Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 163 Horse Talisman, the Fall of the Empress!

Horses eliminate all abnormal external forces in the body and can achieve miraculous effects in curing all diseases.

But this does not mean that the horse's ability is to simply heal injuries.

Its essence is to remove harmful abnormal influences and return to normal state, expel bad external forces from the body, eliminate all interference and recover.

Represents restoration to its most perfect state!

In other words, any attack that interferes with Luke's normal state will be forcibly offset by the Horse Talisman.

Unless the attack is beyond the healing range of the Horse Talisman.

And the reason why Luke, a lustful ghost, was able to block Hancock's charm attack.

It wasn't because his little head was controlled by the big head's desire to fight, it was entirely because of the forced rejection of the horse charm.

In a sense, Luke, who is equipped with the Horse Talisman, is able to defeat many people with superhuman Devil Fruit abilities.

Sweet fruit is one of them.

Hancock sat on a chair made of python, and the female warrior respectfully fanned the wind and handed him water.

After a tauren-like speech like "Empress, you don't want the tattoo on your back to be discovered."

Empress Hancock made the humiliating choice to agree to cooperate.

Not only did he remove the petrification effect of the sweet fruit, but he also took a navy warship to the headquarters for a meeting.

This makes the mother-in-law who guards the island a little doubtful about life.

She originally persuaded Hancock to go to see the navy and he would die.

Hancock was like a cow, he didn't want to go.

If she hadn't used the safety of the people of Nine Snake Island as an excuse, she had reluctantly deceived Hancock.

But now, after Hancock was defeated, why did he take the initiative to get involved?

Could it be that she likes this tune?

My mother-in-law is well-informed.

Back then, she was also a woman crazy for love.

For the sake of the one he loved, he sacrificed his country by mistake, but he also saw the vastness of the sea.

Therefore, as she aged, she obviously noticed that something was wrong with Empress Hancock.

"Hancock, when you arrive at the Navy Headquarters, you have to pay attention to your behavior. Don't act like you did on Nine Snake Island."

Grandma Ze probed.

"Humph, I can do whatever I want!"

"Because I am the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Hancock looked up proudly.

My mother-in-law was choked.

But unusually, she wasn't angry this time.

On the contrary, he breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good!

Hancock is still the same Hancock, just not "sick"!

The Queen of Nine Snake Island has a disease that is passed down from generation to generation, a disease that has a high probability of death.


In this strange world, the reasons for human death are strange.

Take this lovesickness as an example. If the queen cannot find her "antidote" after falling in love, she will soon die of depression.

And the "antidote" is the queen's true love.

Only those who find their destiny can be cured of illness and escape the consequences of death.

Mother-in-law Ye, Xia Qi, and the empress in the original timeline all found their true love.

This way she avoided the fate of previous queens who died in depression. ,

"Hancock, yes, that's it, keep the queen's confidence!"

Grandma Ze praised.

Hancock was a little confused.

Didn't Lao Deng always oppose her pride and confidence before?

Grandma Ze coughed and walked back slowly on crutches.

"Come here! Drag her down here. Who put her into the palace today?"

Hancock ordered.

Although her mother-in-law did not take the initiative to find trouble with her, she still had to deal with it on a daily basis.

The mother-in-law looked confused.

No, sisters.

On the warship, Luke exercises daily.

With the Horse Talisman, now he can completely let himself go and practice however he wants.

Muscle strain?


Bone dislocation and cracks?

still none!

Are you suffering from hidden diseases in your body?

That's nothing at all!

There was a tooth-aching crunching sound, the bones were moaning continuously, and the sound made one's scalp tingle.

"Navy, aren't you tired?"

Hancock has been enjoying here for half a day, and Luke has maintained a stable exercise frequency from beginning to end.

In the end, she couldn't restrain her inner restlessness and asked first.

"Not tired."

Luke didn't even look up.

Hancock's eyes moved, and the female warriors serving him walked to the cabin sensibly.

"When will you do what you promised me?"

Hancock asked.

Her tone sounded flat.

But everyone knows what kind of deep emotions are contained in it.

The hooves of the Sky Soaring Dragon!

Not just Hancock's nightmare, but the nightmare of all Draco slaves.

It is a proof of "lower humanity" that can never be erased and a lifelong shame for the tattooed person.

And, this tattoo never seems to go away.

Take the Fishman Pirates back then, for example. All the members were slaves saved by Tiger, and they all had tattoos on their backs.

If the tattoo can be removed, it will be based on the fishman's resilience.

Even if the entire skin is cut off, it can theoretically be restored.

But they didn't choose to do that at that time.

The method they adopted was to continue tattooing the hooves of the Sky Soaring Dragon and change them to look like the sun.

It can be seen from here that the Tianxiang Dragon's Hoof is not a simple tattoo.

Or should I say, tattoos in the One Piece world cannot be completely washed away.

Just like the Navy who relies on faith to secure the cloak of justice, Brooke still has an afro with strong roots.

As long as the pain and joy in your heart do not disappear, the marks, tattoos, scars, handwriting, etc. will never disappear.

In the same way, as long as the empress still has fear of the Celestial Dragons in her heart.

Then, the hooves of the Tianxiang Dragon on her body will never disappear.

However, there are problems that this world cannot solve.

What about other worlds?

Luke felt the surging power of an animal friend in his body, and a smile appeared on his face.

"What's wrong, Navy, or are you cheating on me?"

Hancock's voice turned cold.

Luke had no doubt that if he said yes now, Hancock would definitely kick him with a big kick!

"of course not."

"But, Hancock, when you ask for help, don't you have to be more polite?"

Luke stood up with force, and the heavy iron box fell from his back.

Fortunately, the deck of the warship is made of special alloy, otherwise it would probably have penetrated the cabin directly.

Hancock's expression changed slightly.

"Hmph, who knows if a guy like you might be cheating on me."

She held on.

It's like a little girl deliberately causing trouble.

Luke didn't answer and walked slowly to Hancock.

Raise your hand.

Hancock shuddered subconsciously.

Not afraid.

Rather, he instinctively hates men.

"It'll be quick, please bear with me."

Luke put a hand behind Hancock's back.

She felt the residual heat in her palms, and a tingling feeling came from her.

Could it be that.

Hancock's eyes widened.

"Okay, see for yourself."

After a while, Luke turned his back and heard the bustling sound of undressing coming from his ears.

Luke's expression remained unchanged.

He walked to the cabin. The weight training was over, and it was time for speed training.

Haven't walked a few steps yet.


Hancock's voice sounded weak and weak, not at all like the queen of the past.

Luke paused, smiled, and continued walking down.

It's not about gentlemanly etiquette, it's just about having the last conscience for this Cao Dan world.

Hancock squeezed the mirror tightly in his hands, and there were water droplets sliding down the mirror.

She suddenly felt as if she no longer hated this man.

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