Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 333 Will Not Starve

The speaker's voice fell, and the press conference was basically over.

The professional who had been waiting for a long time calmly walked to Shao Ji's side and politely took her away from the venue.

No one knows her ending, but everyone knows, not just her, many people will be unlucky together in this day.


The official response to the fake video severely hit back at the current undercurrent of public opinion, but as Chen Hao expected, most people's attitude towards this response was not "pleasant", but "guessed it long ago" .

After education again and again, netizens have a higher immunity to this rhythm of unknown origin. They will still pay attention and still discuss, but most of these discussions are rational.

All they want is a definite answer, not just a vent.

However, what surprised Chen Hao and others was that this press conference triggered a whole new discussion. The topic of this discussion was very cliché, but it caused a large number of netizens to post.

"Since when do you think your country is getting stronger?"

This topic was aroused by the evidence mentioned by Commander Liu, and it has rapidly expanded to many different fields, and the replies of netizens also represent countless different identities and different perspectives.

"I think it actually started with those high-altitude bridges. I used to feel shocked when I saw the San Francisco Bridge, but later, when our bridges crossed mountains and canyons, I discovered that some bridges, You can only make it yourself, and there are some roads that you can only walk by yourself.”

"It must be a high-speed rail! What I learned is the design of railway line selection. I remember that I designed a route when I was still in school, and a straight line was drawn across it. To be able to run through without overturning the car is a cost explosion, and the final calculation is about 100 million yuan per kilometer, compared to other students, it is about 20 million yuan per kilometer."

"When I was in class, the teacher held the table with one hand and my notebook in the other, and said, 'Some students know how to cheat and play tricks. One kilometer is 100 million yuan. How can the country waste so much money, and the grades are directly unqualified. It's a joke.'"

"What about now? What? Isn't the cost of high-speed rail more than one hundred million and one kilometer?"

Seeing this comment, Ye Zhou smiled knowingly.

Indeed, going back ten years, who would have thought that this rabbit would be so arrogant in infrastructure?

He liked the comment and continued to scroll down the page.

"You are all talking about your own experiences. Let me tell you one. You search for the latest official media documentaries. Do you know how outrageous they are? Three months ago, we were still publishing a documentary about the WS-15, called "" "Dragon Heart", which gave Turbofan 15 a blow, and three months later, in the second episode of "Dragon Heart", Turbofan-15 has been criticized as outdated technology... "

Ye Zhou liked this comment and laughed dumbly.

In fact, he also knew something about the documentary filmed by the official media, and even suggested the name, but he did not participate in the content, so he did not know that they actually did such an outrageous thing.

A typical change of mind, the old is not as good as the new.

"Let me say the simplest one. I was born in an extremely poor mountain village, similar to the Dibian Village in this incident. In order to go to school and get out of the mountain, I don't know how much effort I put in, and even several times because of the people in the village. The pressure on parents almost dropped out of school.”

"But this time when I went home for the New Year, I encountered something."

"A very poor relative of a gambler of mine came to me to borrow money and bring his children with him."

"He wanted to lend money to the child to go to school. I gave him 500. He handed the money to the child as soon as possible, and then drove the child to the car back to school without stopping."

"He knows he can't control it, but he also knows that the child must go to school."

"This is real power. How can a country not be strong when even the gamblers know the importance of education?"

The likes of this comment are rising rapidly, and Ye Zhou also contributed one of them, but in contrast, another picture comment made Ye Zhou more moved.

In the photo is an old man, an old man in his twilight years with a smile on his face.

She was sitting in the sunny courtyard, and she could see the towering green hills not far away from the courtyard wall.

At her feet was a fat cat, which lay lazily on a pile of sun-dried buds, as if enjoying a bumpy foot massage.

In the whole picture, the most striking thing is the mobile phone in the old man's hand.

The phone with a screen so big that it almost covered most of the old man's face.

"The photo is of my grandma, who is 72 years old this year."

"I'm ashamed to say that our family is still very poor, because my parents have passed away, I just graduated from high school, and my big brother is still in college."

"In September of this year, I will also leave my hometown to go to university in a distant place."

"I can't worry about my grandma. I don't know what to do when she feels lonely at home after leaving us."

"I want to buy her a cell phone, a smartphone that can make video calls."

"Before I bought it, I thought that a mobile phone would cost at least 1,000 yuan. In addition to my own living expenses, tuition fees, and a computer to learn to design, my student loan was a bit insufficient."

"So, I went to work for the summer vacation - to move the cement on the construction site. You don't know, they are very short of people, as long as you go, they will take it, anyway, it is a piece rate."

"Hey, although I'm quite thin, I'm fortunate that I often do farm work at home, and my physical strength is good, and my co-workers take care of me because I'm a girl."

"At the end of the day, I can make a small two hundred yuan."

"I worked for a month and a half and earned 9,000 yuan."

"I bought a computer, set aside my living expenses, and left my grandmother money for medical treatment and grocery shopping. In the end, there was only one thousand and two left."

"I thought, otherwise, I will buy a mobile phone for my grandma, and then I will not buy it, but I am very confused. If I don't buy it, how can I contact my grandma? My original mobile phone, except that I can barely scan the code. , almost can't do anything."

"But at least my brother can contact my grandma. When I go to school and find a way to make some money, I guess I can buy a mobile phone in a month or two."

"So I took my grandma to the store. But you know what? There, I bought a 500 yuan mobile phone."

"500 yuan, a mobile phone that can play video. And the screen is so big that my grandma can see it clearly."

"Yes, there are cheaper ones, less than 300 yuan, but the screen is too small, I didn't buy it."

"After I went back, I used my new mobile phone to make a video for my grandma, took this photo with my new mobile phone, and then used my new mobile phone to search the Internet. Why are mobile phones so cheap now?"

"Then I saw a video."

"It's a video of an engineer named Ye Zhou being interviewed by the official media."

"In that video, he said that he wanted to reduce the price of smartphones to less than 300 yuan through chips, so that the elderly in rural areas could also use mobile phones. I want to tell him that he did it."

"Also, he said he wanted to make our people a little better on some very small scale, and I wanted to tell him he did."

"Really, I bought two mobile phones, charged the phone bill, and ended up with more than 100 yuan more."

"For the more than 100 yuan, I went to a restaurant with my grandma."

"This is the first time I have invited my grandma to dinner, and she is very happy."

"I'm also very happy. I ordered three dishes, all spicy and all meat."

"I want to thank the engineer named Ye Zhou, although I don't know if he can see it."

"Also, back to our press conference today -- hey, I also watched this press conference with my new phone."

"Digression. Back to the press conference."

"Actually, we all know that this incident was caused by food. Some people are hyping up the shortage of food. They want us to think that the country has no food reserves. They want us to think that the food supply in the market is tight. They want us to think that soon, we will going to starve."

"But, I don't think so."

"I was using a cheap and easy-to-use mobile phone, eating delicious and crunchy little crispy pork, and watching the video of engineer Ye in the mobile phone, I had an idea."

"I think it's reassuring to me that there are people like this in this country who are doing this kind of thing."

"I don't think a country like this will make me starve."

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