The rain poured down from all directions of the umbrella, and the woman held the umbrella silently.

The man was handsome with a hint of tenderness, his fair skin had a marble texture, and his eyebrows were straight.

The black long windbreaker was also quite elegant, and the whole person gave people the feeling of a young teacher in a certain college.

"Kiritani, I have to close the shop, and today's noodles are my treat."

Master Yue said lightly.

This group of people were not looking for him, but Master Yue did not want innocent passers-by to be involved.

The world of dragons is not suitable for ordinary people to set foot in.

He thought Lu was a little strange before.

I thought it was A He who was worried about him and sent someone to take care of him.

But now it seems that he is more like someone sent by some old bastard.

"Master Yue, we."

Kiritani wanted to say that Hina had not finished her meal, but Luke pressed several 10,000 yuan bills on the panel at this time.

"I'll treat you, I hope you two have a good dream tonight."

Luke stood up.

Kiritani looked a little confused.

Asuna took the lead in grabbing Kiritani's sleeve. Kiritani looked at her in astonishment, but Asuna just shook her head.

Asuna, a rich lady, recognized the family crests on several people at a glance.

Her father had warned her many times not to have contact with this group of people.

"Let's go, Kiritani-kun."

Asuna's cheeks were slightly red.

I don't know if it was because of the heat from eating ramen, or because she was naturally nervous when she met a dangerous person.

Kiritani-kun was confused.

But since Asuna decided to leave, he naturally wouldn't refute.

At the moment, he followed Asuna out of the alley.

However, Asuna's pace became more and more hurried, until she was close to the entrance of the alley, she had already turned into a run.

Watching the "couple" leave in a hurry, Master Yue nodded with satisfaction.

Master Yue turned off the colored lights around the signboard, leaving only a lonely lamp on the soup pot.

Slowly packing up the ingredients on the stall, looking like an ordinary ramen stall chef.

The man walked towards Luke step by step, followed closely by several subordinates behind him.

Luke was face to face with him.

"Want a bowl of noodles, brother-in-law? You probably haven't had time to eat today, right?"

Hearing this address, the veins of the young man bulged.

But he did not draw his sword in anger, but took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

"Why do you want to kill people?"

"Brother-in-law, which one are you talking about?"

Luke said.


The young man grabbed Luke's collar, and Luke's mouth corners slightly raised, calm and composed.

His almost provocative look undoubtedly made the man's anger more surging.

Crow sweated for his boss.

Don't look at his boss's aggressive look. In fact, if he really fights, the boss will probably lie down faster than they can draw their guns.

You know, some time ago, this gentleman was forced to bear the pressure of the artillery fire of Genji Heavy Industries and the attacks of countless elite hybrids in the family.

He took the head of the Uesugi family away openly under the attention of everyone.

A few days later, despite the siege of the Eight Snakes, the head of the Uesugi family was sent back safely.

Luke's amazing strength made the mixed-blood world of Japan completely crazy.

They all agreed that this guy was a dragon king in human skin!

But this rampant dragon king, except occasionally taking the head of the Uesugi family out for dinner and playing in the amusement park.

He has never done anything that harms the world.

This inexplicable operation also made the Eight Snakes a little confused for a while.

Now the Dragon King of the New Century, could it be that he is also involved in human-dragon love?

Although this kind of thing has happened before, but... well... it's very strange.

Now the head of the Uesugi family has really become a priestess dedicated to "God".

And what's even more strange is that the head of the family, for some reason, chose to ignore this matter.

He did not report to the headquarters, and did not formulate measures to slay the dragon.

Just let a dragon king run rampant on the streets of Tokyo.

Not only that, the head of the family also took the initiative to send people to hide the whereabouts of the dragon king.

All the previous incidents were suppressed by Kaguya and the people of the Snake Eight Families, and there was no information about Luke on the Internet.

Some ordinary people who strayed into it were also brainwashed and hypnotized, and forced to "forget" these relevant information.

However, this kind of traitorous behavior also caused dissatisfaction within the Snake Eight Families.

If it weren't for the head of the family repeatedly assuring that he had made a complete plan, and his sincere work over the years, he had accumulated a huge reputation in the Snake Eight Families.

It is estimated that someone would have appeared heroically and taken Tachibana Masamune away with two spray guns.

"You promised me that you would not kill people!"

Yuan Zhisheng was emotional.

"He is just an ordinary person. Any guilt should be left to us to deal with!"


Hearing this, Luke couldn't help but sneer.

"Are you talking about going to the police station to stay comfortably for seven or eight days and then being bailed out, a meaningless punishment?"

