The Windless Zone is an isolated island filled with all kinds of violent beasts.

A red-colored ship pulled by two giant snakes docked on the shore of the island. At this time, people on the observation deck of the giant ship observed a small dot appearing in the distance.

She picked up the telescope and looked through the glass of the monocular.

That's a navy warship!

The woman's expression changed and she immediately shouted down.

"Navy! The navy is here! Go and inform Lord Snake Ji!"

The siren sounded, and groups of strong women, holding long contradiction cards, rushed out of the cabin first.

The Empress is a Shichibukai, but she has never dealt with the navy.

Although the two have not completely fallen out, once they encounter each other, some minor friction is inevitable.

There were rustling sounds from the forest on the shore, and the guards on Nine Snakes Island exchanged messages. They had to make all preparations before the navy arrived.

After some time.

Empress Hancock stood on the bow.

"Sister, the navy is coming."

Boya Sandasonia stood behind Hancock. She was huge, comparable to the third sister Boya Marigold.

"Huh, don't worry, the navy will obey my order and leave Nine Snakes Island!"

"You want to ask why?"

"Because I am the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Hancock lay on his back and said the classic line that makes people feel ashamed even when they are suffering from chuunibyou.

But the two sisters behind her nodded in agreement.

Onee-sama's beauty is enough to fascinate anyone!

The navy warship was slowly approaching, and the women on the Kuja pirate ship couldn't help but clenched their weapons and prepared for a hand-to-hand encounter.

Six hundred meters, five hundred meters, four hundred meters.

Soon, the two ships were close together and facing each other.

Boya Hancock was keenly aware that something was slightly wrong with the man opposite him. His aura seemed to be too overwhelming.

This is because Luke has initially awakened the Overlord's domineering energy and cannot contract it freely.

Luke is not the two weirdos like Shanks and Kirby.

A monster that can be called the strongest overlord in the sea, and can directly cause substantial physical damage just by relying on its overlord color.

Another natural prodigy, Oda's own grandfather who can master domination with just a few words from Garp.

But for Navy Luke, his talent is only full of body.

"Navy, get out of here!"

Hancock looked up to the sky proudly, raised his hand and ordered.

"Empress Boya Hancock, the Navy Headquarters has called an urgent call. All Shichibukai must go to the Navy Headquarters."

"If you choose to refuse, the Navy will forcibly cancel the status of the Shichibukai and launch a pursuit!"

"I won't leave you, you rude man. No one in this world can force me to leave you!"

Hancock flatly refused.

"Are you sure you want to be the enemy of the Navy or the World Government?"

"Humph, I won't go."

Hancock turned his back directly, looking like he was too lazy to talk and not listen.

Luke raised his eyebrows.

This kind of woman

He didn't even need to move, T Penn took a step forward.

"Everyone is here, fire!"

Bang bang bang!

The artillery that was ready to go flew like a fireworks tube, and the strong smell of gunpowder hit their faces. The female warriors of Nine Snakes looked stunned.

This is wrong!

Shouldn't the navy be all trash that just swallows its anger?

In previous years, when the Navy came to invite Lady Snake Princess to attend the Shichibukai Conference, all of them were either defeated by Lady Snake Princess's beauty, or were played by the combatants of the Kuji Pirates.

Why did you start shooting after a disagreement today? !

"Captive Arrow!"

Hancock was the first to react, pulling on the pink heart and shooting a large number of pink arrows, sweeping through the cannonballs.

Before the cannonballs hit the pirate ships, they all turned to stone and sank to the bottom of the sea.

The female warriors drew their bows and shot arrows, aiming at the navy opposite.

Their bows and arrows are equipped with armed domineering energy and are so powerful that one arrow can penetrate armor made of fine steel.

The black arrows flying all over the sky seemed to be sharp beaks, and they fell down like clouds.

"Right-angle slash, 100 slashes in a row!"

T Peng En's bamboo sword waved, and the dazzling sword energy gathered into a fine net.

The moment the hard arrow came into contact with the dense air net of the sword, it shattered into countless tiny flying particles and scattered into the sea.

It's true that the base manager is improving, but his strength is also improving!

In the original work, T Penn made three consecutive jumps two years later and was directly promoted from colonel to the position of lieutenant general in the headquarters.

He does have talent, but it's just not as good as some cheating monsters.

"Humph, sweet and sweet wind!"

Empress Hancock snorted coldly, made a love gesture with her hands, and the heart-shaped light was like flying feathers in the sky, shooting towards the naval warship opposite.

Stupid man, just be impressed by my beauty!

Hancock put his hands on his hips and waited quietly for the embarrassed sailors to be petrified into sculptures.


"Get out of these rays!"

"Hey, hey, empress, I want to be your dog!"

The marines behaved in different ways, some panicked, some responded promptly, but some were more perverted.

Luke was disgusted and kicked away a certain idiot marine who was petrified.

When did he have such a perverted level of dog licking under his hands?

But compared to those bastard subordinates in Beihai, they all seem to be about the same.

After all, those guys only said that this little girl was really cool, and then laughed strangely, and were also bewitched and petrified into a sculpture.

T Pengen carefully avoided the pink light around him. He couldn't guarantee that he could remain unshakable in his heart for the world's most beautiful woman.

Although he looked like a skeleton, he was still very different from Brook's nonsense.

At this time, T Pengen noticed that the base commander was motionless.

He ran into a bunch of pink light head-on, as if he was deliberately shielding his subordinates from the wind and rain.

But is this possible?

Thinking about what Luke did in the North Sea, T Pengen couldn't help but doubt.

Could it be that the base commander has been bewitched?

Luke's body was still as still as a mountain, and he ran into the endless pink light head-on, and his body stood straight.

Like a stone statue?

T Pengen dodged left and right, and the pink light soon disappeared.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, T Pengen ran over without stopping.

He had to save his own base commander!

T Peng En pulled hard, and then pulled hard.

No response!

Is the petrification ability of the Empress Hancock so strong? With the strength of the base commander, can he not move after being petrified?

Or is it that the base commander is too lustful, and after being petrified, the lust is also loaded on the weight accordingly?

"Peng En, why are you pulling me?"

Just when T Peng En was puzzled, Luke's voice came faintly.

He was watching the beauty's performance with great enthusiasm, why did you come up and pull me away?

Besides, I don't have a girlfriend, is there anything wrong with appreciating the posture of my naval allies?

T Peng En blurted out:

"Base commander, you are not petrified?"


Luke frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

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