Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Forty Seventh Advent

In the fourth week of the implementation of the visa prohibition policy, the riots in Yinstambul further escalated. All parts of the urban area have become a substantial "Chinese prohibited area", and many shops even put up signs "Chinese people are prohibited from entering".

At the same time, the chaotic crowd began to look for targets in the urban area. As long as the Chinese who are alone are likely to be attacked.

Even more frightening, unexpected gathering areas in addition to the embassy have also begun to be hit, with officials reporting several cases of home invasions and condemning the violence—but the strength of the condemnation is arguably negligible.

Wang Yang hasn't gone out for a whole week. The food and water they hoarded in advance have allowed them to get through the difficult time, but if the situation deteriorates further, they don't know how long they can last.

"How much do we have to eat?"

Wang Yang asked his wife while counting the things in the refrigerator.

"Aren't you counting yourself, haven't you figured it out yet?"

"I don't understand the numbers, my heart is confused... I don't know how long this situation will last."

Seeing his worried expression, his wife gently squeezed his shoulder and comforted:

"Don't worry, didn't the news say it? The country is already communicating, and it is estimated that it will be resolved soon."

"The food we hoarded before can last for at least half a month, but it won't be solved in half a month, right?"

Wang Yang shook his head and replied:

"That's not necessarily true. I remember hearing them say that in Lybia, the city was besieged for two months, and many people couldn't drink water until the end."

The wife frowned and said hesitantly:

"It won't get to that stage, right? We're not fighting a war after all, and the turkey officials will definitely not dare to do anything..."

"They don't dare, but these mobs don't necessarily - they don't have to bear legal responsibility, and they can do anything."

The wife still wanted to refute, but as if responding to what Wang Yang said, there was a sudden burst of drum noises outside the window.

Wang Yang stood up agitatedly, rushed to the window to look out, and then found that, at some point, hundreds of people had gathered on the street downstairs.

The team shouted slogans such as "Return the market to us", "Make up the taxes and pay the fines", "Huaxia people get out of the Turkish chicken" and other slogans, and took a long-closed Huaxia restaurant downstairs The door smashed to pieces.

Wang Yang saw the shopkeeper hiding in the shop being dragged to the street, and the irrational people rushed up to punch him, and even the people with sticks waved at the shopkeeper's head without any hesitation.

Wang Yang was frightened when he saw it, and he quickly turned around and said to his wife:

"Move the sofa here and block the door! We will definitely be found here too, the landlord is with them!"

Hearing her words, the wife first pushed the two children into the bedroom, closed the curtains in the bedroom, and then instructed the children to hide under the bed.

"Don't come out. If I ask you to run later, you can take your brother and climb to the first floor from the fire escape outside the window. Don't be afraid, you know?"

The eldest son nodded heavily. At this moment, he finally felt the crisis being imposed on his family and even his own nation.

After locking the bedroom door, the wife turned around and came to the living room. Together with Wang Yang, they blocked the door of the living room with the sofa. The moment they blocked the door, there was a deafening crash from the door.

"Fuck, it's so fast!"

Wang Yang dragged the dining table and chairs from the kitchen non-stop and threw them behind the door. Then he instructed his wife to call the embassy. In one sentence:

"Please hold on for another ten minutes."

Then, the phone hung up, Wang Yang stared blankly at the phone screen, he didn't know what would happen in ten minutes, but he knew that his thin door would definitely not last ten minutes.

Someone has already taken down the fire axe from the corridor to break the door. Compared with such a weapon, the alloy door is extremely fragile.

What's more terrible is that breaking the door is not the biggest crisis.

With such a weapon in the hands of the crazy people, who can guarantee that after breaking the door, they will not swing the axe towards themselves and their two children?

Wang Yang rushed to the window again, and there was a fire stairway hanging on the side of the balcony. Climbing over from the balcony, you can directly go down the stairs to the first floor.

But the problem is, there are people guarding the streets now, and it is no safer to go down than to stay in the house.

Just when he hesitated, suddenly there was a scream from his wife in the living room. He turned his head and saw that the blade of the fire axe had penetrated the door and was stuck there.

"No, trapped in the room will definitely kill you, let's go, go downstairs first!"

As he said that, he kicked open the bedroom door, fished out his two sons from under the bed and pulled them to the balcony, then carried them out of the balcony one by one and sent them to the fire stairs.

At this time, the height is 7 floors, and the two young children can't help but be afraid. Wang Yang had to try his best to stabilize his voice and comfort him:

"Don't be afraid, isn't this the same as the high-altitude ropeway that Dad took you to play? Pull the handrail and go down step by step!"

"Remember, when you get to the third floor, stop and wait for Dad, don't go down first, understand?"

