Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 183 Luke: Harvesting a Quicksilver with a Broken Leg

Chapter 183 Luke: Harvest a Quicksilver with a Broken Leg~

In the entire Marvel multiverse, there are always similar petals in countless parallel universes.

They may be slightly different, but some characteristics are always vivid and terrifying.

Stan Lee's cameo, Spider-Man's missing relatives, Quicksilver's broken legs

Ahem, although it's a bit impolite.

But this is Marvel's tradition after all.

Luke stared at the boy, no, it should be said that he was a "beast" on the verge of death.

He had a broken leg and an arm that was also cut off and wrapped with a few pieces of rags. The flesh color was vaguely visible, and there were also fresh worms and flies.

Pietro Django Maximoff, a mutant, codenamed Quicksilver.

In most parallel universes, he is the younger brother of Scarlet Witch, that is, the brother-in-law of Vision.

Despite his prominent status and extraordinary abilities.

But he is a first-class speedster, and he often breaks his legs first every time.

The Ultimate Universe was shot through the knee by Magneto, the X-Men movie universe was broken by Apocalypse, and the Avengers movie universe was shot through by a machine gun.

Any villain who disliked him seemed to choose to break his legs.

Even in this abnormal universe, it was the same.

According to the original timeline, Pietro used his mutant ability to escape from prison many times, and was eventually cut into a human stick by the warden Kingpin.

Now he only has a broken leg and an arm missing, which is undoubtedly just escaped from prison.

However, with Pietro's current state, it is estimated that he will be searched by the guards in a few days and thrown into the mutant prison.

Thinking so, Luke walked to Pietro, who was breathing weakly but still had a fierce look in his eyes.

He still remembered the Quicksilver boy in the 10011 universe.

The kid was a little jumpy in character, but kind by nature.

In the fight against the cancerous superheroes led by Marvel, Quicksilver saved many wounded people with his speed and sent them to him in time.

It's a pity that no matter how fast the speedster is, he can't escape the haze of the world.

An accident, Pietro was infected.

His eyes were full of scarlet, after he handed his unconscious sister Wanda to Luke.

"Don't tell my sister, doctor."

Pietro ran very fast, as if he wanted to run out of his super speed for a lifetime, so that he could no longer use it after being infected.

That was the last time they met.

It was also the real reason why Wanda was determined to go undercover as a cancer-transforming superhero.

"Hoohoo. Get out."

When the memories ended, Pietro's face was fierce, wanting to show that he still had a little power to fight back.

This was the only thing he could do.

In fact, many people in the slums were eyeing him.

As reptiles living in dark corners, they all knew that Pietro was already terminally ill.

Just wait patiently, and this strange cripple will die here.

And they can also take the opportunity to have a good meal!

"Want to survive?"

Luke asked with his head down.

The answer to him was just Pietro's roar.

How could he want to die?

It was so hard to escape from that hell, and it was so hard to avoid the National Guard. It was so hard.

"Pietro, I'm missing an experimental material."

Luke's eyes flickered.

He was not going to stay in this universe to recuperate.

Luke, who had just escaped from the Polyhedron Shadow Universe, was not going to throw himself into the arms of another indescribable ancient god.

Luke didn't know much about the comic book Ruins.

But he vaguely remembered that someone had explained that this universe was actually mixed with K-factors.

When he heard the words "experiment" and "Pietro", the boy struggled, hoarsely, and "threatened" the man in front of him.

Will he be transferred back to prison again?

A faint thought flashed through Pietro's confused brain.

The strong instinct for survival engulfed his consciousness, dragging his body like a man-eating beast.

Luke snapped his fingers.

The mental pressure was fleeting, and Pietro was like a heavy hammer on the back of his head, and his hunched body fell directly to the ground.

The "human" who was observing in the dark trembled in his heart.

Under the threat of President X, the mutants in this universe have become mutant monsters.

Everyone avoids them.

Luke held Pietro in one hand and scanned the surroundings. No "person" dared to look at him, a mutant monster.

They are "beasts" that are neither human nor inhuman. It is an instinct to avoid danger and seek good fortune.

Besides, many people died in the slums.

Why fight a mutant monster for a disabled person?

"Jocasta, is there a clinic nearby? I need to sterilize this kid."

Pietro is a mutant monster who escaped from prison. His wanted poster is still hanging in the showroom on the street.

If he goes to a regular hospital, the National Guard will kick the door with a stun grenade to rescue the hostages in a minute.

"There is a bar one kilometer away. According to the information, it is a black clinic behind the scenes."

"And, doctor, I think what Mr. Pietro needs most is a bandage."

Jocasta corrected.

"I was just joking. Wanda can't have children anymore, and Pietro can't either."

