"It is important to know how to pick up a weapon, but it is even more important to know how to put it down when necessary. The weapon in your hand can not only kill ghosts, but also kill people easily."

Before Chu Yang started to try out the weapon, Xingming of Beiming Island warned him this sentence in person, which was well-intentioned.

"Mr. Xingming, don't worry, I know the meaning of this power in my body." Chu Yang answered sincerely, and then walked to the pile of heavy weapons to take a closer look.

Meteor hammer, mace, chain hammer, giant axe taller than a person, and saber with a blade almost as wide as a door panel.

Chu Yang was sweating coldly.

This is not choosing a weapon, but choosing a torture instrument. The whole large crime tool points to the scene!

There are even long-handled broadswords and lances with ancient Chinese characteristics.

Even Guan Erye would give a thumbs up if he came.

Xingming of Beiming Island's weapon is actually a modified version of the chain hammer, with a broad axe connected to the other end to further enhance the lethality. To be honest, he really hopes that Chu Yang will choose a weapon similar to his own.

However, Chu Yang finally chose the scimitar.

This thing is a knife after all.

The others have nothing to do with the "Sun Wheel Sword", and Chu Yang doesn't really want to use it.

At most, it can be renamed "Iron Fang" or "Zangetsu", anyway, they look similar.

Beimingyu Xingming sighed and looked a little disappointed.

What's wrong with the chain hammer?

It has strong lethality and is easy to operate. It kills demons one by one.

You don't know how to appreciate it!

Beimingyu Xingming reminded: "You are not a formal member of the Demon Slayer Corps yet, so the weapon in your hand is only temporary, so that you can participate in the final selection."

"Although the weapon forms are different, the moves are similar. You just need to be flexible in the details."

Beimingyu Xingming picked up the weapon and began to practice the sword skills of Rock Breathing for Chu Yang.

Most of the heavy weapon use techniques have something in common. Beimingyu Xingming hopes that Chu Yang can find a technique that suits him and can make the scimitar play its strengths.

Chu Yang watched intently, memorizing all the moves firmly in his mind.

Because there are not many inheritors of Rock Breathing, its moves are much fewer than those of other schools. Beimingyu Xingming stopped the action after he practiced the fifth form to Chu Yang.

"I know so many moves, and the next one is up to you to complete." Beimingyu Xingming put down his weapon and put his hands together, "If you don't understand anything, you can ask me now."

Chu Yang shook his head, indicating that he had no doubts.

Seeing this, Beimingyu Xingming couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little lonely for some reason. It was indeed very easy to teach a genius like Chu Yang, but it seemed that he had no sense of accomplishment if it was too easy.

Especially Rock Breathing, the most difficult of the five major breathing methods.

"Recently, I have to go out to investigate the actions of ghosts and be responsible for clearing the ghosts in the area, so you have to stay in the temple alone to practice. Remember, you have to light the rattan flower incense at night."

When talking about the rattan flower incense, Beimingyu Xingming's expression seemed a little unnatural, as if he was recalling some sad memories. He returned to the room to pack his bags, and then left after instructing Chu Yang.

After Beimingyu Xingming left, Chu Yang went up the mountain to fetch water every day. Even if the water tank in the backyard was full, he still enjoyed it.

The effect of the training was very obvious. He would soon be able to return to the temple at noon, and even have an afternoon to practice sword skills.

But Chu Yang obviously did not take Beimingyu Xingming's instructions to heart, and the rattan flower incense placed in the temple was never lit.

After another half a month, Chu Yang practiced sword skills in the yard until late at night.

Suddenly, he smelled a strange smell.

It was a stench that was hard to describe.

It was like putting a pile of rotten food and corpses together and fermenting continuously.

The stinky Chu Yang almost vomited!

He suddenly realized... this is the smell of a ghost!

Then, Chu Yang immediately unfolded his Observation Haki, and finally heard something approaching the temple's periphery at a very fast speed, like a hungry beast seeing food.

Chu Yang concentrated and held his breath, and entered the state of full concentration breathing skillfully, his eyes fixed on the gate in front of him.

Bang! ! !

With a loud bang, the gate fell down, and a black shadow rushed out of the darkness and rushed towards Chu Yang in the moonlight!

At the same time, Chu Yang jumped high!

The slashing saber in his hand slashed from top to bottom, with great force and power at the black shadow!

[Rock Breathing·Second Form·Sky Surface Shattering]

The powerful force caused the air to vibrate, and the violent airflow startled the black shadow who attacked Chu Yang.

This guy holding the slashing saber is not an ordinary person!

When death is coming...

The black shadow roared in his heart, trying his best to dodge the attack sideways!

It succeeded!

The slashing saber was originally chopped at its head.

As a result, he chopped it from its right shoulder to its right leg, cutting it in half alive!


The black shadow howled miserably, partly because of pain, and partly because of fear.

Just a glance, Chu Yang severely injured it!

If it was not a ghost, it would have been dead by now!

After cutting off half of the black shadow's body, Chu Yang passed by it, and both turned around at the same time, seeing each other's faces.

The black shadow was indeed a ghost, and it was in the image of a handsome young man.

It was just that his face was hideous, and his face was covered with strange runes.

The young ghost stared at Chu Yang with bloodshot eyes.

It seemed that he wanted to remember his face and take revenge later.

"It was clearly chopped off on the head, what a pity..." Chu Yang felt uncomfortable. It was his first time fighting a ghost and he underestimated the opponent's speed.

The young ghost, who was left with only half of his body standing on one foot, had no intention of fighting desperately with the swordsman in front of him who looked similar to himself.

It knew that fighting desperately would only end in death.

So, without thinking too much, it jumped onto the eaves and prepared to climb over the wall to escape from this strange temple.

A gust of wind blew.

The shadow of death just now emerged in the young ghost's heart again, and he subconsciously turned to the right, but the familiar huge saber flashed past his left shoulder.

With a puff, another arm flew out.

With a clack, the arm fell to the ground and paired with the previously broken arm.

This time the young ghost did not scream. It was like being stuffed into an ice cellar, shaking wildly, and the fear of death obviously exceeded the pain.

"Oh, you reacted so fast, I missed the target again!" Chu Yang looked at the young ghost in surprise. Its prediction of danger was almost as good as his own observation Haki, and it could escape death twice.

"Your blood demon art is not to predict danger, right?" Chu Yang stared at the young ghost with a suspicious look.

The young ghost was shocked, because Chu Yang guessed correctly, its blood demon art can indeed predict danger to a certain extent, that is, strengthen instinct.

The young ghost's body is recovering very quickly.

But it is not sure whether it can hold on until the moment when its body is fully recovered. The boy opposite, who is staring at it, has a knife as big as a door panel in his hand, which can easily cut off its body.

Even though he is carrying such a heavy weapon, the boy is as fast as thunder!

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