Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 496 We Will Not Participate...

"Are you sure the people you saw that day were the chief of police?"

"I'm sure -- I'm pretty sure. I saw his face when the fire flashed. He's bald, with special features, and he'll never admit it wrong."

In the Huaxia base, Amish sat opposite the desk and answered questions from the Huaxia security personnel.

The interrogator nodded, handed over a pad and asked:

"Is it this person?"

"It's him! My mobile phone took a picture of his face. Although it's blurry, I can barely make out his shape--you see, his body is obviously a little fatter than the others, this is him!"

"But it doesn't form a chain of evidence. You can't prove that he is the manipulator behind the scenes through this video, can you? You can identify this fat man as anyone, it's not convincing."

After listening to the interrogator, Amish opened his mouth, but in the end said nothing.

Indeed, as the other party said, the only thing that the video in his hand can prove is that the recent murders are man-made, not wild beasts, but it is definitely not enough to accuse anyone.

Even if the video is submitted to the official, or even to the highest level, when the task of investigation is suppressed, it is likely to be only a "scapegoat" ending.

And what about yourself?

On the contrary, myself and my family are likely to be severely retaliated because of this video.

Amish's heart froze, he regretted why he had lost the night vision goggles and the bracket, now, the other party has definitely realized that they have evidence of their murder in their hands - otherwise they would not be so decisive Make yourself a hero.

This is forcing yourself to show up.

His family is still outside, and the other party is now telling him plainly that they have everything under control.

Thinking of this, Amish's emotions suddenly became agitated, he stood up to support the table, and said pleadingly:

"Please, save my family! They must be in the hands of those bad people now. If you don't help me happen, no one can save me anymore!"

"They've also caused you a lot of trouble, haven't they? They're our common enemy!"

The interrogator on the opposite side sighed softly and replied:

"We all know what you said, but our jurisdiction is limited to this base - we are not the masters of this country, and it is impossible for us to do what you want us to do."

"Then why don't you just sit back and watch?"

Amish's facial features twisted together in pain, and then he said through gritted teeth:

"By now, you should know what they want to do, right? They just want peasants' land!"

"They know that the land here will definitely increase in value after you come, and they also know that the grain production here will continue to increase in the future. That's why they create fear and scare away those timid farmers!"

"No, no, they're not just creating fear, they're killing people! If they don't achieve their goal, they'll continue to kill until everyone moves away - if it wasn't for me, maybe Tonight, several more innocent people will be killed by that beast!"

"This is definitely not the end of the matter - they've just retreated temporarily, and after a while, and after they've solved my problem, they'll definitely continue to mess up, would you like to see this happen? "

"Please, in Punjab, we are the only ones who can do it! You must speak up! This is also for our good!"

Seeing Amish's somewhat hysterical expression, the interrogator shook his head and didn't answer.

"Speak up? What sound do we make? Accusing them of being murderers and directly dispatching troops to arrest them all? Or do we need to dispatch police from Huaxia to find out what happened?"

"Do you know how many high-level personnel may be involved in this matter? If we want to take over, we might as well give us this country directly!"

"Unfortunately, we don't want your country, we don't have such excess energy."

"It's good that we can keep you safe. If necessary, you can ask them to send your family over, and we will provide shelter as well."

Hearing this, a desperate look appeared on Amish's face.

He found he was wrong.

As the man opposite said, Chinese people are not the masters of this land, and they do not want to be the masters of this land, so what they can do is actually extremely limited.

Maybe they've figured out something, maybe their evidence is stronger than theirs, but so what?

Does one's own country need to rely on the force of other countries to manage it? Do criminals in their own country want Chinese people to come to trial?

No one would agree to that, not even the most honest official.

Therefore, it was a wrong idea to rely on the Huaxia base to solve the problem from the beginning.

The moment he was discovered, the ending was actually doomed - he had to face it all alone.

Amish slumped back into the chair, and after a long silence, finally said:

" there really no hope at all?"

"Even out of humanitarianism, even if you can stand up and say a word... Do you know how miserable those innocent farmers died?"

"Those women were obviously violated before they died, but everyone in the police station turned a blind eye, you know? There was a woman whose entire lower body was bitten by a beast, just to cover up their crimes."

"The youngest victim was three years old, and his skull was all crushed - no, maybe it was artificially smashed and then faked to be crushed. It was just a bulldog, whatever It is impossible to have the power to crush a skull."

"Yes, I also know that child. He ran over to touch my gun during a patrol and was scolded and cried by his mother... His mother also died."

"They are really innocent people..."

"What if I said they weren't innocent?"

The interrogator interrupted Amish.

Amish was stunned, and asked subconsciously:


"It's very simple, in the last famine in Punjab, they survived by robbing other people of food. In fact, everyone who lives on this land now basically has other people's hands on their hands. of blood, whether directly or indirectly—you don't know this, do you?"

"That's different! They're here to live..."

"It's really different, and I didn't say they were damned. I just wanted to remind you that from a rational point of view, I have rejected you, and now, if you want to play emotional cards with us, I can only tell you, it's useless ."

"In your country, after such a famine, how can there be completely innocent people who really survive."

"Really innocent people, weren't you advertised as revenge monsters before?"

Amish's eyes widened in astonishment, and after a long silence, he stood up.

"Then, I see. Thank you for saving my life, albeit temporarily."

"You're right, this is our own problem, and we can only solve it ourselves."

"I'll face it all."

"But, if it's possible, can I make a final request - I will exchange it with you, I will give you the evidence, you can use this evidence to make some exchanges with our officials, right? ?"

"I just want you to find a way to save my family's life, how about that?"

"Sorry, can't do it."

The interrogator shook his head firmly.

Amish took a long sigh and finally asked:

"Then, can I leave?"


The interrogator stood up and opened the door to the room for him, and as he passed by, Amish felt him pat his clothes lightly.

He looked up at the other party, but the other party didn't give him any response.

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