Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 159: All parties gather together, undercurrent surges!

The next day, Luke walked out of the lounge in a bad mood.

He was a little annoyed. These bastards actually despised him for being a badass. They all found excuses to slip away halfway through the fight.

Luke had no choice but to play old cat fishing alone.

He was so angry.

"Captain, who made you angry again?"

T. Pengen was patrolling on the deck.

After noticing Luke's aggressive approach, he asked curiously.

The captain should have been quite satisfied with the fight yesterday, why did he look so bitter and resentful today?

"It's okay, the weather is too hot, I'll go for a swim!"


T. Pengen was stunned.

Then he saw Luke jump into the sea like a dragon.

T. Pengen was anxious.

This is not the four seas. They are now taking the route of the doldrums.

There are a lot of sea kings hiding underneath!

Just as he was thinking about taking off his clothes and pulling his captain up, he suddenly felt the hull shaking a little.

T Peng En grabbed the railing, steadied himself, and looked down.

The originally calm Calm Sea surface was stirred up by waves, and it seemed that there were sea kings colliding under the sea, causing the entire warship to start shaking.

"Suspected of encountering sea king predation, soldiers on the deck, please evacuate immediately!"

At this time, a sound came from the loudspeaker of the ship's broadcast.

Although the navy can freely shuttle through the Calm Sea with the help of power ships.

But this does not mean that they can maintain a 100% success rate when traveling in the Calm Sea.

The horror of the Calm Sea is not only that sailboats can hardly move here, but also the countless dangerous sea kings under the sea!

Fortunately, this is only the surface. If you go to the deep sea, there will be super-large sea kings that are several thousand meters long.

Even if the general comes to deal with it personally, it is quite a headache.

Fortunately, they are also experienced. Although encountering sea kings is rare, it is not unheard of.

Ordinary soldiers quickly evacuated to the cabin, and officers went out to fight. They are the main force to deal with sea kings.

T. Pengen made a gesture, signaling his subordinates to stop first.

The sea kings fighting each other was too dangerous, let him handle it.

Just as T. Pengen was about to draw his sword and rush down, the sea suddenly returned to calm.

Seagulls were flying, the sky was blue, and the sea level was flat.


The huge figure rushed out of the ocean and was thrown into the sky. The officers nervously clenched their swords and guns.

"Pen, cut it!"

Luke's voice followed.

T. Pengen did not hesitate and drew his sword directly.

"Right angle·Ten consecutive cuts!"


The 100-meter-long sea king was evenly cut into dozens of pieces of meat, like hail falling, and hit the deck of the warship heavily.

Before the officers could react, Luke had already jumped on the ship.

"Commodore Luke!"

"Commodore, are you okay?"

An officer asked.

Luke waved his hand.

It was just a small 100-meter-class sea king. Luke couldn't even match it with one hand.

No way, no way?

In this world, is there really a strong man who would have his arm swallowed by a small sea king?

"Huh~ I feel relieved!"

"Pen, ask the kitchen to arrange this for today. I'm going to take a bath to get rid of the fishy smell on my body."

Luke swaggered to the bathroom.

The subordinates were stunned.

T Pen helplessly held his forehead.

"Help to carry it, thank you."

Let's not talk about the grilled fish party at night.

Next, after sailing in the doldrums for several days, the warship did not encounter any difficulties or obstacles.

Looking at the island looming in the distance, Luke's expression was inexplicable.

If he remembered correctly, Luffy should have been filmed on the Nine Snake Island in the original work, right?

Of course, the current situation is not necessarily the case.

After all, as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Kuma knew very well that the Navy would send warships to invite other Seven Warlords of the Sea to a meeting.

This time, Rayleigh did not explain to him, it was completely Kuma's own decision.

Except for Big Bear, no one knows where the Straw Hat Boy flew to.

On the other side, on an unknown island.

Jabba looked a little worried.

"Shaqi, the old buddy has been contacted, but do we really have to do this?"

"Are you scared? Or do you not want to recognize the vice-captain of the past?"

Xiaqi asked coldly.

Jabba shook his head.

"Of course not, it's just that Roger told us that year not to conflict with the World Government again."

"But this is the Navy that took the initiative to break the rules!"

Xiaqi's voice was still very cold.

Jabba smiled bitterly.

But he didn't say anything more. After all, Jabba was a crew member of Roger's pirate group. He couldn't watch his vice-captain of the past die in the hands of the Navy.

This is no longer a question of who broke the rules first.

Whether the vice-captain took the lead in helping the Straw Hat Boy Luffy escape, or the Navy took the initiative to kill the vice-captain.

The reality at this moment is that Pluto Rayleigh was arrested and will be publicly executed with Fire Fist Ace.

No matter what, these old guys who have been forgotten by the world must stand up and bring back their old friends!

Seeing that Jabba no longer refuted, Shaqi turned around.

In addition to Rayleigh's old buddies, she also mobilized all her connections as an intelligence dealer for so many years.

Just to rescue Pluto Rayleigh!

In the New World, on a small island.

Red Hair looked serious.

"Are you going, Captain?"

Ben Beckman asked.

"Vice Captain Rayleigh taught me a lot of things back then. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't have seen you."

Shanks didn't answer directly.

But Ben Beckman understood what he meant.

He clapped his hands and attracted the attention of the Red Hair Pirates.

"The captain said we are going to attack the Navy Headquarters. What do you think?"

Ben Beckman's tone sounded as relaxed as if he was going to wipe out the Bandit King.

"Great, Captain!"

"No problem!"

"Captain, drink less alcohol, so that you don't get drunk on the battlefield when the fight starts."

The crew laughed.

After hearing this, Shanks couldn't help but smile a little.

Even if it sounds like a fantasy, his crew members can still agree to it with a big smile and play with him.

This is trust in the captain, and also trust in their own strength.

Because they are the Red Hair Pirates!

Navy headquarters, in the meeting room.

"Marshal Kong, long time no see!"

Marshal Sengoku greeted him.

Marshal Kong nodded solemnly.

Behind him, there were several men in white.

They are the leaders of various departments of the World Government.

They came here today to discuss this larger-scale war on the top.

If they only rely on the navy, it is undoubtedly easy to fight a Four Emperors group.

But if they face the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates, and the possible remnants of Roger at the same time.

For the navy, it is undoubtedly a disaster.

Fortunately, although the Five Elders chose to publicly execute Pluto Rayleigh, they still know the true strength of their navy.

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