Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 206: Death of the White King Yamata no Orochi

Chapter 2: The Death of Yamata no Orochi

"Will you win?"

"You will win."

The king will answer.

Deep underground, the dragon vipers surging like the Milky Way screamed.

They are not full yet.

In Takama-ga-hara, they awakened the "White King" as they wished.

The "White King" followed the underground waterway to the Well of Corpses, which is the real palace of the White King.

The Takama-ga-hara under the sea was the cage built by Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi with their own bones and blood.

It was built to trap Susanoo, who had fallen into the White King Yamata no Orochi.

It can also be said to be nutrients.

The revived "White King" can quickly recover himself by absorbing nutrients from the Tama River Mountains.

And only here can the alchemical matrix be activated, the gates of the demons can be opened, and the hidden power of the Night Food Plain can be obtained.

And these ghosts in the dark can also become the rulers of the new world with the help of the revived White King.

The White King's prophecy describes the "Day of Victory" when she reigns over the entire world. That day will be the day when the White King's descendants rule the world.

The White Emperor sat on a sedan chair carried by hundreds of people. Her footsteps crossed the ocean and Europe, and went to the red plateau at the end of the earth.

The attendants dressed in copper and gold raised long banners that covered the sky for her. The blood of the enemies splashed on those long banners that towered into the clouds, and it took three full days to flow into the land.

Now, in the era of human rule.

This group of dark ghosts wanted to start a rebellion again, and rebel against the noble hybrids.

Just like the White King led the hybrids to rebel against the Black King.

"Dragon King, I'll trouble you next."

This group of dragon vipers seemed rampant, but in fact they were very weak.

Not to mention this group of dragon subspecies, even pure-blooded dragons, trapped under the sea for a thousand years are enough to make them choose to commit suicide and cocoon.

The Dragon King nodded.

The king will chuckle.

They will succeed, the Dragon King will become the new White King, and the Demons will finally be redeemed.

And he, Herzog, will also sit in the audience of the stage.

Watching these clowns perform their best!

Come on, come quickly, Uesugi Yue.

One day later.

The fire burned the vermilion pavilion, and Sakurai Kogure was dressing upstairs.

Today is the end of Paradise.

In the past, they laughed at the gamblers who bet everything on Paradise.

But today, the Demons are the most failed gamblers.

They lost.

They lost without any reason and without any ability to fight back.

In just one night, the door of Genji Heavy Industries opened, black vans drove out one after another, and the high-level cadres of the Eight Snake Families came out in full force.

Like a blitzkrieg on Poland, the underworld organizations to which the Demons belonged were defeated one after another.

On the same day, seven of the eleven gangs announced their allegiance to the Snake Eight Clan, three leaders were beaten to death with baseball bats, and the last gang announced its dissolution.

Osaka became the Osaka of the Snake Eight Clan again.

No one knew how long the Snake Eight Clan had been preparing for this war.

They had almost all the intelligence of the Ghost Clan, including the illegal transactions of the gangs under the Ghost Clan, and the government officials who had dealings with the Ghost Clan.

Any supporter, as long as he dared to show his head, no, he couldn't even show his head.

One by one, the "ghosts" were quietly dealt with and became neat rows of cement piles in Tokyo Bay.

They, the Ghost Clan, always thought that the main family was just like this.

But today, all the "ghosts" clearly realized one thing.

This was just their wishful thinking.

The power of the emperor is not something that people can touch.

Sakurai Kogure inserted a mountain peach blossom and looked at the beautiful and charming girl in the mirror.

It was like preparing to entertain guests.

"Are you really going to die like this?"

A strange voice appeared in the attic.

Sakurai Kogure was slightly startled.

Bowed slightly.

"Welcome, guest."

She was calm and elegant, as always, like a lady from the Edo period.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not Genjisei."

"That kid is still smoking downstairs pretending to be deep."

Luke smiled.

This woman looked calm and at ease, as if everything was under control.

In fact, the wide sleeves covered the potion.

She was ready to take the evolutionary medicine at any time.

The evolutionary medicine is what the fierce ghosts have been hiding.

It is also the clue that Inuyama He wanted to investigate but encountered many obstacles.

The ghosts of the fierce ghosts were originally the "abandoned children" locked up in the sanatorium by the eight families of Snake Qi.

The evolutionary medicine given to them by the king is to make the bloodline that is already on the verge of losing control completely cross the boundary.

The medicine that makes the mixed-blood degenerate into a ghost is called evolutionary medicine by the fierce ghosts.