Yuan Zhisheng's hand loosened.

Luke straightened his collar.

"Yuan Zhisheng, you should be glad that I only killed him, not all of them."

"And you should know better than me how cruel human evil can be."

Luke's tone gradually turned cold.

He reached an agreement with that old beast Tachibana Masamune just to make that old beast's death more miserable and desperate in the future.

If they want to contain the Dragon King with a piece of waste paper, this idea is even more whimsical than Angers not wanting to slay the dragon one day.

"Luke, let's take care of our affairs ourselves!"

Yuan Zisheng competes with each other.

He didn't care at all about the death of a scumbag.

What he cares about is whether the dragon king in front of him can be controlled or not.

Eriki has been following Luke for a while, although Luke never lost control of his emotions during the trip.

However, he could not place his hope on something that had an uncertain probability, such as Luke's ability to remain sane.

The thinking of dragons is completely different from that of humans.

Gen Zhisheng didn't want to see a crazy ancient dragon sweeping across Tokyo Tower one day, and then the Sheqi family sent his sister's body over.

"You mean, you want to fight with me here?"

Luke narrowed his eyes.

Wisps of free black flames are looming.

Yuan's childlike golden pupils were like flowing magma, fiery and eye-catching.

"I just hope you can stay calm."

"Eriyi wants to see you."

As if realizing that the atmosphere at this moment was tense, Yuan Zhisheng added.

At this time, Yabuki Sakura and others looked nervous.

They only carry a few alchemy knives and alchemy bullets. It is no more than a dream to fight the Dragon King.

After the beating, if a whole body was left behind, Luke would be merciful.

Luke and Yuan Zhisheng looked at each other, one with black eyes and the other with gold eyes.

Yuan Zhisheng's bloodline undoubtedly has an overwhelming frightening effect on ordinary hybrids.

But to Luke, it was just a breeze.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, suddenly, a familiar spoon appeared between them.

Yuan Zhisheng was startled.

"How about warming yourself up with a bowl of noodle soup on a rainy day?"

It's Master Yue.

He was smiling and his white hair was neatly parted.

Wearing the white linen work clothes typical of a ramen chef, with a black towel tied on his forehead, he looks like he has been working with ramen all his life.

"Old man, don't join in the fun at your age."

Yasha couldn't help but interjected.

They all knew about this old man. He was a master ramen chef who had been selling noodles in an alley for nearly sixty years.

Maybe after a few years, he can be called the god of ramen.

Of course, these materials were sent by their respected parents.

Before Yasha could continue, Yuan Zhisheng raised his hand to stop him.

"Yaksha, shut up."

The crow blocked his mouth unceremoniously.

The young master hasn't spoken yet, why are you talking to one of your subordinates?

"My treat, young man."

Master Yue didn't care about Yasha's offense.

He is older and no longer cares about these things.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the old master, and he could tell that the old man who "came forward" was of mixed race.

But in Yuan Zhisheng's memory, he does not exist among the elders of the eight Sheqi families today.

It may be that after the defeat of the war, the older generation of the eight Sheqi families did not want to delay the young people and left voluntarily.

There are quite a few people in this group.

But because so much time has passed, even the major families have forgotten who these people are and where they are now.

"Haha, Master Yue, if you can't sell it, don't pretend to be a treat."

Luke laughed at Master Yue.

Master Yue suddenly became furious.

The old man has not left the mountain for so many years, just for a stable life.

Now for the sake of a brat like you, and for the sake of Angers, I rarely want to save you.

In the end, you, a brat, treated me like this, right?

"Asshole! You'll have to pay three times your face tonight!"

Master Yue cursed hard and walked to the dining car with a spoon.

Luke smiled nonchalantly.

Smelly old man, you won’t let anyone tell the truth anymore.

On a rainy day, except for people with ulterior motives like him, how could anyone else come here to eat noodles?

Is it possible that there are really stupid people who think eating ramen on a rainy night is more romantic?

"Young Master, are we going?"

Crow asked.

Yuan Zhisheng thought for a moment, looked at Luke's careless back, and nodded.

Go, must go.

He wanted to see what was it about this ramen stall that attracted a dragon king to visit it again and again.

"What kind of noodles do you want to eat?"

"Take what you're best at."

Luke was the first to answer.

"Shut up, I'm asking about the guests, not you, the bastard who doesn't respect the dignity of the chef at all!"

Master Yue kneaded the dough vigorously.

"Just do as he said, master, I'm in trouble."

