Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Sixty Seventh Strategy

"any solution?"

The mood of the three people in the room eased slightly. Qing Hao also took the cigarette handed over by the village chief. After the fire was lit, he patted the back of the village chief's hand twice. dissolve.

Men, especially men who spend years in the wilderness, face challenges all the time and have long-term goals, are often rational. The quarrels between these people are only "debates" based on facts, not emotional catharsis. Therefore, after the initial top, everyone quickly calmed down.

Zhang Fu coughed and then said:

"It's actually very simple. Isn't what they worry about is that the explosion of the nuclear bomb will affect their own vital interests? If we make a demonstration point and tell them that the use of the nuclear bomb will not only harm them, but also benefit them?"

Hearing this, Qing Hao frowned slightly, and then said:

"This demonstration site is not so easy to find, right? Step back, even if they can find a demonstration site, they may not eat this set."

"When it comes to demonstrations, isn't the reservoir on Maoxiong's side the most appropriate example? We have talked about it many times during publicity, but no one listens at all."

"No no no, this is not a demonstration at all."

Zhang Fu waved his hands again and again and continued:

"The bears are too far away from them, and they have no intuitive feeling at all with words and pictures. What we have to do is to let them see with their own eyes that people who have the same living standard as them, quickly surpass them because of our plan. ."

"Don't suffer from widowhood, but suffer from unevenness. Do you know what the most commonly used and classic strategies are in demolition?"

Qing Hao shook his head, and nodded again after a while.

"You mean, first find one or two households as a breakthrough, and after tearing it down, it will form a chain reaction?"

"Yes, but to do that, there's a lot of twists and turns."

"For example, reward money for the first to be demolished, such as taking a walk in the news of private transactions, such as fictitious policy changes... and so on, and so on, a combination of punches will shake many people who originally won't tear it down."

"As long as there are more than 50% of the people - most of the time even 30%, as long as the number of people shaken exceeds this proportion, the follow-up work will be smooth."

"To win and divide, this is a classic strategy that will never change."

Qing Hao and the village chief nodded together, but then the village chief raised questions.

"The premise of this plan is to complete a demonstration, right? Does that mean that we can't start construction until the construction of the demonstration project is completed? That won't meet our time requirements!"

Zhang Fu smiled mysteriously and asked back:

"Who said our demonstration project would actually be built?"

The village chief was stunned and continued to ask:

"If it's not built, how can I demonstrate?"

"What to demonstrate? Are we demonstrating the project itself? What we are 'demonstrating' is that the local people can profit from the project, that they are not afraid of nuclear bombs, and that they are willing to let us build with nuclear bombs!"

"As long as the people in Doka Village can see this, it is enough. As for when the project can be built, does it matter?"

"Let's take demolition as an example. Do people in the demolition area care when their neighbors are demolished? All they care about is when their neighbors can get the demolition money!"

Qing Hao suddenly realized that he nodded and said:

"So, as long as we get the money in place, things can be solved easily... How much do you estimate it will cost? I have to report to my superiors to assess the financial pressure."

"Not a penny."

Zhang Fu shook his head and replied.

"You don't want a penny, how do you let them see the benefits?"

Qing Hao asked with a frown.

"Give policy."



Zhang Fu nodded and explained:

"The Tongtian River project is a big project, which involves changes and development in various aspects such as transportation, water transportation, dredging, infrastructure, education, and even cultural tourism. Major change."

"However, these changes are in a primary and secondary order. It is impossible for every settlement to enjoy the same resources in the tens of thousands of kilometers of Tongtianhe route."

"Some areas may rely on river infrastructure to develop tourism, some areas may develop sediment and building materials industries, and some areas may give priority to starting agriculture - all of which require resources and policies."

"Where there are no resources and no policies, there is only a bare river."

"Do you think that in these two cases, the benefits for residents will be the same?"

Qing Hao slowly shook his head. At this moment, he clearly felt the gap between himself and Zhang Fu.

He himself grew up in the countryside, and is a typical "small town quiz writer" in the mouths of those malicious commentators. Although his grades have always been good, he has greatly changed his life by virtue of his hard work, and even participated in the He played a pivotal role in this national key project.

However, he is still lacking in his understanding of policies and macroeconomics.

If Zhang Fu hadn't said it now, he wouldn't have been able to link his policy interests with the difficulties he's currently facing—it's not that his wisdom and experience can't support him in thinking like this, it's just... .. limited horizons.

After a pause, he said:

"So, what we want to provide to the people along the route is a long-term expectation, and as long as we make a little adjustment in these expectations, we can cooperate with us to achieve the purpose of the so-called 'demonstration', right?"

"Yes. We don't even need to adjust the policies in the general direction, but only need to adjust the order of implementation of the policies - three years in advance, one year in advance, and one year in advance, these three times, the things brought about It's completely different."

Hearing this, Qing Hao let out a long sigh and asked with a slightly hesitant tone:

"But if you it a deception?"

Zhang Fu was stunned, not knowing how to answer for a while.

He understood the meaning of the other party the moment Qing Hao's voice fell. What he was worried about was far more than the so-called "deception", but that if the few of them could live in this dilapidated little house, just relying on a few words , One report decides the fate of thousands of people, so what will happen when one day, this power is out of control?

The three fell into silence for a while, and after a long time, Zhang Fu said:

"Maybe it's not something we should decide, we're going to report the strategy to the higher up and let them decide."

"We're on the front lines, where the regulation is the weakest and the most error-prone, and we can't . . .

"No, we have to start."

Unexpectedly, Qing Hao knocked on the table, and then said firmly:

"Orders must come from the front line, otherwise, there will be more distortions and distortions in policy."

"Regulatory issues, I'll consider it."

"In any case, the incident this time is a matter of fact, and there can be no major problems in the operation of this matter itself. As for the future..."

"I believe that the superior will have a way to put us in a cage."

Having said this, Qing Hao suddenly laughed.

"It's weird that some people are worried about being caged and we're worried about being out of the's kind of funny to say."

Zhang Fu also laughed, and then replied:

"Maybe we're not like them?"

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