Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 203 Execution of the head of the family, Tachibana Masamune!

Uesugi Yue stepped on the accelerator, the sports car continued to accelerate, and rushed through the busy traffic.

Red lights, traffic, and police cars could not stop this wild "beast".

His driving skills are pretty good.

A little brother who delivered tofu in an AE86 taught him a few tricks.

However, the two had not seen each other for a long time. I heard that his son was about to inherit the family business.

Of course, for a ramen stall master, whether there is a second-hand car that can be driven is a problem.

"Kaguya, report the location of the head of the family."

Inuyama He said in a deep voice.

"Head of the Inuyama family, your authority has been blocked."

"Contact other heads of the family, I request an emergency meeting immediately."

"Use temporary authority."

Inuyama He was not surprised at all.

The only one who can accurately grasp their movements is Kaguya, who can be called God in the virtual space.

And Kaguya's highest authority is in the hands of Tachibana Masamune, the head of the Snake Eight Families.

"Are you sure you want to use temporary authority?"

"Remind you once. If you fail to vote, your authority will be completely blocked and listed as missing."

"Remind you twice."

Kaguya responded stiffly according to the procedure.

Compared to Norma, the half-artificial intelligence and half-living secretary of Kassel Academy, she is a real artificial intelligence.

So she is a little less popular.


After Kaguya repeated it three times, Inuyama He said firmly.

"Confirm the authorization, the authorization is approved, and the signal is being communicated."

"Hello, Master Inuyama, what happened?"

"Miyamoto Shio is here."

"Ahem, the Minamoto family is here."

Minamoto Chisei was awake, but his face was still a little pale. Sakurai Nanami told him the truth.

At first he didn't believe it.

In public and private, his father would never do such a crazy thing.

As the head of the Snake Eight Families, he worked hard until his death and devoted all his energy to the development of the Snake Eight Families.

As a "father", he is serious but humorous, and always helps Yuan Zhisheng solve problems.

Such a perfect man, how could he be an executioner with the blood of his own kind on his hands.

However, when his subordinates, his sister, and the heads of the eight families of Snake Qi came out to prove it at the same time.

Yuan Zhisheng was silent.

He didn't say anything more, but silently hoped in his heart that his father was forced by others, or had other compelling reasons.

That's why he did this.

"Tachibana Masamune rebelled."

Inuyama He's indifferent tone shocked Yuan Zhisheng's heart.

But he didn't refute it.

Several heads of families frowned.

"We were attacked in Tokyo Bay."

Inuyama He recounted what he found today word by word.

"There are a large number of artificial Deadpools in the container at the dock."

"According to the monarch's reminder, there is a laboratory under the Genji Heavy Industries Building."

"The sound of the clapper controlled the young head of the family and Tsukuyomi"

One by one, secrets came out of Inuyama He's mouth.

The expressions of several family heads became more and more solemn.

At the end.

"I propose that the position of the head of the family, Masamune Tachibana, be revoked and the head of the Uesugi family be temporarily replaced."

Several family heads remained silent.

They were not attacked by the group of deadpools and did not know the truth of the matter.

"The Minamoto family agrees."

Minamoto Chisei suddenly said.

Several family heads were a little stunned.

The young head of the family is the child adopted by the head of the family. If even he agrees, it means

"The Miyamoto family agrees."

At the Ganliu Research Institute, Miyamoto Shio, who was wearing a white coat, followed closely and hung up the phone after speaking.

Although he was young, he was a recognized academic talent in the family and had declined the invitation from the Kassel Academy headquarters.

Once there is one, there will be two. The heads of the eight families of Sheqi voted one after another.

"Sakurai family, agree."

"Fuma family, oppose."

"Ryoma family, abstain."

"Uesugi family, agree."

"The ruling is four in favor, one abstention, and one against, and it will be executed."

"Inuyama Kakashi's authority is unsealed, the position of the head of the family is being changed, and Tachibana Masamune has been included in the list of judges."

"Dear head of the family, Uesugi Yue, please issue the task instructions."

Kaguya's cold voice sounded as plain as ever.

"Start a nationwide search to find the location of Tachibana Masamune."

Uesugi Yue immediately ordered.

"Yes, sir."

A few milliseconds later, the supercomputer array "Kaguya" located in Genshiki Heavy Industries was running at full power, grabbing data from hundreds of millions of computers around the world.

The computers of the eight research institutes of the Snake Family were locked at the same moment, as if attacked by a deadly virus. The shut-down ones were automatically turned on, and the turned-on ones were running at full speed. All text and video databases in the country were open to Kaguya.

Data poured into Kaguya's memory like a tide, and tens of millions of comparisons were made every second.

With this amount of data, Digimon Luke would probably drool all over the floor.

I have never fought such a rich battle in my life.

Inuyama He, who was standing by, breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the young master did not make a mistake and took the initiative to express his opinion, otherwise this emergency meeting might not have been passed.

"Target collection, positioning successful."

Uesugi Yue listened to Kaguya's report, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

The engine roared, just like a violent beast.

Step on the brake pedal, the powerful braking force is like a hunter, holding the running beast tightly.

