Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Thirty Seventh Difficult Task


A Hermes executive team gathered in a motel in the town to discuss the removal strategy of the target.

In human history, there are some people who have thought about the same question countless times:

In the end how to kill their own target in strict protection.

In order to solve this problem, these people have invented many strange assassination methods, such as poisoning, lurking, long-distance sniping... With the continuous updating of technology, the means of assassination are also constantly being updated, but with the In contrast, it is the simultaneous upgrade of defense means.

VIP protection has become a specialized knowledge. In fact, in this day and age, killing important people with a shotgun has basically become an impossible task.

----The reason why the first male gun of a certain server was successful was not because of his superb skills, but simply because the defense was too lax.

But now, the Ark Organization's defense against Els is not slack at all.

"Okay, now we're dealing with a classic question - how do you kill someone in extremely tight defense?"

"The first thing we want to say is that this time our opponent is very familiar with our strategy of action. Since two days ago, Els's movements have been strictly restricted, and he has not stepped out of this safe house even a single step."

"All approaching personnel and vehicles are strictly controlled, and even official personnel are kept out of the 300-meter range."

"There are a large number of guards standing guard on the periphery. These guards come from the best security companies in the world. They are super vigilant and have strong firepower. There is no success rate for direct assaults."

"Long-range sniping is also not feasible, we can't get the vision inside the house, and we can't see the target person."

Thiel, who was sitting in the middle, analyzed the situation, while the rest of the team members quickly recorded on the paper and asked:

"Is it possible to use chemical weapons? Poison gas or something?"

"....if you want Hermes' reputation to rot, then I'm not against that approach. You know, chemical weapons are extremely sensitive—and more importantly, their The controllability is too poor, the acquisition is too difficult, forget this method.”

"Then poisoning is obviously not feasible.... They are completely in a closed environment, and everything from the outside cannot be transported in. If it really doesn't work, just blow it up? We still have two sets on hand. A single soldier rocket should be able to raze that building to the ground."

Thiel frowned and shook his head, pointing to the house plan hanging on the side and saying:

"There is a basement under this building. Our target person is likely to be protected in the basement. Two rockets can't kill him, nor can the peripheral security be disabled. After they react, the security measures will inevitably be taken again. Upgrade, then we will have no chance at all.”

Hearing Tyre's words, the team members spread their hands and said:

"Then there's really no way.... This is one of the highest-defense targets I've ever seen. I'm afraid they've spent all their resources and funds on it."

"So what are they going to do? Is an ordinary farmer worthy of their protection?"

Thiel also sighed, and then said:

"That's my problem too -- in fact, even Conn doesn't even know what they're going to do."

"The most likely guess right now is that they may be using this witness, named Els, to hype up some information about an adjacent dimension invasion to advance the consciousness uploading technology they've been pursuing."

"But what exactly, we may not have a chance to know."

Speaking of which, Thiel paused for a moment, then pressed the remote control in his hand to change the projection display on the screen.

"Regardless of their purpose, it's been a full 36 hours since the Ark started contacting Els. In theory, what they want to do should be fully prepared by now."

"Then, the time left for us is measured in hours - every minute in the future, they can immediately execute the follow-up plan, and we must solve the problem as soon as possible."

His voice fell, and the room immediately fell into silence.

No one can come up with anything that works at a time like this, especially when conditions are so difficult.

The only way to fight a professional security team is to find another team, but if it does, it means a large-scale war and exchange of fire, not to mention the problems within the Hermes organization, Even officially, it is impossible to allow this to happen.

For a while, the team was at a stalemate.

At this moment, Thiel's phone rang. He glanced at the display on the screen, shook his head helplessly, and told several other team members with his lips that it was Conn who called.

After taking a deep breath, Thiel answered the phone.

"Mr. Conn....Yes, no progress yet."

"Yes, we are still discussing, the opponent's defense is very tight, and we haven't thought of a way to break through the defense..."

"No, no, there is no official organization involved right now..."

"I know, we're not thinking about the consequences, we've even come up with gas as an alternative... I get it."

"You can talk about your suggestion..."

"Yes, we can basically confirm that there is an underground fort in the building they are in."

"No, the building itself is not high, only two floors."

"According to the intelligence, the fort should have no way to the outside world - yes, as you said, it is a catacomb, but the problem is that we lack the weapons that can cause damage to this tomb."


A wry smile appeared on Tyre's face.

"There are no penetrating bombs or thermobaric bombs... Our strongest firepower is only two individual rockets, and the killing range is very limited."

"Explosions don't do much damage unless..."

Before Thiel's words were finished, Conn on the opposite side seemed to interrupt him, his expression suddenly became dull, and then, in that dullness, a bit of indescribable shock and fear emerged.

"I see, we'll get in touch right now."

Saying that, Thiel hung up the phone, and then he looked at the waiting team members, frowned tightly and said:

"Mr. Conn helped us figure out a plan."

"This plan.... is cruel, but fortunately, all the required resources are easily available."

"The methods we use are not very sensitive and should not cause too bad effects."

"So now, everyone is ready, we're off right away, and in three hours, the action begins."

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