Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 505 Yaoyao's Decision


After more than half a year of adaptation and learning, Yang Yiyao has become completely accustomed to living with the avs system, and gradually, she has begun to add more data to the avs signal transmission. Now what she can see is not pure black and white, It's a world with simplified colors.

Of course, if you want to completely restore a real world, both for her and Chen Li's avs team, there is still a long way to go. Fortunately, judging from the current progress, this road not too long.

In addition to Yang Yiyao, the experimental population of the avs system has expanded to 30 people, six of whom are from urban villages near Yang Yiyao's home. These people are generally blinded by accident. After the light, they are all secretly looking forward to the day when they can use the device.

So, Chen Li gave them this opportunity—on the one hand, it was to expand the experimental samples of the equipment, and on the other hand, it was also a request from Yaoyao.

After the success of the avs project, the superiors gave Chen Li a large amount of special funds to reward relevant personnel who have made significant contributions to this project. After internal discussions, the project team allocated a considerable amount of funds to Yaoyao, but after the notice was issued At that time, the other party unexpectedly refused.

She didn't want money—or rather, she didn't think she needed that much money.

She wanted the Uncle Aunts who had taught her how to adjust to that dark world to see the light as she did.

In this regard, her big brother Yang Yijin naturally supports it. Compared with Yang Yiyao, his idea is simpler:

He can earn money by his own efforts, but the chance to regain his sight is probably only this time for these neighbors and friends who have helped them.

When will the price of avs equipment drop to the point where they can afford it?

No one can tell.

Therefore, for this scary young man with high spirits, he really didn't care that much about the large sum of money that Chen Li gave to Yaoyao.

As a result, the money was converted into equipment costs by the avs project team, and 6 additional sets of equipment were customized, which were adapted to the 6 blind people designated by Yaoyao.

Of course, Chen Li didn't forget to pressure the buyers to fight with the equipment suppliers on the grounds that he just compressed a part of the already extremely low price, and cut out 100,000 yuan and put it in the project team's public account. , I plan to leave it to Yaoyao when she is going to college in the future.

Yaoyao didn't know about this. If she knew, she would probably ask for the money to be replaced with equipment. There were too many people she wanted to help, and the process of sifting through the list was actually very painful.

However, she is happy at the moment. During this holiday, she is busy every day introducing the usage methods and teaching experience to the big friends who have just used avs equipment. In front of him, other adults who have lived for decades It was as if she had become a student again, and she herself had become an omniscient teacher.

"Okay, that's all for today."

"You have to study hard when you go back. Don't be afraid of what you see. Some things are fake."

"I saw monsters a lot when I first started learning colors, but I wasn't scared at all because I knew it was fake."

"I gradually lost sight of it. Chen Uncle told me that the human brain is very powerful. If you believe in some things, it will always exist. If you don't believe it, it will soon become no more."

The people around her nodded one after another. In their sight, Yaoyao might be a black and white flat girl who seemed to jump out of a comic book. line silhouette.

But that doesn't affect what they see in their hearts.

This little girl is probably one of the most tender memories they have ever encountered in their lives.

"Understood Teacher Yang, I will definitely work hard when I go back."

One of them replied with a smile, and for a while, everyone was freed from the slightly serious "teaching process" and began to tease and chat with this little girl like a daughter.

"Yaoyao, Children's Day is coming the day after tomorrow. Come to my house for dinner. I'll ask Xiao Aunt to cook it for you."

Yaoyao hummed, and replied a little embarrassedly:

"I'm not going, the second uncle asked me to go to his house for dinner."

"That's fine! You Xiao Aunt bought you a gift for Children's Day, and I'll bring it to you tomorrow. Remember to ask your big brother if there is any money left at home today. If you don't have money, remember to tell me, okay?"

The person who spoke was He Wu. He lost his sight due to a work-related accident seven years ago. Although he received some compensation, his family’s conditions were not very good. Most people in the neighborhood know his miserliness.

But to Yaoyao, he has always been full of arrogance—probably a simple emotion that will be reciprocated.

"We have money! I made a good 5,000 yuan in the last interview, don't worry about us!"

"Yaoyao is amazing!"

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