The brake pads and brake discs rubbed violently, emitting dazzling sparks, accompanied by a sharp hissing sound, and the car body slowed down sharply.

The tires tore violently with the ground under the huge inertia, emitting billowing smoke, and the smell of burnt rubber instantly filled the air.

Uesugi Yue accurately controlled the steering wheel, turning it skillfully while braking.

The car body began to tilt and cut into the curve at an almost extreme angle.

During the peak hours, a young man driving an AE86 to deliver tofu looked stunned.

Looking at the old man who braked and drifted through the corner under the car window, the young man felt as if something had awakened in his body.

The old shrine of the Snake Eight Family has a burnt torii at the door.

Uesugi Yue got out of the car.

The burnt black bones were lying all over the ground, and the dead were humans.

Uesugi Yue and Inuyama He looked at each other and walked straight into the temple.

The worship hall was in a mess, with the remains of gods everywhere.

On the walls were the fragments of murals that were smoked black, and gods and demons were dancing in the swaying flames, and the atmosphere was solemn and weird.

The current scene was familiar to Uesugi Yue.

By the way, he did the same thing back then.

Uesugi Yue suddenly realized.

"Head, do you have anything else to say?"

Inuyama He stood among the charred bones.

"You have suspected me for a long time, right, head of the Inuyama family?"

Tachibana Masamune smiled.

Before his death, Tachibana Masamune seemed not to cover up and took off the Japanese kimono he usually wore.

He was dressed in brown military uniform, with the rank of major on his shoulders and high leather boots on his feet.

"It's not suspicion, head, I'm just more sensitive to the breath of ghosts."

Inuyama He had experienced the most chaotic era in Japan.

What is a ghost in human skin and what is a ghost-like person, his presbyopic eyes can still recognize it.

"'Ghost'? Yes, I didn't expect that I would fall into hell without knowing it."

"Are you from Sulian?"

Uesugi Yue noticed that there was a striking badge on the arm of his military uniform. The badge consisted of a sword, a shield and a red five-pointed star, and the inscription on the badge was "КГБ".

This represents the most terrifying intelligence agency in the world, the KGB.

"It used to be."

Tachibana Masamune spread a piece of white cloth on the ground, knelt on his knees, straightened his back, and pulled out a short sword from his arms.

"Do you want to hear me nag for a while?"

"No, forget it."

"After all, it's not the first or second time that a foreigner has been the head of the Snake Eight Families."

Uesugi Yue shrugged.

He himself is the best example.

"Yes, we are just outsiders after all."

"I'm sorry, Master Inuyama, I messed it up too."

Tachibana Masamune said.

He could see that Inuyama He had a complicated look in his eyes.

The previous head of the family also went crazy before his death.

Like the former Shadow Emperor, he slaughtered the entire shrine.

But the difference is that the previous Shadow Emperor wanted to cut off the sinful White King bloodline.

And the current head of the family, Tachibana Masamune, took the initiative to throw himself into the arms of dragons.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Tachibana Masamune did not choose to escape in the end.

He will commit suicide by disembowelment in front of the new head of the family.

"Head of the family, do you want me to be your kaishakunin? My knife is very fast."

Inuyama He took the initiative to ask.

He did not lie. In the absence of Ange, no one in the whole of Neon has a knife faster than him.

Even the emperor.

The kaishakunin is the helper of the seppuku. He stands behind the seppuku person with a long knife. When the seppuku person stabs into the abdomen, the kaishakunin swings the knife to cut off his head. It seems fierce, but it is actually to relieve the pain of the seppuku person.

A good kaishakunin is proficient in swordsmanship. After the head is cut off, the skin and torso are still connected. The person who commits seppuku is in a kneeling position with his head down, which is considered a decent way to die.

"I originally wanted to let Chisheng come, but thinking about the child's personality, he is not suitable for such a thing."

"Thank you, Inuyama family master."

When mentioning Minamoto Chisheng, Tachibana Masamune's eyes became much gentler.

Kneeling on the tatami of the shrine, Tachibana Masamune straightened up and drew out his bosom blade, with a piercing cold light flowing on the blade.


Inuyama He slowly drew out his sword Onimaru Kunitsuna.

"Head, you should apologize to the tribe members, not me."

Those deadpools are not experimental products that can be created by ordinary humans.

More or less, they all have dragon blood.

In other words, the group of deadpools they killed before are likely to be members of the Snake Eight Families.

"I am a sinner, I have no right to apologize." Tachibana Masamune said quietly, "Because of my greed, many people died, my hands are full of blood."

"According to the family rules, I should commit seppuku to atone for my sins."

"But before I die, I have a request, I hope you can agree to it, Uesugi Yue!"

He looked at the previous Shadow Emperor.

"Protect the child well."

Tachibana Masamune suddenly raised his knife and stabbed the left side of his lower abdomen, from the left side of his lower abdomen to the right side.

The ancient knife fell, with a large arc of light.

Tachibana Masamune bowed his head and knelt.

He was dead.

Uesugi Yue sighed.

"He was a man."

Inuyama He was silent, shook off the blood stains, and put away the knife.

The two left side by side, after they left.

In the dark shrine, where the dead patriarch should have been kneeling, the blood stopped flowing.

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