"So, for the next period of time, the North Sea will be handed over to you."

"Don't let me down, Peng En."

"I will protect the stability of the North Sea and wait for your triumphant return, base commander."

The tall man with a face like a skeleton answered solemnly.

He is T Peng En, nicknamed "Ship Slayer", and was recruited by Luke some time ago to become the deputy of the base.

Although T Peng En looks quite fierce, he is actually a very kind and good person.

Well, not like Luke, but a good person in the true sense.

"During the time I was away, if anyone was too jumpy, please write it down, and I will deal with them one by one when I come back."

T Peng En nodded.

Luke nodded with satisfaction, he still trusted T Peng En.

Although his personality is a bit eccentric, his character is really impeccable.

Take the original work as an example, he is considerate to his subordinates, protects civilians, and is willing to defend his justice to the death.

Although he died at the hands of the civilians he protected in the end.

They wanted to take T Peng En's head to the Cross Guild established by Buggy, the Four Emperors Clown, in exchange for a bounty.

But it also shows that T. Pengen is a reliable person.

And his strength is not weak either. It is easy for him to beat the little brats who have not entered the Grand Line.

Unless he encounters some protagonists with auras.

"Not ready yet? Tina is a little impatient."

Tina complained.

This person said he was coming to deal with internal affairs, but why does it feel like he is telling his last wishes...

This is just an escort mission, is it necessary to be so nervous?

Tina doesn't understand, Tina thinks Luke is making a fuss.

"Why are you in a hurry? The fleet of the headquarters will not arrive soon."

"But with the speed of Tina's warship, it will take two days to reach the agreed location."

"Isn't your Black Olive Fleet quite famous? Why is it so slow?"

"It's almost as fast as those old ships in the East China Sea."

Luke offended two people with one sentence.

Smoker's face turned black. He is a naval colonel stationed in Rog Town in the East China Sea.

The East China Sea has always been called the weakest sea.

Pirates of the tens of millions level in this sea area are already the top pirates.

Therefore, the funds approved by the headquarters have always been relatively small, and there is no money to upgrade the ships.

"If you think it's too slow, don't take Tina's warship!"

Tina was angry.

"If you want the secret mission to fail, I'm happy to drive my own ship."

His warship went to the Seven Seas Capital specifically, and was transformed with the technology of the headquarters and the Germa Kingdom.

This one is worth at least hundreds of thousands of Choppers.

"Luke, do you know that you really deserve a beating sometimes?"

Tina gritted her teeth.

"Of course I know."

Smoker and Tina relaxed their expressions a little.

But the next sentence made the two of them want to find a general to beat Luke to death.

"But they can't beat me!"

Luke smiled heartily, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

Otherwise, why do you think I have so many scars on my body?

Smoker and Tina were silent at the same time.

T Peng En covered his face.

Base Captain Luke's personality has always been so awkward, which is really difficult for the two base captains' friends.

No matter what, this bed that should be on… ahem, the ship that should be on should be on.

Luke followed Tina on the ship for two days.

On the third day, the navigator who looked a bit like a gibbon told them that they had reached their destination.

Standing on the deck, Smoker seemed a little nervous.

He was also called a mad dog when he was training at the headquarters.

Now he has been thrown into the East China Sea branch for a few years.

Smoker thinks that young people should be more cautious.

Don't think about fighting and killing all day long, but also learn the ways of the world.

"Luke, do you think my tie is crooked?"

Smoker asked.

For some reason, he always felt that he seemed to be missing something.

"No crooked, come and try to smoke one?"

Luke saw at a glance that Smoker was lacking some source power now.

"The high-end goods sent from the West Sea are quite popular."

Smoker took it subconsciously, and unknowingly the high-end cigar was in his mouth.

Luke is old and no longer innocent, so he only smokes cigars now.

"Borrow a light."

Luke continued.

Smoker handed over the lighter.

After Luke lit it, he put the lighter into his pocket.

The two of them started to smoke, and Smoker was refreshed.

He had always felt something was wrong, and it turned out that he lacked this mental supplement.

Now it's in the right position!

Smoker was satisfied.

And Tina, who was standing behind the two of them, had a look of contempt.

He was about to meet the boss, and he was still smoking here.

Aren't you afraid of being beaten later?

"Tina, do you want one?"

Luke invited.

So, the smoking duo became the smoking trio.

Many female characters in the world of One Piece are addicted to smoking.

When the ship swayed and the two side rails met.

A tall and beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing the person clearly, Tina took the lead in greeting.

"Vice Admiral Gion, Colonel Tina of the headquarters sends you greetings!"

"Don't be so polite, little Tina, just call me Sister Gion."

Gion smiled.

Most of the female navy knew Gion, the great swordsman and admiral candidate.

"Little Smoker, it's been a long time since I last saw you."

"Good afternoon, Vice Admiral Gion."

Smoker was holding a cigarette.

He was acting cool again.

"Luke, Colonel of the North Sea Branch, I have heard of your name, Vice Admiral Gion."

Luke took the initiative to introduce himself without waiting for Gion to ask.

He was more envious of Vice Admiral Gion's swordsmanship, after all, this was a rare great swordsman in the pirate world.

Parenthesis, or a woman.

"Little Luke? I heard from little Garp that you are a very interesting guy."

Vice Admiral Gion recalled the evaluation of little Garp.

But, little... little Garp?

Only Vice Admiral Gion, the younger sister of Tsuru Staff, dared to call old man Garp like this.

Smoker's cold expression was almost unbearable.

"Maybe it's because I broke Mr. Garp's record, so he was more impressed with me."

Gion nodded in affirmation.

Break the record of the legendary hero Vice Admiral Garp?

Just because of Luke?

You can lie to your brothers, but don't lie to yourself.

Smoker and Tina's eyes were full of suspicion.

Gion's beautiful eyes turned, and she naturally knew which record Luke was talking about.

There was only one record that little Garp was pursuing.

That was the record of eating donuts.

Luke used the powerful passive transformed from the Six-Vault Immortal Thief to smash Garp head-on.

Thinking of this, Gion couldn't help laughing for a while.

Are all young people nowadays so humorous?

"Sister Gion, let's go in and talk about the mission?"

Tina suggested.

"No, wait a minute."

Unexpectedly, Gion refused the proposal to start the meeting first.

Facing the doubts of several people, the elder sister reached out.

"Give me one too, thank you."

Several people widened their eyes, but Gion's eyes were serious.

She was proficient in geisha skills and naturally got this bad habit.

Moreover, she really needed a little extra reward to refresh herself after rushing for several days.

Luke handed it to the boss obediently.

The final result is that the three-person group of puffing smoke becomes a four-person group of puffing smoke.

End of chapter three, sleep!!!

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