Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 115: Rich Lady and Tokyo Cowherd (End of Conan Volume 1)

"Ahem, Hongzi, I suddenly remembered that the gas in my house is not turned off, I'm leaving first."

Kuroba Kaito coughed and pulled Grandpa Terai outside.

The gas at home was really not turned off, he needed to go home.

"Hehe, do you think you can still get away, Kaito Kid?"

Hongzi sneered.

Kuroba Kaito stopped.

Grandpa Terai was a little surprised. What happened to his young master? He was so startled.

And that Kudo Shinichi just now, was it a disguise? Young people nowadays are really amazing.

Neither he nor the young master could see through Luke's disguise.

"Sit down, let's talk."

Kuroba Kaito wanted to ask if he could stand up and walk around?

He was young and not afraid of being tired.

However, the fluctuation of magic power flashed by.

Kuroba Kaito was stunned. He actually lost control of his body and turned around stiffly.

Following Grandpa Terai, the two turned back at the same time, walked to the dining table step by step, and finally sat upright on the chair.

Just like the heroine in some hypnotic series.

"Master, are you okay?"

After sitting down, the mysterious power that controlled them dissipated, and Grandpa Terai asked anxiously.

Kuroba Kaito shook his head.

"Don't worry, it's just some tricks to prevent you from escaping."

Luke comforted.

As he said that, various magic props hidden on Kuroba Kaito flew out and floated in the air.

Well, this time he really can't run away.

Kuroba Kaito could only sigh.

Then he was glared at by Koizumi Hongzi.

If it weren't for you, a brainless idiot, would we have fallen to this point now?

"Kaito Kuroba, a student in Class B, Grade 2 of Ekoda High School, is proficient in disguise, voice changing, and escape."

"One day, he suddenly discovered that his father, Toichi Kuroba, who died 8 years ago, was Kaito Kid. In order to find out the murderer of his father, he became the second generation of Kaito Kid and investigated the cause of his father's death through bold theft."

"Then he found out that his father was assassinated by a mysterious organization, so he became an enemy of the mysterious organization and tried to dismantle the conspiracy of the mysterious organization."

"Am I right, Kaito?"

Luke asked.

Kaito Kuroba's expression was stiff.

You even took out his underwear. Does it matter whether he admits it or not?

"Sir, what do you want to do?"

Kaito Kuroba gave up resistance.

All his information was exposed, but he didn't know the true identity of the man in front of him.

This is undoubtedly a terrible thing for a thief living in the dark side.


Luke replied.

Kaito Kuroba's pupils shrank.

Thinking of the mysterious methods of the man in front of him, Kaito Kuroba couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Yes, maybe only immortality can attract this group of people.

"Find the mysterious stone of life 'Pandora' before Halley's Comet falls on Earth, shine it under the moonlight, and generate 'tears of gems'."

"After drinking the tears of gems, you will realize your wish of immortality."

Luke continued.

"As long as you find this gem, I will help you solve the problem of your father and the 'zoo'."

Kuroba Kaito remained silent.

He became a phantom thief, on the one hand to find the cause of his father's death, and on the other hand because of his sense of justice.

Although it is a bit ridiculous to talk about justice to a thief who stole treasures.

But it is indeed the true thought of Kuroba Kaito.


Grandpa Terai was a little worried.

"Kaito, if you want to destroy that organization, I suggest you agree to it."

Koizumi Hongzi interrupted.

Kaito looked up, and Koizumi Hongzi kept silent again.

For the sake of being classmates, Koizumi Hongzi chose to help Kaito again.

The most important thing is that this queen has not dealt with you, the idiot who led the way!

Looking at Grandpa Terai who looked worried, Kuroba Kaito took a deep breath.

"I promise you, Mr. Kazama, we will have a pleasant cooperation."

Luke smiled.

Very good, Kaito Kidd, take him down.

He could already imagine how to deal with Xiaolan's problem in the future.

"A wise choice, as your ally, I will give you a little support."

Luke flipped his hand, and a belt with an eyeball inlaid appeared in his hand.

In Conan's world, he was not looking for women all day long.

"This is."

Kuroba Kaito was a little confused.

"Have you seen Kamen Rider?"

Luke's smile gradually became weird.

Kamen Rider is a special effects character in Conan's world, and his status is equivalent to Kamen Rider in the real world.

Kuroba Kaito nodded.

"Very good, I will tell you how to use this belt."

Finally, Kuroba Kaito nodded and bowed, and respectfully sent off the new magician boss.

Koizumi Hongzi curled her lips in disdain.

Childish men always like these strange things.

The next day, Metropolitan Police Department.

"Hello, Margaret, where are you?"

"I'm at the police station."

There was silence on the other side.

"If you have anything to say, let's talk when we get back. I'm hanging up first, Mr. Kurosawa."

After hanging up the phone, Luke smiled apologetically.

"Officer Takagi, my colleague has something urgent to talk to me about. Let's speed up."

"Okay, no problem, it will be over soon."

Officer Takagi was very understanding.

The police naturally did not catch Kaito Kidd, but life had to go on and the record had to be made.

The next day, all the relevant personnel were called to the police station to record their statements.

Including Luke, who did not appear at the scene last night but sent a text message to Mrs. Suzuki.

At the same time, Gin looked at the hung up phone.

Why did Margaret go to the police station? Hasn't he been with Vermouth these days?

Could it be that Margaret couldn't help it and went out to eat and was discovered by Vermouth, and then sold by Vermouth?

But from the tone, Margaret seemed to be able to handle it herself.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

The elder brother pondered for a moment.

"Call Vermouth and tell her not to bring any emotions into work."

"Margaret is still young, it's normal for her to make mistakes."


Vodka was stunned.

Gin changed his mind.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

For some reason, Gin's calm tone seemed full of fatigue.

Today's organization is still a tiring day for the model worker.

Back to Luke, after recording the statement, he refused Officer Takagi's invitation.

There is still work to do today.

As soon as he left the police station, a familiar stretched luxury car appeared in front of Luke.

The window was rolled down. Although he was wearing a formal suit, his graceful figure and slender waist made this professional suit look even more elegant.

"Get in the car, my knight."

Suzuki Tomoko invited.

Luke showed a barely perceptible smile at the corner of his mouth, like a ripple on his face, quickly passing across his face, and then condensed into two sparks in his eyes, disappearing in the depths of his eyes in an instant.

The car door opened and closed.

The story of the rich lady and the Tokyo gigolo has just begun.

Conan (I) is over, the data is good, and the second part will be written in a short story later.

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