"Sir, are you here to persuade them to surrender?"

A formal smile appeared on Sakurai Kogure's face.

"Persuade them to surrender?"

"You can't persuade someone who has given up."

Luke shook his head slightly.

He looked at this charming woman.

In the world of dragons, every beautiful woman is nicknamed according to their distinctive features.

Long-legged queen - Mai Jiude, little witch - Chen Motong, little monster - Eriya Uesugi

And the tall and beautiful Sakurai Kogure in front of him, her nickname is not given in the original book.

There is a position, "Ryoma" of the fierce ghosts.

But there is no nickname based on appearance.

But Luke felt that the woman in front of him had a quite suitable nickname.

"A woman as cunning as a red fox."

Luke sighed inexplicably.

Sakurai Kogure didn't understand, but still maintained a decent smile.

The king general and the dragon king are not here, so she is the last leader of the fierce ghosts.

"If you are not from this family, I advise you to leave here quickly."

"The Paradise Hall has been closed for rest today."

"Can you play a song for me?"

Luke didn't seem to hear what Sakurai Kogure said and asked bluntly.

"Guests, you have to pay."

"Is there any use in asking for money at this time?"

Thousand-yen bills were scattered everywhere on the ground, and the door of the vault was open, containing billions of yen.

But no one touches this wealth.

Everyone in the Paradise Pavilion was rushing out.

People were running through the water in the mountain stream. Countless luxury cars were blocked on the bridge, and their horns were blaring.

There were flames everywhere, the gauze curtains were burning, the wooden ladies were burning, and the cards all over the floor were burning and curling.

If the wood used to build the Paradise Pavilion had not been treated with chemicals and had good flame resistance, the building would have burned down long ago.

"These are the rules of the Paradise Hall."

As long as the guests win enough money and wish to transfer the money to the wish fund set up by the Paradise Hall, they can get what they want.

Only money speaks here.

"But now there are no gaming tables left to gamble on."

Luke picked up a burning card and lit a cigarette.

"No, sir, there is still something to bet on."

"And I."

After saying that, Sakurai Kogure looked up, and the colored liquid in the glass test tube poured out.

However, there is no entrance for the medicinal liquid.

Colorful liquid medicine in glass test tubes floats in mid-air.

"I've already told you that I'm not Yuan Zhisheng's boy, don't worry."

"How about singing me a song first?"

Luke sat down cross-legged, and at some point he had a small green wine cup in his hand.

Sakurai Kogure watched the liquid disappear bit by bit with stunned eyes.

This was the first time she had lost her temper in front of her "guests."

But after hearing the customer's needs, Sakurai Kogure sighed slightly.

"Guest, you win."

Sakurai Kogure bowed.

She had originally planned to dance in the fire, but the appearance of outsiders interrupted her thoughts.

However, this is fine.

At least you don't have to leave this world in the ugliest way.

The figures under the firelight walked and sang, and the sound reminded people of mottled ancient paintings.

"As evidence of this, the hairpin was given to me by the emperor himself in the past;

Don't forget your romantic feelings, just chat with him and repay him, and you will be lucky in a moment of kindness;

Returning Chai's thoughts to Linqiong, Three Thousand Weak Waters East, the clouds are red again;


The song was sung to the tune of Kabuki, but the lyrics were in Chinese. It was "Yang Guifei" sung by Tamasaburo Bando.

The enchanting people and the scattered fireworks make you suddenly return to the King You of Zhou.

Luke held the wine glass in one hand, swaying the wine in the glass little by little as he sang and danced.

Paradise Pavilion, how can there be bliss in this world?

Kick, kick, kick.

Someone is coming up.

The graceful dancing postures did not stop, the exquisite singing did not stop, but what stopped was the pace of those who came.

Until the end.

“Yue Ying’er has long since melted, and there are many obstacles ahead;

The journey is lost, and looking back is in vain. "

Sakurai Kogure fell to her knees, not minding the hot ground at all.

"Thank you for coming, guest."

Sakurai Kogure, as usual, sincerely thanked the departing guests.

"She is Ryoma?"

Yuan Zhisheng asked.

Luke nodded.

"Not only that, she is also your sister-in-law."


Minamoto Chisheng and Sakurai Kogure were both stunned at the same time.

"Zhisheng, don't look at me like that. As I said before, Master Yue has three children."

Luke threw away the glass.

"I know, but I'm already a child."

Yuan Zhisheng did not continue.

This ancient dragon obviously knows a lot of secrets, but it always acts like this, "pretending to be mysterious" and "pricking people's scars".

