Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 107 Cuizi: Dagouzi is a pervert and a beast!

Chapter 107 - Cui Zi: Big Dog is a big pervert, a beast!

Biochemical Bai Ye: [Do you need T virus? ]

Daily Bai Ye: [Ah? My buddy hasn't been online for a long time, so he went to get us T virus. I'm really touched! ]

If this thing can be controlled, it will be a boost for them.

Pirate Bai Ye: [Yes! But it's better to change the transmission, otherwise I'm afraid my world will be gone! ]

The Pirate world is all ocean. Once he pours a little into the ocean, who knows what it will become, so if he can't control it, he'd rather not do it first.

Biochemical Bai Ye: [I'm just asking, I'm about to arrive in Raccoon City, since you need it, I'll leave some for you, but I won't experiment, and I may have to cooperate with other organizations later. ]

He also thought that if he took this thing directly, it would only harm other worlds.

There must be improvements in the future, or it will be used in a targeted manner, otherwise it will not benefit anyone if it is leaked.

But he himself has no ability to experiment with this thing.

Naruto White Night: [It doesn't matter, you can contact Ada Wang, she should understand this aspect, not to mention that the plot has just begun, and there are so many weird things in your world, there is no need to rush for the time being, and everyone does not need it so urgently. ]

T virus, G virus, Veronica virus, rattlesnake virus, sun ladder flower, plus various things that may appear in the CSOL plot, there are many things that can be improved in that world, but this thing has a disadvantage, if it cannot be controlled, it will only harm others and yourself in the end.

And there is also Dead by Daylight, which also means that there seem to be various items such as orange flowers in that world.

But if you say you don't want this thing, it is definitely impossible.

First of all, if it can be controlled, then it can be mass-produced, and these can stably replicate batches of warriors with powerful abilities.

But once the controllability of this thing appears, it will inevitably weaken its ability characteristics, which they are also clear about this, but this can only be a compromise, and stability must be guaranteed.

If you become a thing without IQ after using it, and even have the effect of spreading, then simply don't use it. What they need is to strengthen themselves and the people around them, not to create batches of monsters.

Biochemical Bai Ye: [I know this. I should find an organization to cooperate with later. After all, I can't do that thing myself. I originally wanted to be the Death God Hank, but I was forced to be Li Sanguang. ]

Originally, he wanted to be a lone hero, but now he had to contact Ada Wong. The main reason was that Bai Ye didn't want to contact Ada Wong too much.

If he contacted her, he would be sold one day.

But all this will have to wait until he arrives in Raccoon City, and there are still many things waiting for him to investigate.

Raccoon City in front, Silent Hill on the left, Ishimura in the middle, and Qinggui in the back. Stay in the stone room and go forward to Kaishin Village.

In addition to the various events that need to be investigated by himself, Bai Ye always feels that whoever wants to join Interpol can join.

So what he is dealing with every day is a human or a monster?

Yokai Bai Ye: [Can that thing delay aging? ]

Biochemical Bai Ye: [It should be possible, but aren't you going to get pure gold? ]

I don't think I have the pure gold thing yet.

Yokai Bai Ye: [Not yet, so I can only think about this one first. ]

Since falling in love with a human, Bai Ye always feels that he seems to have become a lot gentler than before.

Although he is a human soul and his personality is not as extreme as Seshomaru, sometimes he has always been a little confused, as if it seems that he is now more and more difficult to empathize with humans.

He also agreed with Seshomaru's words in the early days, that only stupid half-demons would be with humans, and humans only have a lifespan of a hundred years. When she dies, the love that once dried up and crumbled will eventually turn into endless pain.

So at that time, he always refused to embrace love and also refused to contact humans, but he was not as exaggerated as Seshomaru.

"Big Dog seems to have run out of hot water. Can you give me some?"

Just when Bai Ye was thinking about it, Cui Zi's voice inside the bathroom door disrupted his thoughts. Bai Ye looked up and asked, "How to add it? I'll just bring it in?"

Bai Ye looked around, but there was no place for him to add water.

