On the beach, Kaji looked left and right, and confirmed that there was no one around.

He didn't seem to want to have a real man 1v1 with Luke.

"Lieutenant General Kaji, if you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Don't be so fussy, like a woman!

Luke spoke bluntly.

Lieutenant General Kaji's face flushed.

"Luke, that's right, can you help me?"

"Help you with what?"

Luke interrupted.

Could he help Lieutenant General Kaji pursue Gion?

With Lieutenant General Kaji's ghost appearance, Master Tong would have to kneel down and say that he was powerless.

"Help me. Help me ask Gion why she doesn't pay attention to me."

Lieutenant General Kaji was timid.

Although Gion didn't agree with his confession and pursuit, she would at least give a rejection.

But now, she didn't even want to give Lieutenant General Kaji a look of disdain.

The other male officers in the navy were not very familiar with Gion, so he thought about it and decided to take the initiative to find Luke.

Even though they might be rivals in love.


Luke really couldn't hold back.

A candidate for admiral, when he stopped his rival in love, the first thing he did was not to think about a fight to the death or to trip him up.

Instead, he thought about asking his rival why his goddess ignored him, a dog.

Good job, reward!

"Do you want to know?"

Luke asked with a smile.

His muscles bulged all over his body, and there was a sense of danger lingering between his hands and feet.

But Kaji didn't feel it.

"I want to!"

He looked forward to it.

"Very good, fight me, if I lose, I'll go to her to get the answer to the question you want to know!"


Kaji was stunned.

Luke smiled happily.

"Do you want to fight? If not, I'll leave first."

He had thought too much before.

In the world of One Piece, there are not so many dog-blooded love triangles.

The people here are unreasonably stubborn.

If he wanted to fight, he would greet these people. They would fight like pirates.

Well, it must be because the nobles and wealthy businessmen in the North Sea affected his pure heart.

When he returns, he will ask them for some "mental compensation".


Kaji came to his senses and agreed immediately.

It's just a fight.

Who is afraid of whom? He was originally worried that if he rushed in, it would cause misunderstanding.

Now Luke took the initiative to ask for a fight, so it's not his fault if he got hurt.

Kaji's whole body was hardened with armament color. He launched directly. His swift black body completely broke the stereotype of a thin rat man.

He is Kaji, Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and Admiral Candidate!

But before Kaji's attack collided with Luke's body, a heavy punch with golden light drew a light track and hit Kaji's head!

Kaji was blasted away at a speed nearly four times that of rushing over.

"Kaji, haven't you eaten yet?"

Luke tortured.


The black swift body rushed in front of Luke in an instant, and Kaji threw a punch with all his strength, and then another punch, and another punch!

With the advantage of height, he accumulated strength and punched Luke's abdomen.

Shock waves penetrated his body, and the sand behind Luke was constantly dispersed, like layers of fans.

Every punch hit, but it seemed that every punch had no effect? ​​? ?

Kaji had such a thought in his mind.

Then, he paused with his fist and wanted to pull it out.

Hmm? Can't move?

Kaji looked up.

I saw Luke holding his fist tightly with both hands, with a ferocious expression.

"Kaji, I caught you!"

Kaji realized that something was wrong.

His arms were surrounded by brilliant armed color domineering, and the heavy power was still rising. Kaji felt like he was wrestling with a super-large sea king!

What kind of monster is this? !

Luke grabbed him and threw him up. Jiaji was thrown into the air by force. His eyes widened.

Oops, something's going to happen!

A series of blows like a violent storm!

Under the excitement, Jiaji felt as if he heard an endless echo.

What was that sound?

It was the passion of the collision between flesh and fists!

Olla Olla Olla Olla!!!

Jiaji felt that his body was like a sailboat under the raging waves of the sea, and it was possible to disintegrate at any time.

The pain was transmitted from the inside to the outside to the whole body, the organs in the body were wailing, and the bones seemed to be broken by the high-intensity collision.

However, the feeling of weakness and nausea caused by the bombardment made Jiaji unable to get up the strength to break free.

He could only endure Luke's infinite combo in the air.

Suddenly, Luke paused for a moment.

Is there a chance?

Jiaji was keenly aware of the opportunity to turn the tables. Just as he was about to adjust his landing posture, Luke kicked him out with a flying kick.

After that, Vice Admiral Kaji felt dizzy, as if the whole world was hanging upside down.

His body was also moving back and forth in the air at high speed.

Luke treated him as a table tennis toy!

However, this also gave Kaji an opportunity.

The distance in the air still required a certain amount of reaction time. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he used the Navy's Six Styles: Moon Step!

With strong footwork on the air, Kaji rushed to the ground on one side.

Luke stopped and watched Kaji land. He grinned, and his unbridled smile covered every inch of muscle on his face.

"Fist bone: impact!"

The strong body that looked like an ancient Greek sculpture jumped high, just like a meteorite falling from the sky, rubbing the air with terrifying energy, and the space seemed to be distorted.

With Luke as the center, the whole island began to tremble violently, the undulating waves were calmed, and the fine cracks like spider webs continued to expand.

Sand flew all over the sky and poured into the ocean.

Those who didn't know would think that the Seven Warlords of the Sea Sand Crocodile had come out of the underwater prison and attacked the Navy Headquarters.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked!

Zhan Guo was in the office at this time discussing with Vice Admiral Tsuru how to solve the logistics problem.

The logistics of 100,000 navy troops cannot be supported by the headquarters island alone.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard.

Is it that the new thing studied by the scientific team is wrong again?

Zhan Guo looked up in confusion.

At this time, a fierce airflow gushed in, and the floor-to-ceiling windows of the conference room exploded instantly.

Dazzling golden light appeared, and Sengoku turned into a little golden man, blocking the glass fragments that burst in due to the strong shock wave.

Sengoku's expression was stiff.

What happened? Did Whitebeard sneak in secretly?

The beach, no!

It should be said that a collapsed offshore area.

Marinford was almost shattered by the shock, and the beach in this corner naturally disappeared completely.

Of course, Kaji was not dead.

He just wanted to find a sandbag to beat him, but he would not be cruel to his colleagues.

After all, Kaji was a bit of a dog, but as a navy, he was qualified.

But where did the people sink?

Luke looked around and saw no one.

He remembered that he had adjusted the direction, so he should not hit the deep sea, right?

Luke scratched his head.

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