Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 101 Vodka: Did Margaret betray us too?


Yuanzi looked confused and asked subconsciously.

"Store manager, is he okay?"


Everyone is lying on the ground, is the store manager still okay?

Conan, who had remained silent since coming out, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Sonoko, the eighth wife, really threw away her brain after seeing the handsome guy.

And for Luke's strange look.

Yuanzi's face turned red, and then she realized that she had been stupid, and she hurriedly explained.

"I mean, is the store manager still alive? I want to see him for something."


The store manager has become like this, and you still want him to get up and work.

What kind of ultimate capitalist?

Xiaolan sighed.

Yuanzi, why don't you stop talking.

"Well, no, that's not what I meant."

Yuanzi became even more anxious.

"It's okay, Sonoko, I understand."

Luke looked like everything you said was right.

After all, she is the daughter of the Street Light family, so it is normal to have such thoughts.

"Why are you two here?"

Officer Megure couldn't help but ask.

In this kind of place, he could still understand Fei Yingli being here yesterday.

After all, they say women are like wolves at thirty and tigers at forty.


It should be said that Fei Yingli and Brother Maori have been separated for too long, and their relationship has faded. It is understandable that the two of them are doing their own thing.

But why did you two little girls end up in a place like this?

You two are still underage.

Officer Mumu's expression was complicated, entangled, regretful, and also a kind of unpredictable disappointment.


The two female high school students looked embarrassed.

"Ahem, Officer Megure, these two ladies are my friends. I invited them to visit in my personal capacity."

Luke comes to the rescue.

He received grateful looks from two female high school students.

"It turned out that I just wanted to show them around and leave, but I was delayed by this child. As you know, Officer Megure, children are more lively and active."

“If you’re not careful, you’ll often end up somewhere you don’t know.”

Luke selectively "beautifies" some realities.

Conan's eyes widened, I'm not, I didn't!

However, Kazama Ruri's words "Shinichi" just now scared him, and the Conan child now hopes that he is really just an ordinary kid and inconspicuous.

Therefore, I will bear this responsibility!

"is that so?"

Officer Mumu was doubtful.

He glanced down at the big-headed doll and remembered that this child did often break into crime scenes or strange corners.

Children who are more lively and active can understand.

"Sorry, Sister Xiaolan, I won't do it next time."

Conan blinked his big eyes and made an embarrassed sound.

The way he looked at this moment was disgusting.

"Yes, yes, that's right, we came in just because of this guy running around."

Sonoko confidently threw the blame on Conan.

Conan just called her eighth wife.

Xiaolan hesitated to speak.

Isn't it wrong to deceive Officer Megure like this?

But being dragged by Yuanzi, let's let such a white lie continue.

Besides, Xiaolan, do you want your parents to know that you come to a place like this?

The look in Yuanzi's eyes revealed this meaning.

Xiaolan was speechless.

Mr. Conan, please forgive Sister Xiaolan.

"Okay, but it's quite late. Miwako, please drive them home."

Officer Megure ordered.


Miwako Sato agreed.

She looked like she had just taken a shower, and her hair was still wet.

It seems that he drove here from home on a temporary assignment.

After all, it's almost ten o'clock now, and it's already time to get off work.

Xiaolan kept saying thanks, Yuanzi looked reluctant to leave.

Are you leaving now?

She wanted to chat with Kazama for a while longer.

Now that the store manager has passed away, her next appointment with Mr. Fengma will be far away.

No, since she can't find Mr. Kazama, let Mr. Kazama come to her!

Yuanzi's IQ suddenly leapt to a level beyond her reach.

"Kazema, my family recently cooperated with the Rice Flower Museum to hold a gem exhibition. There is a lack of interested guests. Are you willing to come?"

Miss Yuanzi opened her eyes and told lies.

Not to mention the gem exhibition, the Suzuki Foundation just wants to hold a silver party, and the group of people below will be thinking about whether to go to Thailand for a cutting operation.

"Of course, no problem, Sonoko, it's my pleasure."

The young man smiled, and his smile was like the ripples of a clear spring.

Yuanzi was stunned.

No matter how many times I watch it, I can't help but wonder.

How such a enchanting ghost smiles brighter than the sun.

"Yuanzi, Yuanzi, we should go."

Xiaolan reminded.

Yuanzi woke up from a dream, with a red face and a dull nod.

Miwako Sato has been waiting aside for a long time, while Officer Megure is on the phone, seemingly confirming something.

"Kazema, you must come!"

Yuanzi was pulled out by Xiaolan, and she didn't forget to shout.

After all, how can a gem exhibition lack the most dazzling gem?

Luke nodded and watched the three people leave.

Little Conan followed the two obediently. It seemed that he was quite frightened by Luke's "Shinichi" today.

The whole person has lost all energy.

It may also be because there were no deaths in today's case and Conan's detective brain was not activated.

"Sir, I'll leave first."

"Go back quickly. Someone from the bureau just called and said that another murder occurred in the restaurant of Mihua Central Building. We need to go back quickly!"

Officer Memu looked serious.

In the evening, have a candlelight dinner, and then kill someone casually.

Is this reasonable?

In Yoneka Town, this makes sense.

Miwako Sato raised her hand in response, and when she passed by Luke, she suddenly heard a cut.

"Miss Miwako, come on!"

Luke smiled and encouraged.

Sato Mei and Zili ignored it and walked straight out the door.

She has no intention of communicating with this bastard who cheated on her best friend's feelings!

"Brother Kazama, don't worry, Miwako is just a bit outspoken."

Officer Memu smoothes things over.

Luke shook his head.

"Let's go, Officer Megure. I'll go with you to the station to take notes."

"Okay, everyone, please tidy up the scene. Let's close the team and go to the next game!"

Officer Megure shouted loudly.

The surrounding backdrops chanted "Yes!"

On the other side, Gin was cleaning his pistol at the base. He had just gotten off work.

"Brother, I have sent you Shirley's lab report this month."

Vodka intertwined his fingers and used the computer to encrypt and upload the data.

Gin made a move.

"Has Margaret gone to see her?"

"Well, he also met Shirley's sister."

Vodka replied.

He did not envy Margaret's behavior of riding on countless boats.

Because it's enough for him to have his big brother Gin.

"It seems that Shirley's sister didn't tell Margaret about our deal with her. She is really a stupid woman."

"If you ask me, brother, you should have killed that woman when she proposed the deal."

"This is good for both the organization and Shirley."

Vodka couldn't help but start taunting.

"Shut up, Vodka."

Gin interrupted coldly.

The vodka stopped abruptly, feeling a little aggrieved.

Gin's temperament became even colder. This idiot couldn't see the situation clearly. Are there no smart people in the organization?

No, there is a smart person, the traitor who was killed by his shot just now.

Thinking of this, Gin's tone softened slightly.

Although his brain is not bright enough, Vodka is still loyal to him.

"There are not many women in this world who can deceive Margaret."

Vodka suddenly realized.

"Brother, are you saying that Margaret was also seduced into rebellion by that woman?"

Gin's face turned livid.

I'm finishing yesterday's chapter, but my laptop can't charge. I'll go to the Internet cafe to code some words. I'll write a few chapters first, and then I'll go back in the evening and continue to finish.

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