Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 359 This Is Just The Control Group

The AFP report directly opened the door to the blockade of public opinion. Seeing that the situation was over, other international mainstream media had no choice but to follow up on the news, but in terms of form and objectiveness, it was different from the Parisian newspaper. far.

For them, reporting is secondary, and questioning and rhythm are primary. For a time, all kinds of junk news flooded the entire international public opinion circle, and even overwhelmed the relevant news of the Yinba battlefield.

"How safe is gene editing to increase rice yield? Expert opinion: It is recommended not to eat."

"Is gene editing technology credible? Senior researchers said: The theoretical research significance is greater than the practical application significance."

"A major increase in food production is about to occur? Experts say that even without gene editing technology, future increases in production are expected."

"The current situation of food shortage may last for more than half a year, and the technology of increasing production is far from enough to quench thirst."

"Genetic modification contains evil intentions? Products may contain genetic weapons, which have health effects on non-yellow people."

"A 40% increase in production? The researcher said that production has not yet reached the limit."


In this piece of coverage, AFP and Reuters rarely adopted a neutral and objective reporting style, which is in sharp contrast with other media. For this situation, many domestic onlookers do not understand why, but experts in related fields Said they were not at all surprised by this change in attitude.

As soon as Huaxia News was released, they had received a large number of relevant technical consultations and requests from Britain and France. For these requests, they took a unified attitude of shelving, but still sent corresponding technical briefings to each other.

This kind of technical briefing may not be worth mentioning in the eyes of ordinary people, but for practitioners, it is equivalent to putting the technical parameters of the sports car in front of them after Huaxia released a sports car that can run. With these technical parameters, they can easily judge the authenticity of the technology.

Therefore, they have no reason to follow the trend and do those so-called doubts, because they really need to eat.

In mid-October, two weeks after Huaxia released the relevant technology, the two planes took off from Paris and London respectively. After more than 20 hours of flight, they landed at Yangcheng Airport. Afterwards, the passengers on the plane made non-stop transfers to Hailan. , After more than 4 hours, he stood in the experimental field of genetically increased rice.

Compared with what Ye Zhou saw at that time, this paddy field has completely changed. The seedlings have already started to set ears, and the green and green are dotted with scattered golden yellow. This golden yellow also indicates that the harvest will come soon. .

Farkas is a well-known agricultural expert in the country. His main focus is actually to increase wheat production, but this time he did not pick and choose. It was a rare opportunity for him to be able to visit the scene in person. .

When he just walked into the experimental field, he complained to the people around him with a little disappointment about the scale and layout of the experimental field, thinking that such a compact structure could not carry out effective field management at all, but Xu Lei, who led the team, could not The expression on his face changed instantly as he operated the entire paddy field for automated irrigation via the watch on his wrist.

Yes, of course such automation is also available in the UK, but it is definitely not as easy and quick as this.

Xu Lei on the side was still introducing their favorite field management system, and Farkas was already impatient.

He wanted to see the legendary heading of rice, and to verify the authenticity of this great epoch-making technology with his own eyes, so he quietly left the team, squatted near an experimental field, and began to carefully Observe the seedlings in front of you.

The tillering condition is very good, the ear grains are full and the number of grains per ear is large. When you gently squeeze it with your hands, every paddy that has already started to set grains is almost perfectly filled with the chaff, and the empty husk rate is frighteningly low.

He has no experience in rice research, but even judging from the current situation, Huaxia's view of increasing production by 40% will not be groundless.

He nodded with satisfaction, and moved cautiously deeper into the rice field, wanting to look inside again, but at this moment, he was slapped heavily on the shoulder.

Farkas turned his head suddenly in fright, and when he saw the face of the person who came, he said with tears in his eyes:

"Glitter, you're still so about it, where did they go?"

The middle-aged man named Greet also squatted down and said in a low voice:

"They have to continue to visit the drone system. I don't want to go. I have to hurry up and see the rice... How is it, how is it?"

Farkas nodded heavily and replied:

"It's good! You know, I'm not an expert on rice, but judging from the current growth of these plants, these Huaxia people are definitely not bragging for nothing."

"Look, the number of headings of this rice plant has reached 25. From the perspective of tillering, the efficiency has almost exceeded 80%. This is amazing. What is even more amazing is that the number of grains per ear is also huge... .."