"Oh~ poor Magneto, he can only follow Professor X to do IVF."

Luke waved his hand and walked forward with Pietro, who was missing arms and legs.

Jocasta pointed the way.

The slums returned to peace.

"Hello, is this the National Guard? I encountered a mutant monster on Nig Avenue!"

"What? You refuse to respond?!"

"Yes, sir, we are off duty."

The other end of the phone answered formally.

"Bullshit! It's only three o'clock in the afternoon!"

"I demand you to respond immediately. The personal safety of citizens is threatened!"

"Hello? Hello? Hello! Did you hear that? Citizens are in danger, Nig is in danger!"

The caller yelled.

The answer to him was the beep of the phone hanging up.

"What's wrong? Is there an emergency?"

"No, it's just a chimpanzee."

The operator answered calmly.

The chaotic world and the dirty order are so simple and thorough.

Luke and Jocasta came to the door of the bar.

Two strong men were holding a skinny man, and they raised their hands and threw him out.

"Wade, I'm sorry, our boss doesn't like poor people to attract fans."

The strong man grinned.

The man named Wade got up in a mess and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

But the strong man didn't care at all.

Wade was originally a good hand in the mercenary world, but now, he is just a high-sucking bug!

The strong man took out a gun and pointed it at Wade's forehead.

"No, no, forgive me, Bob, this is the last time."


Wade's body fell to the ground, and the passers-by around him were indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

The little lover of the goddess of death, Deadpool, Wade Winston Wilson.

He died in such an ordinary way under the gun of his good friend Bob in the parallel universe.

Although Deadpool in other timelines really wanted to die under Bob's "gun".

"Are you here for treatment, buddy?"

Bob noticed Luke holding a patient in his hand.

He grinned, trying his best to express his hospitality and "enthusiasm".

Luke nodded, passed Wade's body, and followed Bob into the bar with Jocasta.

The gorgeous and blurred lights intertwined together, like a dreamy spider web ceiling, which seemed to cover the entire space.

The graceful dancer twisted her slender and flexible waist to the music, and the audience laughed and cheered, throwing a few tickets from time to time.

Everyone seemed to be wrapped in alcohol, intoxicated in the dreamy and decadent nightclub.

The figures of Luke and his companions were like outsiders on two parallel lines, forming a sharp separation from the chaotic and intoxicated bar.

He raised his head, and the swaying woman on the stage looked familiar.

If in another world, she should be a member of the X-Men, a mentor of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and the host of the Phoenix Force.

But here, Jean Grey is just a bar stripper who plays with wind horse forks.

Maybe she also has a part-time job selling seafood.

Luke retracted his gaze.

But the considerate Bob noticed Luke's gaze.

He turned his head and smiled.

"Do you want to have sex with her?"

Luke was stunned.

"That girl is a bitch. She can have fun once for thirty dollars. If you want, I will arrange a room for you later."

Bob laughed.

"No, let's go to the clinic first. My friend needs treatment."

"Besides, I prefer private cars to buses."

Luke remained calm.

Bob looked a little, uh... disappointed?

But he still dutifully led the group to turn left and right and cross the last path.

When they arrived at the door, Bob knocked on it.

"Come in."

Bob pushed the door open.

"Doctor Connors, a patient is here."

It can be seen that Bob respects this doctor very much.

After all, those who are in their line of work may have to find a doctor for treatment one day.

Regular hospitals cannot afford to go, and will not treat these criminals. Only these black doctors will treat them.

"Well, help the patient to the bed."

Connors sat at the desk and looked up.

After seeing that there was more than one person, he frowned slightly.

"Everyone, except the patient, go out."

Dr. Connors didn't want to keep this group of dangerous elements here.

He was just an unarmed doctor. Who knew what kind of trouble these crazy people would do.

But Luke and Jocasta remained motionless in the room.

The room was quiet for a while, and Bob's hand slid to his thigh involuntarily.

"Dr. Connors, I just need you to provide me with a medical place."

Hearing this, Dr. Connors' eyes turned colder.

Where did this idiot come from, and asked him to make fun of him? !

"But I will pay the money, at double the usual price."

Luke continued.

Connors' brows relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Of course, sir."

In this world, money is the master!

Luke gently put Quicksilver on the bed, and his complexion looked a little worse.

Jocasta handed two small bundles of old banknotes to Dr. Connors.

On the way to the black clinic, Luke and his friends met several groups of kind people who gave money.

Dr. Connors did not dislike the shiny old banknotes at all, and took them and checked them.

He put them on the tip of his nose and sniffed the smell of oil paper, looking like an intoxicated pervert.

For people like them, old banknotes and gold are hard currency.

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