"Yeah, get me some, and then bring it in and put it outside the curtain. Don't peek!"

What does the last sentence mean?

Even gentlemen have to be on guard?

He thought he would never peek!

Open the door and bring the hot water to the bathroom. The curtain covered it and the fog inside made the bathroom a little blurry, but it could be seen that Cui Zi was sitting in the bathtub, and Bai Ye felt that the smell was even more deadly.

"Don't look."

"I didn't look."

Bai Ye put down the basin, and a story appeared in his heart. Beasts are still worse than beasts.

Forget it.

It doesn't seem good to do this.

Bai Ye shook his head, put down the basin in his hand, then turned and left.

When he left, Cui Zi stood up from the bathtub, wrapped in a bath towel, and looked at the direction where Bai Ye left with a smile. She had actually been paying attention to Bai Ye just now. Although she just wanted to tease Bai Ye, she was still very nervous.

She had made two plans at the time. If Bai Ye came in, she would have a bath towel and she could use this matter to make fun of Bai Ye in the future.

If he didn't come in, she wouldn't lose anything, but she was indeed a little disappointed in her heart. If Bai Ye was a little rough at this time, she could actually accept it.

This big dog really doesn't know how to fall in love.

Cui Zi touched her chin, and she also had the idea of ​​training Bai Ye to fall in love.

It feels like she is cultivating it.

Cui Zi thought to herself, and her mood was better than before.

Soaking in the bathtub, Cui Zi was also in a rare state of relaxation. This was her favorite way to relax before. After exorcising demons every day, it was the most relaxing at this time.

After soaking for a while, Cuizi got up and wiped off the water stains on her body, picked up the clothes beside her and put them on. She didn't wear her usual exorcist armor. Now she preferred to wear the kimonos bought by Bai Ye.

It was the first time for her to wear such clothes in front of the person she liked, although she had bought it a long time ago.


Yunmu looked at Cuizi's tangled expression curiously. Didn't she decide to wear the kimono that Bai Ye gave her yesterday?

Why didn't she dare to go out at this time?

Yunmu didn't understand.

"Yunmu, do you think it's weird for me to wear a kimono?"

Cuizi looked at the kimono on her body. It seemed a little awkward to wear it for the first time, but it seemed to be beautiful.

He should like it, right?


Yunmu shook her head. She only thought that the big dog outside would definitely like it when he saw it. Today's owner is so beautiful.

Yunmu thought that if she had the opportunity to become a human in the future, she must be as beautiful as Cuizi, but Yunmu also knew that this opportunity was basically slim or even non-existent.

"Maybe I think too much, why do I become so sentimental?"

Tsuizi was a little melancholy. She would never be like this before. Is this the magic of love?

It seems that she cares a lot about what the other person thinks of her.

Tsuizi encouraged herself secretly in her heart. Since Bai Ye gave it to her, he must like it, right?

Otherwise, why would he give it to her?

But does that idiot know what it means to give a kimono?

Maybe he doesn't know at all.

But since the two have already confirmed their relationship, she didn't say much.


The bathroom door was pushed open, and Cuizi carefully poked her head out to look outside. After finding that Bai Ye was sitting on a branch looking at the bathroom door, a trace of shame and anger flashed across her face.

Sure enough!

I was thinking about secretly observing the situation outside just now, but now it seems that these tricks of mine have fallen into Bai Ye's eyes and I am afraid that Bai Ye will laugh at me!

"Big Dog, you are so mean. You actually hid aside and waited for me to come out."

"Can you please stop calling me Big Dog?"

A black line flashed across Bai Ye's face. I don't know when it started, Cui Zi seemed to like this name very much. She called him Big Dog all the time, saying that calling him by his name was too unfamiliar. She felt that the two of them needed to get closer.

So, Big Dog was installed.

"Hehe, don't you feel friendly?"

Cui Zi smiled. She felt that this name was very good. Why didn't Bai Ye like it?

"How about it, is it beautiful?"

Cui Zi said, and her body turned 360 degrees.