The fire stairs are suspended on the second floor, and the bottom stairs can only be lowered from the top down, so Wang Yang is not worried that the thugs on the street will come up the stairs.

"Anything else to bring?"

The wife was nervously rummaging through the pile of luggage, and the youngest son on the stairs suddenly said:

"Mom, my model!"

The wife hurriedly opened his suitcase, took out a model from it and stuffed it into her backpack, then looked at Wang Yang and asked:

"What about you? Any more?"

"Don't worry about it, you don't need to bring anything! At this point, it's useless to bring anything, hurry up!"

With that said, Wang Yang held up his wife, grabbed her hand tightly, and sent her up the fire escalator.

Then, he dragged the last movable sofa and placed it across the glass door of the balcony to hold it tightly, trying to delay the action of the thugs who were about to burst into the room.

But he also knew that such an action was just a kind of psychological comfort, and it couldn't stop those thugs at all.

Wang Yang stepped out of the balcony and cautiously jumped to the fire stairs opposite. The two sons had already descended to the third floor, while his wife was still waiting for him on the seventh floor.

"Go, go, go!"

His voice just fell, and with a loud bang, the door of the living room was finally opened. Wang Yang looked back one last time and found that at least a dozen thugs had rushed into the room.

They ran towards the bedroom for the first time, which made Wang Yang suddenly regret it.

I knew earlier not to drag the sofa to the balcony, which instead exposed the direction of my escape.

However, it was too late to say anything now, all he could do was run down with his family desperately.

However, everyone on the street had already spotted them. The crowd was gathering in the direction of the fire stairs. Some people started throwing stones and even Molotov cocktails at the stairs. As a last resort, they had to retreat to the fourth floor.

However, the resident on the fourth floor was a turkey.

He had opened his own window and called for other thugs to climb out from here to intercept Wang Yang's family.


This is the first time in ten years overseas that Wang Yang feels despair.

He still remembered that the month he had just arrived in Turkey, he lost all his identity documents and didn't have a penny on him. Maybe in a few days, he would end up on the streets or even starve to death.

But he didn't feel the slightest despair. At that time, he asked the way to the embassy in half-familiar English, and finally, with their help, he re-applied the documents and settled himself down.

The embassy can solve this kind of thing, but now?

Now that his life is in danger, where is the strength of the country?

Wang Yang, dressed in rough clothes, sat down on the ground in a slump. The younger son on the side didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem. He stretched out his hand and said to his mother:

"Mom, my model."

The wife smiled wryly and took out the model from the satchel that she was carrying. The model was actually quite large, even if it was put in the bag, it could only fit half of it. It took her a long time to pull it out and hand it over to her younger son. hand.

"What should we do now?"

Wang Yang looked at the thugs above who were trying to turn out from the window to the fire stairs, and then glanced at the end of the stairs on the second floor that had been set on fire by a Molotov cocktail. He sighed helplessly and said:

"What else can I do? It said ten minutes, but now how many minutes?"

The wife glanced down at her watch and replied:

"Eight minutes... Why don't you try climbing in from the 5th floor? I remember the family was kind."

However, as soon as her voice fell, the window on the fifth floor was opened, and a thug with a stick appeared at the window.

The two looked at each other and fell silent at the same time.

At this time, the only one of the four who could remain calm was the youngest son. He still didn't know what happened, and only regarded it as an exciting adventure.

He struggled to hold the model, which was a little too big for him, with his hands, making a "woooo" sound in his mouth, and controlling the model to fly around in the air.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yang couldn't help but feel a little sad, he sighed and asked:

"Tuantuan, what kind of plane are you? Can you take us away?"

Tuantuan glanced at Wang Yang, and then all replied:

"Dad, this is a bomber, and bombers can't take people!"

He held the plane and flew to Wang Yang's side. Wang Yang, who was sitting on the ground, felt that his face was covered with a shadow. He opened his eyes and reached out to grab the plane, but Tuantuan quickly avoided it.

Wang Yang shook his head helplessly, but the next second.

A huge shadow passed over his face, and he saw the model in his son's hands rise into the air.

No, it's not that the model has risen into the air, but a giant plane that is very similar to the model is passing through the air.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of a bursting engine and a sonic boom sounded.

In the next second, he watched helplessly as the belly of the giant plane opened, exposing dozens of missiles in neat rows to the air.

The crowd fell into silence for a moment.

In this eerie silence, dense thermal decoys were spilled from the tail of the second plane that followed, and the fiery yellow light formed a giant wing. For a time, the plane seemed to come from ashes.

Seeing this scene, Tuantuan said in a relaxed tone:

"Golden Crow is here!"

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