The farce in the conference room ended quickly.

After coming out, the Empress seemed relieved.

Hawkeye was still calm.

As for Gekko Moriah, no one cared about his performance.

"Sengoku, will they really do what you said?"


Garp bit the senbei with a slurred voice.

"It's good enough if they don't make things worse. I don't expect these pirates to help!"

Sengoku sneered.

If pirates are a group of bastards who don't follow the rules.

Then the Seven Warlords are idiots who abuse the rules!

Although he didn't really support Sakaski's point of view, Sakaski was right.

It's better to believe that the Celestial Dragons will never buy slaves again than to expect the Seven Warlords to help eliminate pirates.

"By the way, where is Luke?"

Sengoku looked around.

He found that the person who should be there was inexplicably gone.

After all, he was one of the general officers who summoned the Seven Warlords, and he should be present for the subsequent tasks.

And it's a good achievement.

"As for him, I don't know."

Garp paused.

Then he seemed to remember something.

He suddenly pretended to be enlightened.

"Sengoku, I forgot that it's my turn to guard today. I'm leaving now. Don't bother me anymore!"

Garp said goodbye in a hurry, looking very anxious.

Sengoku shook his head with a smile.

This old man is still like this after so many years.

But thinking that the guy he was going to execute was Garp's grandson.

Sengoku suddenly stopped laughing.

What they did was a bit excessive.

But the word "justice" shining behind him blocked any inappropriate thoughts as a navy!

Sengoku lowered his head and remained silent.

Beep beep...

The Den Den Mushi rang.

Who else would call at this time?

Sengoku answered the Den Den Mushi with doubts.

"Sengoku, it's us."

The old and powerful voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

It's the Five Elders.

Sengoku subconsciously wondered if there was any problem with the navy recently?

Or did some pirate cause some earth-shattering incident?

"Sengoku, we have an important task for your navy."

"You say."

Although he cursed these ** for being brainless and the same as **.

But once they were about to meet head-on, Sengoku felt that it would be better to lower his attitude.

After all, the funds of the Navy Headquarters were allocated by the Five Elders.

If you can endure for a while, the sky will be wide open, and if you take a step back, the funds will be sufficient.

Marshal Sengoku already has a rich and professional fixed speech for the Five Elders.

"Well, that's right, I know, Marshal Kong and others have arrived."

"Oh, I see... No!"

"What did you say?"

"The Celestial Dragons are coming to supervise the battle in person?!"

Marshal Sengoku was stunned and blurted out in disbelief.

The Five Elders frowned.

"Zhan Guo, watch your tone. Saint Rozward and his children have made a decision."

"When you execute Pluto Rayleigh, they must stay on the scene!"

The words of the Five Elders simply don't sound like something a human can say.

Let three unarmed weaklings, or weaklings of the Celestial Dragons whose backgrounds are more prominent than Kun Kun, go to a chaotic place like a battlefield to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Why don't you just arrange the three generals to be the personal bodyguards of these three people?

The combat power of the navy is already very tight. There are two Four Emperors. Even if the navy is dismantled, it may not be able to match these monsters.

As a result, now you open your mouth and ask the navy to protect these three wastes, and never let the inferior creatures touch a hair of the Celestial Dragons.

You are so awesome, why don't you go to heaven?

Marshal Zhan Guo's heart is surging at this moment, and tens of thousands of alpacas are running through his heart.

If the Five Elders were not here, Zhan Guo would have to show this group of people what it means to be angry today!

"Did you hear that, Zhan Guo?"

Ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

The question from the Five Elders instantly made Zhan Guo wake up from his dream.

He scratched his head.

"Master Five Elders, you should also know that our navy's manpower is too tight."

"If it's just one person, we can also assign a general to go out and protect the personal safety of Master Celestial Dragon."

"But if there are three people together, we can't get the manpower here."

Zhan Guo pretended to be helpless.

Hearing this, the Five Elders said without hesitation:

"You can rest assured about this. We will naturally arrange the corresponding strong men to protect them."

"And when necessary, you can ask them for help!"

The Five Elders' words were undoubtedly well prepared.

Although they often do some wrong things that are worse than pigs and dogs, as long as it involves Celestial Dragons, their IQ will rise sharply.

There have also been major changes in the way they deal with it.

This level of high and low, those who don't know would think it was deliberately teasing people.

"Is that so? Thank you for your help. I will adjust my tactics in time."

Zhan Guo touched his chin.

After saying this, the Five Elders hung up the phone.

Tenryus, Red Hair Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, Marinford.

Oh no, these Celestial Dragons are not treating this war on the top as an alternative version of God Valley, right?

Sengoku suddenly had an idea.

But then he sighed.

The God Valley incident completely changed the personalities of many people.

After learning the details, Garp refused to be promoted for many years and kept his position as vice admiral.

Just to avoid seeing these disgusting Celestial Dragons!

As a result, now, no matter what, he can't escape the shadow of these bastards.

He subconsciously reached for the rice crackers on the table.

One grab, two grabs, three grabs.

All empty?

Sengoku looked down.

The special rice crackers on the table disappeared without a trace.

After he opened the box of rice crackers, he ate a few pieces, and then they were gone.


Sengoku's anger rose suddenly.

Dong Dong Dong——

The knock on the door was short and urgent.

Someone is coming.

Zhan Guo suppressed his anger for the time being, and waited for a chance to settle accounts with this bastard later!

"Come in!"

The navy secretary pushed the door open and handed over a pile of documents, all of which required Zhan Guo to personally review and sign his name.

"Thank you, Zorn, you go and do your work."

Zhan Guo took the documents.

Secretary Zorn nodded and respectfully left the room.

Zhan Guo flipped through the documents.

As he flipped through them, his mind became a little distracted.

By the way, what did he want to find Luke for just now?

Turning to the next page, Zhan Guo suddenly paused.

This is an application form that has been approved, and a copy was sent.

Zhan Guo's hand holding the pen trembled a little.

Not because he was afraid, but because he was angry!


The roar resounded across half of the island, and the sound waves swept across.

Luke, the brigadier general of the headquarters, applied for an animal-type fruit·ancient species, and it has been approved!

——Guarantor: Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp of the headquarters.

Garp, who was eating and taking food, was now lying on the berth of the warship, basking in the sun, looking very happy.

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