internet, a large number of accounts with official backgrounds appeared, and the first message they released after their birth was to congratulate the Oriental Dragon on a happy holiday.

Inside the company, all the top executives were gathered to reiterate certain top-down policies that, after being pushed down one level at a time, resulted in higher wages for specific groups of people.

In major TV stations, there has been a sudden increase in the broadcast of certain events. The most obvious one is the personal highlights and special interview reports of "The Fierce Tiger of the Empire" that a certain sports channel has started to broadcast repeatedly.

Banks and financial companies have undergone even greater changes. Under the guidance of one by one policy, they have begun to flock to some industries that were originally disliked by the sea, and these industries are often facing a shortage of funds. As for the shares? This doesn't seem to be their focus.

In the field of patents, a special group has been formed and will go to the other side of the sea to participate in a high-level discussion, where they will decide on the strategy of patent exchange and licensing.


Among them, the most inconspicuous, but the most striking change is the announcement issued by that shrine.

Not only on the Internet, but also in major newspapers and on the periphery of shrines, the same notices were posted.

The content of the notice is very simple, with only two short lines:

Due to fire safety, aging structure and other reasons, some areas of the shrine are temporarily closed and are no longer open to any tourists, groups or individuals.

Opening hours again, to be determined.

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