Uchiha Madara lost!

Lost without any surprise.

Even though Chu Yang knew the outcome long ago, he still couldn't help but feel sorry for him. From the beginning, it was impossible for Uchiha Madara to defeat an alien like Senju Hashirama.

Why was Uchiha Madara so obsessed with obtaining Hashirama cells, not only to obtain the power of the Samsara Eye, but also to obtain the terrifying self-healing ability.

Compared with Senju Hashirama's self-healing ability, it is estimated that most tailed beasts cannot compare with it.

After Uchiha Madara was defeated, Senju Hashirama did not kill him, but once again asked him to cooperate with him in an alliance, hoping that the two of them could build a peaceful village together.

Uchiha Madara, who was lying on the ground, had a complicated expression. He murmured: "The Uchiha clan has lost, and so have I."

Even without this battle, Uchiha would have suffered the same fate. The general trend was that they had no chance.

Uchiha Madara, whose younger brother Izuna is still alive, has not yet fallen into paranoia. He hesitated for a while and finally nodded in agreement.

At the same time, Chu Yang could clearly feel the killing intent emerging from Qianju Feijian's body, and it could be seen that he was very dissatisfied with his brother's behavior.

Why not kill Madara Uchiha?

That person is destined to become a source of uneasiness!

Senju Tobirama could see further than Hashirama. He saw not only Uchiha Madara, but also the entire Uchiha family!

Unless the Thousand Hands Clan is willing to give up their throne, these people will rebel sooner or later because they have too much power.

No powerful family is willing to succumb to others!

If it hadn't been for the monster Senju Hashirama, the Senju clan might have lost today.

"Teacher, don't worry about the Uchiha clan. This family itself is not united. Each head of the family rose to power by relying on his own strength. We only need to continue to draw them together and divide them, and the Uchiha clan will not be able to grow."

The young voice suddenly woke up Qian Shu Feijian who was in an angry mood, and he looked at Chu Yang thoughtfully.

Senju Tobirama asked: "If it were you, what would you do?"

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Set up a department that seems to have a high status but has no real power. Hold them up high and specialize in carrying out tasks with extremely low survival rates."

"Let them accept people's praise and enjoy the halo of heroes, and at the same time let them die willingly... I should say sacrifice."

"You can think of it as a high-level moral kidnapping."

"Moral kidnapping?" Qian Shu Fei Jian muttered this word he heard for the first time, his eyes shone slightly, and he refused to deny that Chu Yang's point of view was quite interesting.

But after thinking carefully, Senju Tobirama still shook his head and said: "What you said is too simple. Uchiha Madara is not a fool. He can see through your little thoughts at a glance. It is better to limit their power from the beginning and slowly Weaken them until they are unable to resist."

Chu Yang explained: "This plan must start from the emotional aspect. We need to make the Uchiha clan feel a sense of belonging to the village that the patriarch will build next. We cannot let them become marginalized people in the village, otherwise they will firmly stick together. Heating, under external pressure, becomes more and more united."

"Divide them emotionally...create a sense of belonging...moral kidnapping...die under the halo of heroes..." Qianju Feijian closed his eyes, Chu Yang's voice kept passing through his mind. His views were strange, detailed When I think about it, it's a bit scary.

As the saying goes, soft knives hurt the most, especially rusty knives...

"Using beautiful emotions as bait is simply playing with people's hearts." Thousand Hands Tobirama suddenly narrowed his eyes, "It's a good thing you are from the Thousand Hands clan, otherwise I would definitely be the first to kill you."

Chu Yang curled his lips and said, "Teacher, it's not kind of you to say that. I only gave you advice because I saw you were worried. Aren't you trying to kill the donkey?"

"Hmph!" The corners of Qian Shu Feijian's mouth rose slightly. Chu Yang provided him with new ideas to solve the problem, which made him feel a lot better.

He vaguely felt that this was more vicious... and more appropriate than openly suppressing Uchiha.

There is no need to conflict with the eldest brother Hashirama over the Uchiha clan, so it is simply killing two birds with one stone.

When the sky dawned, Senju Tobirama took Chu Yang back to the station first, rushed to the dungeon without stopping, and then released the Uchiha tribesmen in an orderly manner.

The sealing technique has not been lifted, and letting them out only makes it easier for doctors to treat them.

Next, we have to wait for the Uchiha clan to come to take people. After all, with the promotion of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, the alliance between the two families is a certainty. Giving some small favors in advance will help win people's hearts.

Senju Tobirama's prestige in the clan was very high. Even if he released his enemies on his own initiative, no one in the clan would question him.

This made Chu Yang amazed.

"Senju Tobirama, what do you want to do?" Uchiha Izuna walked up to Senju Tobirama, his face full of question marks. He didn't understand this operation at all.

Senju Tobirama glanced at him and said calmly: "The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan have planned to have peace talks. Letting you out is just for the smooth progress of the peace talks."

"Why do you want to negotiate for peace when you have such a great advantage..." Uchiha Izuna suddenly asked in surprise: "Did Senju Hashirama be defeated by my elder brother?"

"Wake up! Even if we fight 100 times, Uchiha Madara can't beat my elder brother!" Senju Tobirama said disdainfully: "Uchiha Madara lost, but my elder brother decided to put aside the past grudges and cooperate with you. Don't be ungrateful!"

"Impossible!" Uchiha Izuna's face changed drastically, and he was ashamed. He gritted his teeth and said: "The Uchiha clan will never accept peace talks."

Chu Yang looked at him curiously and asked: "Then when are you going to fight? Fight until the Uchiha clan is wiped out? Even Uchiha Madara lost, what can you use to fight us?"


Uchiha Izuna was speechless after being confronted by Chu Yang. He was furious again and spit out a mouthful of hot blood!

This is the third time!

Every knife pierces my heart!

He looked at the boy indignantly, why don't you get angry with anyone, but only me?

In the evening, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha came to the Senju clan's base together, followed by the captured Senju clan members.

Tobirama Senju, who had been prepared for a long time, also delivered the Uchiha clan members to Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha looked at him in surprise.

In his memory, Tobirama Senju was not such an easy guy to talk to.


Then Tobirama Senju said something that shocked him.

"From now on, we are companions!"

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