Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 121 This is the real intentional punch!

The island is just an ordinary island in the vast North Sea.

The area is small and resources are scarce. Only some predators and birds can survive here, and there are no traces of human activities.

This kind of small island is the most common in the four seas, and you can basically encounter it within two or three days of sailing.

But today, the island welcomed a few guests.

The warship parked near the island, keeping a short distance from Blackbeard's ship.

This is what Blackbeard asked for.

He had just rushed out of the new world with his subordinates, and the ship was just an ordinary pirate ship.

Facing a well-equipped naval warship, the ship would probably be bombed to pieces if it came face to face with it.

Smoker frowned and stared at the island.

Once there is a strange phenomenon on the island, he will immediately turn into white mist and rush into the island.

The general who is hiding on the other side will also receive the message.

Lead the team to block the door immediately.

Originally, the tea dolphin actually wanted to lead the team into the island by himself.

However, the superior gave an order to leave this matter to the more careful Taotu.

Therefore, the tea dolphin could only watch his goddess step into the dangerous island.

He was so unwilling to do so. At this moment, Cha Dou even felt that it was not impossible for him to be demoted to a colonel to replace Luke.

As long as he can protect his goddess!

The tea dolphin held a large bouquet of roses in her hands, looking at the island in the distance, with tears in her eyes.

The other soldiers on the warship were also not surprised.

Although Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin is a bit ugly and anxious-looking, he does hold on to love to the extreme.

Gion never agreed even once.

Having been rejected hundreds of times, he has become the lieutenant general whose dog-licking nature is deeply rooted in his bones.

"Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin, please excuse me, our temporary inspection is not over yet."

Technical officer holding report.

Hearing this, Cha Dou stood up and then found another place.

Kneel down on one knee, hold roses in hand, and continue to look into the distance with affectionate eyes.

The soldiers had nothing to say.

At the same time, on the island.

The three Lukes, led by Van Oka, soon met Blackbeard Marshall Teach.

And the target of this mission, Ace is about to die.

"Blackbeard, don't forget that what we want is a living Fire Fist Ace."

Gion frowned.

"Of course Captain Ace is still alive. I only did this to prevent him from escaping."

"After all, he was also my former captain, and no one knows his strength better than me!"

Tikki said and signaled with his eyes, Gizas Badges dragged the unconscious Fire Fist Ace with one hand.

The dignified captain of Whitebeard's Second Division unexpectedly ended up like this.

"Hahaha, thief, navy, let's start the deal."

"No problem. As agreed, if Fire Fist Ace is handed over to us, the Shichibukai will be yours."

Gion replied.

Luke took a step forward.

There was actually another reason why she didn't take Smoker to the island.

That is that Smoker's current personality is more Akainu-like.

She was worried that Smoker would not be able to stand the deal between the Navy and the pirates, and she couldn't help but take action in anger.

But if it were Luke who was involved with the evil forces in Beihai, it would be different.

As the talkative person of the largest evil force in Beihai, Luke does not shy away from these things at all.

To say he is a marine is better to say he is the godfather of whitewashing and transformation.

Luke and Gizas Badges both took steps towards each other at the same time.

Tina held her breath and concentrated on being on high alert.

She was ready to take action at any time.

After all, pirates are animals that think differently from humans.

Who knows if they will suddenly choose to turn against each other and kill someone.

Although Tina hates shameless bastards like Luke.

However, today's North Sea and the North Sea's navy still need Luke, a bastard, to maintain order.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The two gradually approached, and Blackbeard narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, he has long been extremely wary of the navy.

Eventually, the two stood in the middle.

Gizas Badjis looked down at Luke. He was about three and a half meters tall.

Luke is 2.78 meters tall, the standard height of a general.

Gizas Badges raised his hand and threw Fire Fist Ace, and Luke caught him firmly.

Didn't take action?

Very good!

Tina was excited in her heart.

Luke caught Ace, turned around, and was about to leave.

At this moment, Gizas Badges suddenly smiled crookedly.

The arm was raised suddenly, causing a strong air current.


Tina reminded subconsciously.

Although Gizas Badges looks tall, he actually strikes quickly and cruelly.

With a deliberate punch, the raging wind swept through the surrounding wild jungle like a hurricane.

In the original work, he is a person with abilities who has eaten the fruit of superhuman power in the future.

But this does not mean that he is weaker without eating the fruit!

The Devil Fruit is just the icing on the cake for Gizas. His super strength is enough to make him the captain of Blackbeard's fleet!


Just like a missile being detonated, a strong shock wave was released to the surroundings.


Another sharp sword energy shot into the sky, slashing straight at Blackbeard.

It's Gion!

In contrast to Tina, who reacted slowly, Gion, who was mature and more experienced, chose to draw the sword immediately.

The sword energy struck at Blackbeard's group with an unstoppable force.

At the critical moment, Van Oka grabbed a few people and moved away from the scene in an instant.

The sword energy slashed towards the valley behind, leaving a deep scar on the island.

But it was not over yet. Gion raised his sword and detected the position of Blackbeard with his observation Haki.

She was about to chase him and avenge Luke.

"Is this all you can do?"

Luke's voice sounded a little dissatisfied.

Tina was slightly surprised. This bastard was fine!

Luke caught the heavy punch of Gizas Badgers with one hand.

The ground collapsed, and Luke stood still.

Ace was thrown on the ground aside. He groaned and was awakened by the pain.

Gizas Badgers struggled to break free, but his fist was like being clamped by the claws of a giant crab sea king. He couldn't break free at all!

Luke's arm was faintly visible with golden light.

Although the main feature of the pirate world is a physical enhancement plus a devil fruit.

But after the fusion of abilities, Luke also added a lot of passive buffs.

For example, this seems to be a mutated version of Armament Haki mixed with the Golden Light Curse.

He had compared it before, and it was stronger than the ordinary Armament Haki in defense, and also had a certain penetrating effect.

With the Ruyi Power of Luke, he could even blast this mutated Armament Haki into the body of the person on the other side.

For example, like this!

Luke pulled his hand, and Gizas Badgers staggered, and his huge body fell forward involuntarily.

Squat down slightly, clench your fist, and accumulate strength.

Child, you know nothing about real power!

Aim at the lower abdomen and punch it out!

The overwhelming dragon-elephant power burst out in an instant, and the air made a fierce cutting and friction sound.

Gizas Badgers' expression twisted instantly, his abdomen was directly pierced, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Just one time, Gizas Badgers fell to the point where he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

But this is not over yet, the remaining majestic force has not been completely exerted!

The force penetrated his body, and Gizas Badgers was unable to resist, flying backwards hundreds of meters in the air.

He plunged into the deep mountains, and in an instant, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and dust rose, blocking everyone's sight.

Luke retracted his fist, his expression calm.

This is the real deliberate punch!

The next chapter should be a little later, around twelve o'clock.

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