Yuan Zhisheng thanked him.

"Okay, no problem. Can I add something else?"

Master Yue's tone was gentle.

He didn't know why, but after he saw this young man, he felt like an old friend at first sight.

No matter how you look at it, you think this young man is handsome and has the same demeanor as when he was young.

"Add a braised egg to me, what do you want to add?"

Yuan Zhisheng looked up at the small wooden sign hanging above the dining car, and then turned to ask his subordinates.

"I do not need."

"I'll be just like the young master."

"Two braised eggs, three sausages, one chicken drumstick, and by the way, I want a very large portion of noodles."

Yasha was not polite at all.

Gen Chisei and Yabuki Sakura looked surprised, and Crow covered his forehead with one hand, looking very helpless.

No, you really ate it?

Yasha looked embarrassed.

"Master, I haven't eaten all day today, and I'm a little hungry."

"Aren't you hungry?"

Yasha looked at his two colleagues.

Yabuki Sakura shook her head slightly.

She had undergone rigorous ninja training, and starvation was a common occurrence.

Crow lowered his head even deeper.

What Yasha said swept away the majestic underworld image they had created before.

The whole transformation from fighting in the underworld to begging on the street.

But Master Yue didn't think so.

"Eat more, eat more to grow up, and eat well to have the strength to work."

As he spoke, he skillfully threw the noodles into the soup pot.

Several people remained silent, and Master Yue hummed an unknown old song.

A few dozen steps from here and out of the small street are brightly lit high-rise buildings.

The small street still looks like it did after World War II. There are old-style Japanese houses on both sides of the road. In front of the houses are sycamores and cherry trees, which are dilapidated in the quietness.

After a while, the soup noodles are ready.

Master Yue brought it to the table, and Yasha couldn't wait to slurp it up, like a wild boar rooting for food.

Yabuki Sakura took off her black mask, revealing her beautiful face, and tasted it in small bites.

There is no need to eat too much, as the feeling of fullness will cause her to lack concentration.

Crow is quite gentle, like a middle-aged office worker who has finished overtime and uses a bowl of hot noodles to refresh himself and fill his stomach.

When it came to Yuan Zhisheng, he looked at the noodles in the bowl and was stunned.

The barbecued pork on the soup noodles is at least twice the normal amount.

Looking up, I saw Master Yue wiping the table carefully at this time.

The old man still doesn't know who he is serving.

Just like Yuan Zhisheng doesn't know that the old man in front of him is actually his biological father.

Several people ate noodles in silence.

The noodles didn't taste very good, probably because of the rainy day, and the texture was a bit hard at this time.

But the barbecued pork and braised meat on top were enough to make up for these shortcomings.

"Are you from the Eight Snake Clan?"

Master Yue's hands kept moving.

Several people paused.

Only Yaksha was still showing off like a starving ghost.

"Don't be nervous, I have a friend who is also."

"It's just that he later took the initiative to withdraw from the Eight Snake Clan."

Master Yue explained with a smile.

"Usually, I have a friend, and it's actually about myself."

Luke interrupted.

Master Yue stopped laughing.

He glared at Luke unhappily, and Luke raised his small cup and drank cheap sake.

It's not that Luke doesn't want to drink good wine, but because Master Yue, a poor old man, can't bear to buy new models when watching movies.

Not to mention that the wine provided to customers is not adulterated, which is enough to show that Master Yue is kind-hearted.

Although it is humorous enough to say that a former underworld emperor is kind-hearted.

"My former friend did some bad things when he was young."

"But then one day, a person appeared and made him realize that he needed to change."

Master Yue told the story slowly and methodically.

"Are you sure it wasn't because he was beaten up?"

Luke continued to expose the old secrets.

Master Yue was choked.

Why did the old bastard Ange tell everything to the younger generation?

Does he have no shame?

"Ahem! In the final analysis, peaceful coexistence between people is the most important thing!"

Master Yue coughed and said solemnly.

He didn't want to continue talking, worried that he would be exposed by the little bastard Luke.

The corners of the mouths of several young people twitched.

Master, although we can understand your intention to persuade both sides to make peace.

But what you said seems to be right no matter how you look at it.

"You should understand what I mean, right?"

Master Yue asked worriedly.

Several people nodded.

I understand, we definitely understand!

"That's good, eat noodles, come, continue eating noodles."

Master Yue wiped the table hard.

"Everyone, you must taste it carefully. After all, this is the noodles made by the last Shadow King of the Sheqi Eight Clan."

Luke's tone was inexplicable.

A group of people froze in place.

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