Simultaneous time travel: From Japanese comics to American comics

Chapter 53: Boarding the Four Emperors’ Ship

The red-haired man chuckled and didn't care about it. Instead, he reminded, "This glass of wine is for you. Remember, go home quickly after drinking."

"Captain Shanks, nagging will make children hate you!" Laki Lu, who was eating meat with big mouthfuls, smiled happily. The fat on his body was surging like waves, looking very funny.

Shanks laughed and scolded, "You should take care of yourself, Laki. You usually talk the most."

Then, Makino walked back to the bar with a glass of rum and pushed it to Chu Yang in front of him.

Chu Yang took the wine and toasted Shanks. Shanks also picked up the glass to toast back. Chu Yang drank it all in one gulp, and then said, "You said one thing wrong. I can't go home even if I finish the wine."

Shanks' smile suddenly faded and he frowned.

Chu Yang explained, "I am a slave. I just got a chance to escape not long ago. The word home is a luxury for me."

After saying that, Chu Yang pulled his clothes down a little, revealing a shallow scar on his chest. Although it was very light, Shanks could tell from the shape that it was a very serious fatal wound.

The tavern gradually became quiet, and the eyes of the Red Hair Pirates were all focused on Chu Yang. It was undoubtedly a strong shock to hear such words calmly from a child's mouth.

Hearing Chu Yang's miserable experience, Shanks suddenly thought of the arson case that occurred in Marijoa a few months ago. At that time, many Celestial Dragon slaves escaped from Marijoa.

Shanks instantly understood Chu Yang's identity, and his eyes naturally showed sympathy.

If the world's slaves can still be divided into levels, then the Celestial Dragons' slaves are undoubtedly the worst!

The moody Celestial Dragons are quite good at torturing slaves. They can easily use all kinds of punishments that ordinary people can't imagine.

Chu Yang's words and the injuries on his body made Makino's eyes red, but she didn't know what to say to comfort him.

Only little Luffy was still making fun of him in the tavern.

But thanks to him, the tavern, which had been cold for a short time, became lively again.

Amidst the laughter and joy, Shanks handed Chu Yang a glass of wine again, but this time he didn't mention the nonsense of "drinking and going home".

After going through so many things, no matter how old you are, you need the comfort of wine.

The two clinked their glasses and smiled at each other.

"Luffy! What did you eat!"

The panicked shout immediately attracted the attention of Chu Yang and Shanks.

After seeing the treasure chest next to him being opened, Shanks's face suddenly changed.

He grabbed Luffy's feet, turned Luffy upside down and shook him hard.

Trying to shake out what Luffy had eaten.

As a result, Luffy not only didn't spit out what he had eaten in a panic, but swallowed it directly.


Little Luffy was like a piece of stretched rubber, stuck to the floor, with his legs still in Shanks' hands.

This scene scared everyone, and the tavern was in chaos, only Chu Yang was drinking calmly.

At night, Makino's tavern closed, and the pirates returned to the pirate ship in the port to sleep. Chu Yang followed the crowd back to his boat.

When Shanks was about to get on the boat, he happened to see Chu Yang's boat, floating alone on the sea, like duckweed.

Beckman, who was standing next to Shanks, saw his every move, so he smiled and said, "If you can't bear it, just bring the child up. Would you feel relieved if you let him drift on the sea like this?"

"What a trouble." Shanks complained, but his body honestly walked towards Chu Yang, and then stopped in front of Chu Yang's boat.

Chu Yang was sitting on it meditating.

"Hey, kid, come with me, your boat doesn't even have a place to shelter from the wind and rain!"

The next day, Chu Yang became the youngest trainee crew member of the Red Hair Pirates, and started his pirate career of further learning domineering.

Naruto World.

Compared with Chu Yang who successfully joined the Four Emperors Pirates in the Pirate World, Chu Yang here did not have a smooth teaching career.

The shyness of the third generation in his childhood was fake. When he got familiar with the environment, he was not just naughty, but even more naughty than Naruto when he was a child.

Not long after the start of school, the school was in chaos!

It was his daily compulsory course to tease the teacher with the Three Body Technique.

Adding Shimura Danzo, who looked honest but was actually full of bad water, the two teamed up to make the teachers in the ninja school dizzy and anxious.

The two of them, one inside and one outside, cooperated seamlessly, faintly showing the prototype of managing Konoha in the future.

The teachers in the school couldn't handle them at all. The biggest concern was the Sarutobi clan behind Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Except for Sarutobi Hiruzen, the children of other big families in the school were in a similar situation. When they made mistakes, most teachers would choose to keep things quiet.

At this time, Konoha had just been established, and the open and secret struggles between the various families were extremely fierce. The ninja school was a special existence. If something was not handled properly, it might cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

For example, today the young master of this family beat the young master of another family. No matter which side the school stood on, it might be mistaken by the other side that the school was sending some kind of signal.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, as the principal, Senju Tobirama would not punish students personally, even if the students violated very serious school rules.

But Chu Yang felt that this would not work.

If the excessive behavior of children like Sarutobi Hiruzen or other big family members is always acquiesced and it is difficult to receive punishment, then one day they will become more and more excessive and easily cross the bottom line.

The most serious situation is when the children of these big families unite to oppress the common people.

Once something like class status takes root in a school, it will have a devastating blow to the growth of students. You must know that nearly half of the students in the school are from civilian backgrounds.

After sharing the memory of Magical Chu Yang, Chu Yang in the Naruto world fully understands the dangers of acquiescing to this bloodline theory.

He didn't want an organization similar to Slytherin Academy to appear in the Ninja School.

So Chu Yang went to Qianju Feijian that night and explained his thoughts to him.

Senju Tobirama, who was also from the same family, was somewhat blind on this matter. He could not imagine that this aspect was normal.

If Chu Yang hadn't reminded him, it might have taken him a long time to realize the seriousness of this problem.

Qian Shu Feijian, who had just finished handling government affairs, immediately fell into deep thought after listening to Chu Yang's report, and then couldn't help but sigh: "In this regard, you are as sensitive as my elder brother. If the school's attitude is not clear and firm enough, it will definitely encourage this. An evil spirit."

"But who will handle it is another problem. Ordinary teachers may be very wary of the pressure from those families."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "I am the best candidate, Yu Gong, I am a teacher, Yu privately, I am also a disciple of the Hokage and your teacher, a member of the Thousand Hands Clan, I can withstand the pressure."

I recommended a friend’s new book. The protagonist comes to the world of beast control, but what he doesn’t know is that in the real world, whether it is an intellectual and cold female boss, a gentle and kind little sister next door, or even a goddess with a flamboyant personality. Sister, they all traveled through time and became his beast... Until one day, the beautiful and cold female boss blocked him and asked: My master is you, right? ...In short, it’s very cool, I recommend everyone to check it out! Book title: (Why are all my beast friends female?) Below is the link:

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