Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 142 Blackbeard: Why didn’t you say earlier that I couldn’t beat you?

"I won't let you go. I won't let anyone who hurts my family go!"

Doflamingo's eyes were red.

Although he was seriously injured, as a physical monster, it only took a while for Doflamingo to regain his self-awareness.

He heard Luke's last words.

Kill all his "family"!

"Hey, hey, Luke, if you don't kill me today, I will definitely kill you in the future!"

Doflamingo still had his iconic laugh, but his fierce eyes were like a jackal staring at its prey, staring at Luke.

He was cruel and ruthless, unruly, and would do anything to achieve his goals.

Only when facing "family", that is, the cadres of the Don Quixote family, would he be inspired by his true emotions.

"Won't let you go?"

"Kill you?"

Luke became interested and squatted down.

Looking at Doflamingo with a face full of unwillingness, he had an obvious smile on his face.

"Doflamingo, you have walked out of the North Sea, have you forgotten the rules of the North Sea?"

Doflamingo's pupils shrank.

"Weaklings can't even choose how to die!"

Then, a big hand pressed towards Doflamingo.

With a plop——

The sound of the head hitting the ground was dull and heavy, just like a mammoth landing and the ground trembling.

Luke let go, and Doflamingo's head was buried in the deep pit, and his life or death was unknown.

"Pen, drag him down, remember to let the people in the interrogation department use the old skills, I want him to remain silent before he arrives at the headquarters."

Luke wiped his hands and turned to leave.

The rich supplies given by Sengoku were not given for nothing, he also gave Luke a task.

"Go, go to Shampoo Land, I leave the supernova to you, go find a suitable Shichibukai!"

Luke was full of black lines.

What Gol D. Sengoku?

What made Luke a little uncomfortable was that he had just sent off a Shichibukai, and then the right to select the next Shichibukai was given to him.

How does this count?

Those who don't know would think that the Navy has a problem with the Shichibukai and is preparing to upgrade themselves.

Of course, the one who can really upgrade is the World Government.

The previous Shichibukai hasn't even died yet, and the replica of the Seraph has already been created.

"Pen, why don't you become a pirate?"

Luke stood on the deck of the warship and asked T. Penn inexplicably.

The news of the public execution of Fire Fist Ace will soon be spread by the Navy.

When the headquarters is mobilized, T. Penn will definitely be among the candidates for recruitment.

It's better to go to the headquarters with him directly, so as not to take a boat by yourself.

As for the departure of the two pillars of the North Sea Branch, will there be any trouble here?

Ha, the bodies of the cadres of the Don Quixote family are hanging in the sun at the port at this moment.

Doflamingo was able to be imprisoned in the underwater prison because of his "noble bloodline", and the remaining group of mud legs with no background and no strength.

The death was simply because Luke was soft-hearted.

No matter who comes to this place in the North Sea, they will shudder when they see it.


T. Penn was stunned.

"Forget it, I'm worried that you may not make it to the New World."

Luke asked himself and answered.

"Just ignore what I said, let's go back and rest, you are not fully recovered yet."

Colonel T. Penn nodded blankly.

Luke turned and walked towards the lounge. After being busy for the past few days, he also needs to rest for a while.

After a few days of peace, Blackbeard, with his upper body naked, drank the wine in one gulp.

"Oka, how is Doflamingo?"

"I haven't received any news. He may have returned to the New World."

Van Oka shook his head.

He didn't receive any news from Doflamingo.

But Van Oka used his teleportation fruit ability to instantly move to the vicinity of the branch base, took a look and left quickly.

"I'm not sure about the exact number of casualties, but it's certain that the naval base has been hit hard."

"And I heard that Colonel T. Penn, who temporarily took over the position of base commander, seems to have disappeared. He was probably killed by Doflamingo."

"Hahahahahaha! Oka, thank you for your hard work!"

Blackbeard laughed.

He was in a very good mood. What would the expression of the kid named Luke, who was wiped out by the pirates in the North Sea Branch, be like when he comes back?

I really want to see it with my own eyes!

Blackbeard's eyes were full of cruelty.

At this time, the News Bird was hovering in the sky.

Blackbeard winked, and Van Oka understood.

Van Oka threw out a hundred Baileys, which fell steadily into the pocket on the neck of the News Bird.

The News Bird took out a newspaper with its mouth and threw it down.

Blackbeard caught the newspaper.

Opening the newspaper, the huge bold black title was clear at a glance.

"Shichibukai Tenyasha Donquixote Doflamingo openly attacked the North Sea Branch Navy, and the headquarters brigadier Luke arrested him!"


The two were stunned.

Then read on.

In the color-printed picture, Luke smashed the entire white ocean with one punch, and with the seriously injured and dying Doflamingo, it formed a huge visual impact.

No, buddy, what strength do you have?

During the meeting a few days ago, you were still pretending to be the only one in the world, but today you were beaten into a dead dog?

Blackbeard and Van Oka looked at each other, and saw deep speechlessness in each other's eyes.

If he had known, he would not have kept it secret. It was a pity that he had bowed his head to Doflamingo before.

He thought that the famous king of the underground world, "The Joker", could provide him with great assistance.

But what Blackbeard never expected was that "The Joker" really became a clown in the circus.

"Captain, should we still implement our plan?"

Van Oka asked cautiously.

He now felt that he seemed to have followed the wrong person.

Before Blackbeard defected, the captain of the Fourth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates died.

Then he thought of coming to the North Sea to trade with the World Government in exchange for the position of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, but unfortunately he met the Navy's alternate admiral.

Two appeared at once, and all the crew members died on the spot.

Finally, he found Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea who was considered to be of the first-class level in the New World, and invited him to join.

The result was that Doflamingo was imprisoned and his position as the Seven Warlords of the Sea was revoked.

The Don Quixote family he established was almost wiped out except for a few fish that escaped the net while carrying out missions outside.

After this series of operations, Van Oka felt that his captain was possessed by bad luck?

Or is his fruit ability actually the bad luck fruit?

He can randomly transfer his bad luck to his teammates.

The case is solved!

Blackbeard is the real team-destroying engine!

The fake team-destroying engine: Hero Coby who only shouts "Don't fight anymore" and "I'm crying, let Mr. Garp go!"

The real team-destroying engine: Blackbeard Marshall Teach, who caused the dissolution of the White Group, the sudden death of the Black Group, and the death of all the Donquixote family with just a three-inch tongue!

"Let me think"

Blackbeard was speechless for a while.

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