Along looked at Chu Yang, whose eyes were red, and wanted to say something to beg for mercy, but the fear of death made him speechless.

Along opened his mouth and trembled.

Chu Yang looked at the blood that kept flowing out of Aaron, and suddenly recalled the pain when the Tianlong people's branding iron pressed hard on his chest.

The anger of being bullied because of weakness ignited the murderous intention in Chu Yang's heart.

He would never let others trample on him again!

"What... do you want to do?!"

Along, who was about to faint, was stimulated by the coldness of Chu Yang, and his consciousness suddenly became clear.

"If you kill me, you can't stay on the ship anymore. Brother Tiger will not allow people who kill their companions to stay!"

Along shouted hysterically, trying to wake up Chu Yang's reason.

"Just now..." Chu Yang said coldly: "If I don't agree to you, will you let me go? Will you let an ordinary human go?"

Aaron was speechless. As Chu Yang thought, he had no intention of letting Chu Yang go. Even if he didn't kill him, he would throw him into the sea and let him fend for himself.

Afterwards, Aaron just had to lie that Chu Yang left by himself. Although he might not be able to deceive Tiger, Tiger couldn't do anything to him.

Aaron was sure that Tiger would not turn against his tribe for one person.

"You are the same as those humans you hate, there is no difference in essence..." Chu Yang sneered, gave up the idea of ​​killing Aaron, and began to loosen the tree vines that bound him.

It's not that Chu Yang was soft-hearted. If he killed Aaron here, Chu Yang really couldn't stay on the boat.

More importantly, someone came...

The sturdy blue fat man stood behind Chu Yang, with his hands covered with armed color domineering pressed on Chu Yang's shoulders, ready to save Aaron at any time.

Chu Yang released his Wood Release, turned around and looked at Jinbei, and asked calmly, "When did you come?"

Jinbei glanced at the blood-covered A-Long, and shock flashed in his eyes.

He tried to lower his voice to make himself look calmer. "When Aaron said he wanted to take you to rest, I felt something was wrong. That was not like his style. I followed you all the time just in case."

Jinbei smiled bitterly, "I was afraid he would do something stupid. As it turned out, my guess was right, but I didn't expect..."

Chu Yang exhaled, as if to vent all the anger in his heart, "I didn't expect that I almost killed him?"

Jinbei nodded and said in a clear tone: "No wonder Brother Tiger said you saved him. It turns out that you are a capable person."

Frequent use of Wood Release made Chu Yang's chakra bottom out. He was very tired now, with drooping eyelids, and said weakly: "If you don't plan to drive me off the ship, then take me to rest."

"Now I just want to lie on the bed and have a good sleep."

Before leaving the storage room on the bottom floor, Jinbei looked helplessly at Aaron who was seriously injured and unconscious leaning against the door, and sighed with a complicated expression.

A-Long's hatred for humans is more serious than most of the fishmen on the ship. If he does not correct his thoughts in time, he may suffer a great loss at the hands of Chu Yang in the future.

Out of care for Chu Yang, Jinbei took him to a single room and then left quietly.

After arranging Chu Yang, Jinbei hurriedly asked the ship's doctor to treat A-Long. Later, the news that A-Long was seriously injured and unconscious by Chu Yang spread like wildfire.

At first, Jinbei thought about covering up for A-Long, but Jinbei later gave up the idea.

Because there are many fishmen on the ship who have the same idea as A-Long.

In order to prevent these people from doing stupid things, the necessary deterrence is essential. In this way, Jinbei thinks it is better to spread the news.

Chu Yang, who fell asleep on the bed, did not know that because of this incident, A-Long had become a laughing stock on the whole ship.

The next day, Chu Yang, who slept until noon, appeared on the deck under the scorching sun. He found that the way the fishmen looked at him was obviously different from yesterday.

There was less disgust, replaced by surprise and panic.

There was a very obvious sense of distance between the two sides.

"It seems that they already know." Chu Yang looked around, his mouth slightly raised. From then on, the noise in his ears could finally be less.

Chu Yang had no intention of getting along with this group of fishmen, and the Sun Pirates were just a temporary place for him to stay.

"It's my responsibility that this happened yesterday." Tiger walked over from the bow and apologized to Chu Yang with a tired face.

"It's not me who was injured, there's no need to apologize." Chu Yang replied lightly, "It's the guy named A Long who probably won't be able to get out of bed for ten days or half a month."

"It's better this way, so that he won't always make trouble." Tiger looked like he had a headache. Although he was a fishman, he didn't like A Long's irritable and radical way of doing things.

"If you need anything, tell me at any time." Although the Sun Pirates had been announced, Tiger obviously didn't regard Chu Yang as a member who had been on the pirate ship, and was very polite.

They were partners who had walked together for a part of their own journeys, and they could not walk hand in hand to the end. They both had a tacit understanding about this.

Chu Yang thought for a while, then said: "I want to learn some fighting skills from Jinbei, can you let him teach me?"

"Jinbei?" Tiger was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Of course, you have a good vision. That boy's strength and potential are extraordinary. In a few years, he will probably become a leader among the fishmen."

Chu Yang smiled.


That's Jinbei, who is only one of the "Four Emperors"! The title of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is not given for nothing!

Chu Yang wants to learn not only Fishman Karate from Jinbei, but also more importantly, Haki. He had seen his Armament Haki yesterday.

Not long after, Tiger found Jinbei and told him that Chu Yang wanted to learn fighting from him.

At this time, Jinbei still had a deep wariness of humans, but because Chu Yang had done a favor to Tiger, he treated him specially.

Jinbei reluctantly agreed to Chu Yang's request.

Jinbei started to train Chu Yang in hell that day.

I don't know if Jinbei has a certain revenge mentality or wants to finish this task as soon as possible. His teaching method is quite rough and wild.

Almost every time after training, Chu Yang was carried into the room.

Although it was miserable, Chu Yang only took three days to complete the introduction of Fishman Karate, and his proficiency rose like a rocket.

The progress was so fast that Jinbei was amazed. In Jinbei's opinion, Chu Yang's learning speed of Fishman Karate surpassed most of the Fishmen.

But Chu Yang was a real human being...

If he didn't know that Tiger would definitely not allow it, Jinbei really wanted to cut Chu Yang open to see if there were any fishman organs inside.

"It's really a ghost!"

Jinbei continued to intensify his "torture" of Chu Yang, but Chu Yang was now like a sponge with no upper limit, madly absorbing everything that was beneficial to him.

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