She was a little shy when she first came out, but when she saw that Bai Ye didn't seem to have any other strange behavior, Cui Zi breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer nervous.

"It looks good."

"Then Big Dog, won't you hug me?"

So straightforward?

A trace of surprise flashed across Bai Ye's face. Looking at Cui Zi, who had opened her arms and was waiting for Bai Ye to hold her, he did not hesitate too much and held her in his arms. Feeling the slight fragrance of Cui Zi in his arms, Bai Ye was also somewhat moved.

"If I say you can kiss me now, you will... um."

Cui Zi had not finished speaking, she closed her eyes, and her arms around Bai Ye tightened a little.

Sure enough, this is a big pervert!

In Cui Zi's heart, Bai Ye was labeled again. Although he had never been in love, it was certain that this guy was not an honest demon!

"Big dog, will we always be together like this?"

Cui Zi leaned on Bai Ye's shoulder, whispering softly, but there was also some reluctance in her heart.

It seemed that the two of them could not always be like this,

She was a human, and Bai Ye was a demon. Her lifespan was not comparable to Bai Ye's. She was old, but he was still young. Her old appearance should be very ugly in Bai Ye's eyes, right?

Will he fall in love with other young and beautiful girls at that time?

Cui Zi actually felt a little scared and confused, which made her feel extremely surprised. In the past, no matter how powerful the monsters were, she could always deal with them calmly.

But now, why is this?

"Yes, we will always be together."

If it was before, Bai Ye would never provoke Cui Zi.

But now, he also has a way to keep Cui Zi alive.

"Well, big dog, we just need to live well now. We can talk about the future later. But the children we give birth to in the future will be half-demon. You have also seen the half-demon on Penglai Island before. You will protect it in the future. Good for our kids, right?”

Cuizi suppressed the unwillingness in her heart. Even if she had no distracting thoughts, she knew that she was selfish in love. She wanted to possess everything in Bai Ye. No matter how hard she tried to convince herself, there was always a voice in her heart telling her Himself, Bai Ye will not die, Bai Ye will live for a long time, and she can only exist in Bai Ye's mind from now on, and her old and ugly appearance may overshadow her young and beautiful appearance.

But I can't do anything.

Suddenly I felt so unwilling that I could only have him for a few decades. It would be great if the two of them could grow old together.

A trace of sadness flashed in Cuizi's heart, but she couldn't say such words. She knew that she couldn't be so selfish.

"Yes, we will protect it."

Bai Ye touched Cui Zi's back, and he seemed to feel Cui Zi's uneasiness.

Are you worried about the future?

"Hmm, then I can rest assured. Let's go to Totosai, big dog. Isn't your weapon already forged?"

During this time, the two traveled together and went to many places to slay demons together. The time agreed with Totosai was coming soon. Cuizi also knew that the war between the ocelot clan and the dog demon clan had broken out, although there was no large-scale war yet. The decisive battle, but as the young leader of the dog demon clan, she did not want Bai Ye to fall in love with her while the dog demon clan was fighting on the front line.

It's enough for the two of them to be together, and they feel quite happy now.

"Lord Qingming, it seems that Cuizi's four souls fluctuate greatly!"

Shikigami observed Cuizi's soul fluctuations.

Is this the power of love?

In a house, Abe Seimei couldn't help but smile as he listened to the boy's words: "She is not willing to give in. She is not willing to die before ShiroYasha. She wants to be with ShiroYasha forever. This is who she is." The reason why her four souls fluctuate so much is exactly in line with my plan. The more her four souls fluctuate and the more unwilling she is, the more perfect this jade will be, and her love for Bai Yaksha will also be It will turn into one of the links of the Four Souls Jade, pulling the two of them into it, and they will be entangled in the Four Souls Jade forever.

This is such a perfect jade. Sure enough, love is really the greatest emotion between humans and monsters. Even a strong miko who has no fluctuations in her heart will actually lose her mind after meeting the monster she likes. Just a general idea.”

Abe Seimei was in an extremely comfortable mood at the moment, and even thought that this start was perfect. This Shikon Jade will definitely become the most proud work of his life!

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