Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 109 Akai Shuichi, stop contacting me, I’m afraid Luke will misunderstand

Chapter 109 Akai Shuichi, don’t contact me, I’m afraid Luke will misunderstand...

Organization members present shuddered.

Does the voice of the Gin boss sound a little perverted?

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, let's go first~"

Bellmode said hello.


Chianti gets the point right.

"Chianti, you and Cohen go to the equipment department and prepare a meeting gift for our former colleagues."

Gin sneered.

He seemed to be able to imagine what kind of delightfully twisted expression Akai Shuichi would have on his damn face.

Chianti sighed, but she agreed.

Without him, it is just the sorrow of beating workers.

However, the real wines in the organization are all working hard, and they have dedicated their lives to the organization and died.

In the end, he either died at the hands of his own people, or he was forced to be involved in the case and became a victim for a series of reasons.

On the contrary, they are the undercover agents of the organization, and they are all thriving.

The salary thief Toru Amuro, the justice presiding over Reina Mizuno, and the impunity Shuichi Akai

Luke sometimes wonders if the organization’s recruitment channel is through the police academy?

Or is the organization actually an agent training camp established by Renya Karasuma in cooperation with national agencies of various countries?

"Let's go, Shaman, you should give me a reasonable explanation tonight."

Belmode pushed Luke.

Luke is brave and fearless, how could he be afraid of a mere witch.

What's more, if he is bald, doesn't he still have hands?

Fudo Mingwang Huo Laoer once said that even if you can only move your fingers, you can't stop the exploration of black holes.

Gin was too lazy to pay attention to this couple. As long as Belmod didn't cause any trouble for him, it was totally worth sacrificing a Margaret.

"Bourbon, you continue to be in charge of intelligence work, communicate with Belmode, and report the latest news to me and Rum at any time."

Heipi nodded, he was gearing up, looking a little eager to try.

Akai Shuichi, you better pray that you don't fall into my hands.

Otherwise, you will suffer the same consequences!

"Ireland, when you go back, remember to inform Piske and make contact with those losers so that we can take action."

"That group of trash" naturally refers to the upper class of Neon.

Among the members of Neon's organization, currently only Pisk's apparent identity can do this.

Ireland nodded in agreement.

Now that Pisk has not been carried away by Gin, there is no deep hatred between the two of them, so they can work together to eliminate a major enemy of the organization.

It will be of great benefit to both the organization and Pisk.

Seeing the busy organization members, Gin was very pleased.

With this sleeping dragon and phoenix chick, why worry about great things being difficult to achieve?

"Brother, what about me?"

Vodka, one of the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks, asked excitedly.

Gin was silent.

Right now, America, the FBI.

"Xiuyi, do you really want to go back? The organization may have set up a dragnet on Neon this time."

Judy was worried.

"It is precisely because the organization pays attention to me that I have to go back."

"As soon as I show up, Gin will never give up any chance to kill me."

"And this is our only chance to capture people inside the organization."

Akai Shuichi looked serious.

"But if you go back, it's very likely that you will..."

Judy did not continue.

Everyone knew what she meant.

Last time Akai Shuichi was able to escape safely.

On the one hand, it was because he was alert enough, and because Miyano Akemi was an insider within the organization as a springboard.

On the other hand, it is the inaction of the Neon government.

Only in this way can he, an FBI undercover agent, get the support of the United States in Neon.

Otherwise, just relying on Akai Shuichi, his eight lives would not be enough to escape Gin's crazy pursuit.

After all, Gin is a madman who dares to fly an armed helicopter across Tokyo Tower in the future.

"Don't worry, Judy, I'll be fine."

Akai Shuichi won the victory.

Nothing will happen to you, but something will definitely happen to me!

There was a trace of resentment in Judy's eyes.

She and Akai Shuichi were originally a couple who loved each other very much.

However, Akai Shuichi wanted to better complete the mission of the latent organization.

He resolutely chooses to use a beauty trick to deceive people.

But whether he deceived others or not, Judy herself was deceived.

We agreed that after this battle, we would still be a couple when we come back.

As a result, after Akai Shuichi came back, he still couldn't forget that girl. Judy explicitly hinted at getting back together, but Akai Shuichi pretended that he didn't hear it.

If it weren't for the fact that Judy is a foreigner after all, she has a broader view on love.

I'm afraid that if the FBI ace returns, the first case he encounters will be his ex-girlfriend's serial assassination.

"Xiuichi, promise me that you will come back alive this time, okay?"

Judy couldn't help it anymore, so she hugged Akai Shuichi.

Akai Shuichi's body stiffened, but he still didn't break free.

He did have some thoughts about the girl he was taking advantage of, but more importantly, he felt pity for the girl.

If you think about it, you can tell that the organization is in such a dangerous place.

An ex-boyfriend is actually a peripheral member of the FBI undercover. If he can be eliminated directly without being regarded as a traitor, everything will be fine.

"I promise you, Judy."

Shuichi Akai patted Judy's back.

The two of them quickly let go, after all, their boss was still here.

James Black coughed and cleared his throat.

"Shuiyi, we have temporarily arranged your identity."

"When we get there, I will ask the local public security to help you change your identity as much as possible."

"Everything is up to you, Shuichi."

James looked grim.

He and Judy would find an opportunity to enter Neon in the future.

After all, Neon is a good economic powerhouse, and being able to stuff an FBI person in is already their limit.

If there are more, the Neon government will respond.

"Shuiyi, be careful."

Judy warned.

Akai Shui nodded.

Then she remained silent, seeing that this dog man didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

Judy really couldn't stand the awkward atmosphere on the scene.

She simply pulled her boss Black and said goodbye directly.

The room was empty.

Akai Shuichi looked at the time, and one hand touched the button under the desk calmly.

The blinds were automatically closed, and all the hidden cameras were turned off.

Shuichi Akai carefully took out a keypad phone that looked quite old.

He typed a text message, hesitated for a long time, and finally sent it out.

"Amei, I'm coming back..."

This was the last way he contacted Mingmei, and the only way he could use to contact her.

After sending this letter, he closed his eyes and leaned on the office chair for a long time.

Shuichi Akai actually felt a little regretful in his heart. He obviously had countless ways to approach the organization.

But he chose the most despicable one, which was even more despicable than Luke.

After a long while, he didn't know what the person on the other side was busy with.

Shuichi Akai sighed, maybe, maybe, she had left...

Shuichi Akai had already prepared for the worst.

Suddenly, with a ding dong, the phone rang.

This was specially designed by Shuichi Akai for her.

Just to be able to get the information she sent at the first time.

Shuichi Akai was overjoyed. It was good to be alive. It was good to be alive...

But when Shuichi Akai opened the email, he was stunned.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Is this really what Mingmei could say?

"Mr. Moroboshi, please don't call me anymore. I'm afraid Mr. Kazama will misunderstand..."

Moroboshi was a fake identity that Shuichi Akai made up in order to join the Black Organization.

Moroboshi was dumbfounded. He no longer had the demeanor of a "silver bullet".

Well, now he has to be called a "green bullet".

Good night, good brothers

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