Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 394 The Era Of Great Development Kicks Off

After sending Lin Ling away, Ye Zhou answered Chen Hao's phone non-stop. He wanted to take this opportunity to communicate with Chen Hao about the recent strategy.

In fact, Ye Zhou is clear about the technical development route, and what he needs to understand is a higher-level, macro-level strategy.

As he told Lin Ling before, in the future, the situation facing Huaxia will undergo major changes.

If it was said that in the previous decades, the opponent took the initiative to make moves and we responded to the defense, then in the future, it will become a mutual offense and defense, or even a comprehensive counter-offensive.

Based on this change, the original defensive policy must also be adjusted to adapt to the new international situation.

"...So, our macro strategy going forward is unfolding from several fundamental directions."

"Science, technology, economy, culture, and society are the five directions of our follow-up development. From these five directions, we will further split into specific execution strategies."

"This execution strategy will be tracked in a single item as a unit, through a project-based operation, and the specific situation will be notified to you later."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou nodded slightly and asked:

"So, what's the first project?"

"Not sure yet, but we will probably start with the civilian market, such as... communications."

"Correspondence? Are you sure they'll let us in?"

"They have to let it go. The era of technology blockade is over. One of the prerequisites for us to agree with them not to abuse the RSA decryption technology is to open up the competitive market and lift trade barriers."

"Now, several domestic communication equipment manufacturers have begun to prepare to go to ugly countries for bidding. Our goal is to completely take away the market of several other international equipment manufacturers, especially Ericsson."

"Their basic market is mainly in the ugly country. As long as the ugly country's market is shaken, the subsequent competition will be simple..."

After listening to Chen Hao's explanation, Ye Zhou frowned and continued:

"It is not easy to achieve breakthroughs in the communications industry. This is an industry with great inertia. Once a manufacturer's equipment is used, subsequent relocation and replacement often take many years of planning."

"This is an objective law, it's not something that can be enforced by force -- besides, we don't actually have any force right now, at most it's just an RSA decryption for self-protection."

The opposite Chen Hao hummed and replied:

"It's a problem, but it's not our problem."


Ye Zhou asked suspiciously.

"I said that what we provide is an international market with fair competition, but whether we can make money in this market or not, it has nothing to do with us."

"What we need to do is to drive these domestic companies out, and let those companies that would only be in a rut to face international competition and fight in the real storm."

"If someone drowns in such a storm, let the latecomer take his place."

"We didn't dare to do this before because our disadvantage in the basic field was too great. Once we lose some of our advantages, it may lead to chain and collapse failures."

"But now, we can stand up for small-scale failures -- it can even be said that we should take the initiative to eliminate a group of less successful companies in such competition, and refine our industry and improve it. Purify."


Ye Zhou nodded.

So, in fact, although Chen Hao and the others manage these things as "projects", they don't care about the various problems in the operation of the project. Let them toss, explore, and find a way to achieve the final goal.

Those who can be accomplished will be awarded officials and titles, rewarded with silver, and those that cannot be accomplished will be drowned in the sea.

But in this way, will it really not cause monopoly and capitalization to become more and more serious?

In theory, international competition is a process in which the strong stay strong and the winner takes all. If capital is allowed to expand internationally with the help of technological and national strength advantages, it will eventually devour the domestic market.

The ugly country is a living example. Capital has brought benefits to them, but in the end, it has also kidnapped the official and kidnapped the entire country.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou asked Chen Hao his own question.

However, Chen Hao's answer surprised him.

"First of all, for the problem you mentioned, we will take corresponding strategies, such as strict anti-monopoly laws, lowering the threshold for patents and industry access, and supporting high-quality new enterprises."

"Secondly, we will employ a new set of strategies to combat monopoly."

"What strategy?"

"The reform of state-owned enterprises, competition against each other."

"...Understood. But the question is, what about efficiency? How to ensure that such investment can bring positive benefits?"

"That's the question that the actuary needs to consider, and I can't answer you for the time being."

Ye Zhou took a deep breath, and Chen Hao's answer solved his biggest question in the civilian field. However, the future competition pattern is not just for civilian use.

Thinking of this, he continued to ask:

"You just said that this is the civilian field, so you mean, there is also the military field?"

Chen Hao over there nodded and replied:

"Actually, it is inaccurate to use civilian and military divisions. It should be said that it is the field dominated by private capital and the field dominated by official capital—but let's divide it like this for the time being, the name is not important."

"However, our main focus is the military industry first."

"You also know that the military industry is one of the pillar industries of our opponents. Their annual profits in this industry account for more than 50% of the total global profits, and no year is less than 300 billion knives."

"This is only the statistics on the surface. If the private transactions are counted, the numbers will be even more exaggerated."

"A very simple example, the Afuhan war, the arms dealers of the ugly country made at least trillions of knives."

"So, we have to figure out a way to grab this market -- and that's an important way to build our international presence."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, and then asked:

"The question is, how to build it?"

"Agent. The ugly country can support a king of war, can't we?"

"...Then who do you plan to make this king of war?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, Chen Hao on the screen smiled slyly and replied:

"Ye Lan is a good choice. She always likes tossing, and the secret level is enough. Maybe, she can be a...African Arms Queen or something?"

"... Roll me as far as you go."

"Just kidding... There will definitely be professionals who will do it, so you don't have to worry about it."


The conversation between Ye Zhou and Chen Hao is still going on, but in this land of China, many people have already started their actions.

Yangcheng, Baiyun International Airport, the bidding delegation from two companies Huaji and Huaxing are ready to go to America, where they have been absent for a long time, to re-open their territory and expand their territory.

The teams from both sides gathered together in a rare and joyous manner. These old rivals who had fought to the death for a contract worth tens of millions on the African continent were no longer hostile at this moment.

Because they know that in front of them, there is a huge fertile soil waiting for them to reclaim.


Shang Hai, a man said goodbye to his wife and children. He was carrying a thin suitcase and was about to set foot on the first flight.

His purpose is the online payment market that is still almost a blue ocean.

On his backpack hangs a small monster doll, on which is written a few Chinese characters with tender handwriting.

"Dad, have a safe journey!"


In Chuanshu, several senior engineers from Chuanshu Laser Institute are receiving guests from afar. They speak the Chuanshu dialect with a calm demeanor, regardless of the confused look of translation brought by the other party.

Can't understand? Then listen slowly, anyway, the technology is in our hands, and we have time.


In Africa, Li Mingchu took up his old job again, but this time, he was no longer selling those little gadgets that were blushing.

Like the protagonists in those movies, he stood under the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, and the close-up guns behind him sprayed hot flames, shattering all the dozens of rockets that were shot at him. .

The shrapnel floated like rain, and those who saw this scene couldn't help reaching out to their pockets.


People from different fields and industries have set off, and they are rushing out of this continent with unprecedented radical attitude, and their goals, their sights, finally no longer stop within the limited land of 9.6 million square kilometers. .

The era of internal fatigue is about to come to an end, and the curtain of the era of great development has been opened.

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