Glitter carefully observed the rice in his hand, and nodded solemnly:

"Indeed...then the purpose of our trip has been basically achieved. Next, we need to continue to work hard and try to reach a deeper cooperation with them."

"Yeah. However, I doubt they'll accept our terms."

Farkas sighed with emotion, and then sat on the ridge regardless of his image, like a tired old farmer.

Seeing his action, Glitter also sat down. He looked up at the gradually setting sun, and his eyes revealed an undisguised sadness.

Once, my country was also a proud empire on which the sun never sets, but now, my sun has set.

And in the east, the sun is rising.

After a moment of silence, he answered:

"Whether they can accept it or not, in short, we must work hard. This is a complete change in the world's agricultural field, and it is also the first time in human history to achieve a landmark agricultural achievement through genetic technology. We must catch this bus--- - by any means!"

"I know, but they always have better options, such as fur bears, such as srbija. . . We can only queue up at best."

"It's good to be able to queue. Some countries are already out of the game, aren't they?"

Farkas nodded slightly and was about to get up and follow the crowd, but his vision was quickly drawn to an object in front of him.

That is a snake.

A snake that spit out a letter and made an attacking stance.

He looked at the non-venomous snake in front of him with great interest, waited quietly for a while, then reached out and grabbed it in his hand, and then said excitedly:

"Hey! Glitter, I caught it! There are actually snakes here. It seems that their pastoral ecology has been maintained really well!"

"It's probably some kind of biological control method, used to kill rodents... Well, throw this little guy away, we have to talk to the lady about the future cooperation plan as soon as possible. "

"That girl named Xu Lei? Can she be responsible for this?"

"I don't know, but I have to talk to her first, because she is the person in charge here after all... But, we have to focus on strategy, you know what I mean?"

There was a smile on the corner of Farkas's mouth, and then he replied:

"Of course, you can totally trust me in this regard."


A few minutes later, Farkas and Gartley walked to Xu Lei with the non-venomous snake in their hands. This was also part of their strategy. In their thinking, girls would always treat this cold-blooded animal. There are some natural fears, and bringing this snake in front of her may allow her to take some initiative in communication.

However, their plans fell through the moment they saw Xu Lei, who frowned and snatched the poor cauliflower snake from their hands, then threw it back into the rice field with a flick of his hand.

"Two gentlemen, please don't disturb the work of our paddy field security guards? They work hard at night and day."

"Security? That's a novel idea... Anyway, Ms. Xu Lei, we just observed your rice carefully in the rice field over there. It's really good!"

"Whether it is the effective tillering rate or the number of grains per ear, it far exceeds our average level. If it can be promoted, it will have a very positive impact on the world food shortage pattern."

"However, after careful calculation by Gartley, we found a problem."

"what is the problem?"

Xu Lei asked suspiciously.

"We believe that the yield increase rate of this variety of rice may not reach the 40% you said. According to your data, the yield of one mu of rice should reach about 1,800 kilograms, right? Up to 1,400 kilograms can be produced - a record I remember last year."

"Is it in Helan Province? HD City, Helan Province, I read your news last year."

"So, we believe that this time the new varieties of rice should not be so optimistic in terms of environmental adaptability. To maximize their potential, we still need the cooperation of planting technology and hydrothermal conditions, right?"

"Of course, but..."

Xu Lei subconsciously wanted to refute, but Farkas interrupted her.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't mean it's not a groundbreaking development. It's more stable than other rice, and it's also heritable, which is a remarkable development."

"I think we will still seek cooperation with you in the future, but I am afraid that we need to discuss the terms of cooperation."

Xu Lei sighed helplessly, and after Farkas finished speaking, she answered:

"First of all, this gentleman whose name I don't know, the terms of cooperation are not something I can decide, but if you want to lower your, um, your sincerity, then I will convey it to my superiors."

"Second, I think you are mistaken."

"Wrong? What's wrong?"

Farkas asked suspiciously.

He doesn't care about the other side's claim of "reducing sincerity", because this is part of the negotiation strategy.

However, judging from the other party's expression, she seemed to have made a terrible mistake, and this kind of mistake made her feel a little ridiculous.

The smile on her face was almost unstoppable.

After waiting for a few seconds, Xu Lei breathed a sigh of relief, raised her finger to the rice beside her, and said:

"What you just saw is actually the control group of our new variety of rice this time."

"The real experimental group is here."

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