"But I want to say that he is not dead." Luke walked up to Sakurai Kogure, "Do you believe it or not?"


Yuan Zhisheng stopped drinking.

His younger brother, Yuan Zhennu, has died long ago!

Died by Yuan Zhisheng's knife.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, Master Yue does."

Luke smiled and pulled up Sakurai Kogure, who was kneeling on his knees.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't react at first.

What would he do if his brother were still alive?

Will he look for it?

Or do you want to kill your brother with your own hands like last time?

But when Yuan Zhisheng heard "Master Yue" from Luke's mouth, he suddenly looked up.

What choice will a father who longs for children make when he learns that he has a son adrift?

Yuan Zhisheng thought of himself.

At the beginning, Uesugi Koshi resolutely chose to return to the Jakihachi family in a domineering way just for him and Eriki.

Same thing, if you were a child.

"Girl, where is he?"

Yuan Zhisheng asked.

"Don't worry, I have a story here."

Luke took Sakurai Kogure's hand, and the power of the horse charm took effect.

In fact, even if Sakurai Kogure doesn't take the evolution medicine.

She didn't have long to live.

Most of the "ghosts" among the fierce ghosts are hybrids whose bloodline exceeds the 50% critical line.

As time goes by, the out-of-control dragon blood will continue to erode their bodies.

Until they become complete "ghosts".

"A rather old story"

Accompanied by Sakurai Kogure's astonished eyes, Luke slowly narrated the origin of Black Swan Port.

"1 disintegrated, a man named Bondarev was in a blizzard."

The scorching heat dropped suddenly, the originally burning flames suddenly stopped, and the crumbling attic returned to calm.

Crow and Yaksha looked at the extinguished fire scene strangely.

They thought the building was about to collapse.

Originally, they wanted to rush in and pull the young master back.

After all, the son of a rich man does not sit in the hall, and Longma wants to burn himself to death.

As long as the young master is not burned, she wants to take off her clothes in this building to dance and sing, and no one will stop her.

Now looking at the situation, there may be unexpected situations inside.

"Ying, don't go in! The young master hasn't given the order yet!"

But Ying didn't care about that. She flew out and hit the copper door with her shoulder.

The crow was anxious.

The door was burned to several hundred degrees at least. Ying's clothes might be burned clean if she touched it.

But, this seems to be a good thing?

But unexpectedly, the door axis broke when Ying hit it, and the copper door collapsed.

And she didn't feel any high temperature.

Ying was stunned for a moment.

She looked up, and the three people opposite were also looking at him.

"Young master, are you okay?"

Yaksha shouted.

Yuan Zhisheng was speechless.

Well of Corpse Hiding.

The Yamata no Orochi wrapped in frost was like a shark with its fins cut off. Its heart had been destroyed, four of the eight heads were broken, and the remaining four heads also oozed purple-black blood from their scales.

It didn't look like the White King, but more like a deformed monster, like the product of failed genetic modification.

Each of the eight heads is connected to a slender neck, and eight cervical vertebrae twistedly grow from different parts of the torso.

"I don't need your help, Wang Jiang."

"Dragon King" said coldly.

"I know, but we don't have much time." Wang Jiang smiled, "and I don't want you to get hurt at this time. Our enemy is on the way forward. He is the same emperor as you."

"I must let you complete the evolution before the enemy arrives. You may be the first person in the history of hybrids to complete the evolution."

"No, then you will no longer be a human, you will evolve into a king!"

Wang Jiang's tone was full of hope, as if it was really as he said, Yuan Zhinv would be upgraded from a human to a dragon.

Become the new White King and lead the fierce ghosts out of the dark underground world.

"It's better."

"Dragon King" snorted coldly.

No one knows what Wang Jiang is thinking in his heart.

But he will never let Wang Jiang get what he wants.

The working group hooked the hook into the gap between the scales of the Yamata no Orochi and fished it to the surface of the water with a crane.

"As expected, he is the descendant of the White King, the closest to the pure-blooded dragon race in history. He is so dazzling."

The king could not stop praising him.

"But he is still just a mixed-blood."

"Dragon King" said.

"Yes, he has the body of a god, but not the authority of a god."

"That's why we can kill him. He is not a real dragon, but a beast in dragon skin."

The king walked forward and stroked the cold dragon scales.

Under normal circumstances, dragon scales always maintain a warm and comfortable adaptive temperature.

But now it is dead, with only dry ice wrapped around its body.

"So, it's time to reveal the truth, Dragon King, let's welcome the real god!"

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