Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 113 Kaito Kidd: Kudo Shinichi, it turns out you are my brother!

To Mrs. Suzuki:

"When the moon separates" refers to the moment when the moon intervenes between the artificial satellite and the sun. Kaito Kidd will use the BS (abbreviation for Black Star) radio station as the base point, and the time is between twelve o'clock and four o'clock in the middle of the night.

The "wave" in "Invited to the Waves" means "radio wave", and Kaitou Kid should be coming from the direction of the BS radio station's radio waves.

The radio wave of the BS radio station transmits signals in a direction of 45 degrees from south to west and an elevation angle of 42.3 degrees. From the perspective of the Rice Krispies Museum, the location is the roof of the Cupido Hotel.

——Your knight, Kazama Ruri.

Sent time: 12:00.

Kaito Kidd glides in the air, nimbly dodging the searchlights below.

I found a small alley to land, and the police rushed over.

"Kidd is right here, come here!"

"Coming, coming, get your stun gun ready!"

"Don't let him go. Come on, Kidd can dress up. Is that person in front of him?"

The plainclothes policemen crowded into the alley in a chaotic manner.

A middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance quietly walked out of the alley. These familiar old friends were still as easy to trick as ever.

After turning left and right, the middle-aged uncle looked around and saw no one around.

He then opened the car door with confidence and got in.

"Master, are you not injured?"

Terai Huangnosuke asked through the rearview mirror while starting the antique car.

"No, I just met two strange detectives."

Kuroba Kaito tore off his human skin mask.


"Well, there is a quite famous Sherlock Holmes from the Heisei era named Kudo Shinichi. Grandpa Terai, do you have any information about him?"

Terai Huangnosuke held the steering wheel tightly and tried his best to keep his voice steady.

"A famous high school detective in Tokyo who has solved many strange cases, but there hasn't been much news about him in the past month or so. He seems to have gone abroad."

"Maybe the Suzuki Consortium invited him back. There is news that he is a good friend with the daughter of the Suzuki family."

Terai Huangnosuke guessed.

"Is that so? Is there any news that his family is actually some kind of magical family?"

Kuroba Kaito suddenly said this.

Terai Huangnosuke had a question mark on his face.

Master, what are you talking about?

His family can at most be related to magic, but how could it be related to something as false as magic?

Or is it that the young master was actually injured, but it was his brain?

Terai Huangnosuke looked worried.

Master, if something happens to you, how can I explain it to my wife?

"Haha, it's okay, Grandpa Terai, I was just joking."

Noticing Terai Kinosuke's strange look, Kuroba Kaito chuckled.

Grandpa Terai is old. It is better not to tell him such things that shake the worldview. Grandpa Terai is worried.

"What a coincidence, I wanted to make a joke too."


The antique car braked suddenly, Kuroba Kaito raised his poker gun, and Terai Kinosuke also took out his stun gun.

"Is it you?"

Kuroba Kaito retracted his gun.

"Grandpa Terai, put the gun back."

"Mr. Kudo, I remember that I didn't delay you in anything."

Douzi's tone was a little helpless.

Just after you pinned me once and then let me go, my friend got off work and you touched me again.

"Indeed not."

"Kudo Shinichi" touched his chin.

"Then why do you keep following me?"

Douzi's tone became even more resentful.

Apart from occasionally taking in a few unimportant things and teasing female fans, has he ever done anything bad?

As for keeping the magic detective watching?

Is it possible that you still want me to defend myself?

"I'm not looking for you, but the person behind you."


Kuroba Kaito was confused.

Terai Huangnosuke looked nervous.

As the assistant of the second-generation Kaitou Kidd, he didn't find out how "Kudo Shinichi" got into the car at all.

"We all have a common enemy, Venus in the Abyss."

"Kudo Shinichi" said calmly.

Although Hongzi's magic is strange, it is far inferior to the spiritual magic in the Harry Potter world.

Kuroba Kaito understood,

"Are you the brother Hongzi told me about?"

Grandpa Terai’s eyes widened.

Who is Hongzi? Were the master and his wife friends back then?

No, more importantly, can the young master know about this?

"Kudo Shinichi" nodded without changing his expression.

"So that's it. You magicians can't just say what you have to say."

Kuroba Kaito breathed a sigh of relief.

No wonder he keeps following him, it turns out that everyone is in the same group

"Take me to see Hongzi. Let's discuss together how to deal with Venus in the abyss."

"Do you need to be in such a hurry? Is that guy difficult to deal with?"

Douzi asked.

"Kudo Shinichi" couldn't deny it and shrugged.

Seeing that he couldn't find the answer, Kuroba Kaito simply gave up.

Each of these magicians is more mysterious than the last, and each is more mysterious than the Riddler.

He's used to it.

"Grandpa Terai, let's change direction. We won't go home tonight."

Terai Huangnosuke nodded blankly.

The topic that the young master discussed with "Kudo Shinichi" felt a little wrong.

"Grandpa Terai, Grandpa Terai?"

"Oh, okay, Master."

Terai Huang Zhisuke came back to his senses and quickly started the engine.

The antique car plopped and plopped, slowly moving forward.

Koizumi Hongzi was staying at home to brew an unknown potion.

The green viscous liquid in the pot was bubbling with strange bubbles from time to time, and the black mist on it was surging, revealing a human face wailing.

The way she mixed the potion really looked like a vicious witch in a fantasy story.

If you ignore Koizumi Hongzi's amazing beauty and sexy figure.

There was also an ugly "Goblin" standing next to him, who was Koizumi Hongzi's housekeeper.

He carefully guarded Hongzi's side. Since Hongzi had divined that Kaito Kid had stolen the gems last time, she went home and started to brew potions.

She didn't even go to school these days.

He hadn't seen Miss Hongzi work so hard for a long time.

At this time, as Miss Hongzi stirred the potion, the boiling potion gradually calmed down.

Hongzi's eyebrows spread, and the brewing was successful.

"Miss Hongzi, I have prepared supper, please eat."

The housekeeper said respectfully.

Koizumi Hongzi nodded.

Brewing potions is a very energy-consuming task, and she needs to replenish some energy to restore her physical strength.

If she hadn't predicted that horny man in the divination, how could she Hongzi have gone through so much trouble.

However, fortunately, Kidd still chose to go.

With him in front, Koizumi Hongzi's preparation time is undoubtedly more sufficient.

Kid, don't worry, I will take good care of Aoko.

You can go with peace of mind.

Koizumi Hongzi ate peacefully, and the doorbell sounded.

Why would someone come to see her at this time?

Koizumi Hongzi was a little confused.

The housekeeper walked quickly to the door. At this time, could it be another passerby who got lost in the forest?

There are still three chapters, I am writing, and I slept quite comfortably. Writer's assistant, start!!!

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