Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 534: The Ark Organization Who Comes To The Door

Els sat limply on the sofa, staring blankly at the staff opposite.

In the past two hours, he had just experienced the most incredible, terrifying, and bizarre thing in his life.

All 13 workers died in just a few minutes, and even one of them died in front of him.

And that's not just the full picture of the shock he's been hit, in fact, it's even more damning to him that with the death of those workers, the crops around them are also withering.

Els saw with his own eyes the lush, fruit-laden corn stalks yellowed, fell, and then withered at an astonishing rate, as if years had gone by in an instant.

"That's the devil's forbidden zone....only the devil has such power..."

Els muttered.

The staff on the opposite side sighed helplessly, and then said:

"Mr. Ayers, I think we've explained it many times, it's not a devil - of course, if you mean 'devil' in the abstract, you're not wrong."

"There is an entropy-increasing jump zone of adjacent dimensional invasion, where all the energy is drained almost instantaneously."

"That's why your workers die from heart failure, and that's why your crops die."

Els glanced at the staff in a daze. His mood was not completely calmed down, but he was a highly educated person. In the face of the other's solid theoretical basis, he also slightly changed from the kind of "being dominated by the devil". ' broke free from fear.

After taking a deep breath, Els controlled his trembling hands and asked:

"How should I do?"

"What? Uh....the insurance company will cover your losses, your workers are covered, right? This accident has nothing to do with you, in fact, it could happen to any On the head..."

Els looked at the staff opposite him in disbelief. The contemptuous attitude of the other party made him not know what expression to respond with. After a while, his expression suddenly became furious.

"What I'm saying is what we should do! Yes! Neighbors invaded! They killed people! But we don't even know what to do! Now tell me what we should do!"

He said several "what to do" in a row, and the staff member frowned and waved his hand, and replied:

"Mr. Els, I can understand how I feel, but what do you want us to do?"

"No one has any way. This kind of thing happens in every corner of the world, not just you. In this week, we have collected more than 40 cases of injury accidents caused by the invasion of adjacent dimensions----- Of course, your accident was the deadliest of all accidents."

"But that doesn't change the nature of things - it's like being struck by lightning from the sky, can you expect us to do something about it?"

Els was stunned for a long time, and the logic of the other party made him completely unable to refute.

Yes, as he said, this incident can be completely classified as a "natural disaster". In the context of the invasion of adjacent dimensions, anyone may suffer losses due to such a "natural disaster".

However, is it because of this nature that human beings really do nothing?

Do you just watch your compatriots die?

----Yeah, hasn't this country always been like this?

In the past disasters, the officials seemed to have just watched from the sidelines, and the troops and soldiers they sent were only to maintain order, not to solve problems.

Thinking of this, Els suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"So, in that case, why did you come to me?"

Seeing Ayers calm down, the staff nodded in satisfaction and replied:

"You know, the study of adjacent dimensions is something we've been working on, and now, after an actual adjacent-dimensional intrusion, it's obviously more time for us to do an in-depth study of the site where the intrusion occurred."

"So, what we want to do is simple: we're going to expropriate your land and build a temporary research center."

"We will pay a fair price, you can rest assured."

"only this?"

"Yes, only this. You can participate in our research project if you want, we need first-hand witness information, you can give us a description of what you saw at the time."

"For example, did you see an explosion, did you see an unusual flash, did you see an object that you couldn't understand...etc."

"This will help us judge how adjacent-dimensional channels are established."

"What about the 13 workers?"

Els asked suddenly.

"Workers? Uh, someone will do the aftermath, maybe the police department here..."


Els sneered, then suddenly got up.

"Now, get out of my room."

"I won't accept any cooperation or let you build anything else on my land until you come up with a plan for the aftermath!"

"Mr. Els, please think about it, what we are going to do may save the whole world..."

"Stop your bullshit!"

Els shouted angrily.

"You don't care about the world at all, 13 lives are lost, you don't care at all, you don't even care where their bodies are in this whole conversation!"

"How can I believe you with such a performance? Get out, get out!"

"If you don't want to go by yourself, let my gun help you!"

Looking at the dark muzzle in his wife's hand behind Els, the staff shook his head helplessly, then got up and walked out of the room.

He couldn't understand why Els suddenly lost control of his emotions - according to the information, those workers were just simple workers, and there was a natural class gap between Els and them, and it was almost impossible for them to become friends.

Is the information wrong?

He shook his head and turned to get into the car.

The temporary research institute must be built. If you can't talk about Els, there will always be someone else who can talk to him. Today, his work is over - it's time to get off work and have a drink.


After sending off the worker who claimed to be from the "Healy Organization" and from the National Laboratory, Els silently returned to his room and changed his clothes. The bodies of the 13 workers were probably still lying in the cornfield, although he had already The police were called, but the police still need a long time to collect evidence and analyze the scene, and the work of informing the family may not have started.

And I have the address of each of them in my hand, maybe this should be done by myself.

Els doesn't know why he has this idea. Before today, he has always been a cold person - or, he is a person who knows his own position extremely well.

He knew that he could not be friends with those workers, so he kept a distance from them rationally, but now, everything has changed.

Just one step away, he would also die in that terrifying restricted area. It was the worker named Neil who waved his hand desperately to him and stopped him from entering the dead zone.

At first, Els was only moved by this move, but slowly, as he became more and more calm, as he saw the essence of all this more and more clearly, he suddenly understood one thing. matter.

Under the crisis of adjacent dimensions, no one is special.

The fortress can't stop the entropy increase and jump, and money and status can't save a person who has been involved in the death zone. He is no different from them.

He silently lit a cigarette, took the gun from his wife's hand and inserted it into his waist, then raised his legs and walked out of the door, but just as he was about to open the door, a man's voice suddenly came from outside .

"Is Els there?"

"Didn't I tell you to get out?"

Els pulled out his pistol angrily, opened the door, and pressed the gun against the forehead of the man outside the door.

But to his surprise, the man on the opposite side didn't show any panic at all.

He just looked directly into Els's eyes and said in a relaxed tone:

"Looks like you take me for someone else."

"who are you?"

Ayers asked suspiciously, his gun not moving a single point.

"Me? You don't need to know who I am for now."

"But, I need your help."

"There are many people who need my help today, and there are 13 family members of the dead who need me to notify."

"We've done this for you. Now, can we talk about me?"

Els looked at each other in surprise, then asked:

"Who the hell are you?"

"Okay.... It doesn't matter if I tell you, we are, 'Ark'."

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