Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 127 Uchiha, born evil, you have already met your death!

Chapter 127 - Born evil Uchiha, you have already found your way to death!

"Shikaku, you two go down first, leave this to me, I will find you later!"

Bai Ye said, nodded to Shikaku and Hyuga Hiashi, leave this to him, he still has a little secret that he doesn't want to reveal.

Shikaku and Hyuga Hiashi looked at each other, nodded in response, and prepared to run without too much lingering.

These two people look very wrong, they should not get involved.

"Asshole, die for me!"

Tsunade roared, then raised her fist and rushed towards Bai Ye.

That's right!

Her hemophobia seems to be gone. She just tested it, and the shame at that moment made her not afraid of hemophobia.

She was also surprised that she was treated like this, in fact, it might be because of what Bai Ye said before.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, Tsunade did feel that it made sense. If she could kill other people, why couldn't others kill the people around her.

In the final analysis, this is the world that is sick, and she had indeed not gotten over this knot in the past. Now that she has gotten over it, she knows that she should not live in the past.

Isn't the ninja world about you killing me and I killing you?

Among the people she killed, there were also relatives and friends, and other people would also be sad. Perhaps she just felt deeply powerless because she was a medical ninja but could not save the people around her.

But even so, she would not let Bai Ye go. This guy's humiliation of her was not offset by gratitude for curing hemophobia.

"You are so irritable. Is it to cure your hemophobia just to deal with your own people?"

Bai Ye clapped his hands, and several vines suddenly grew on the floor, and then entangled Tsunade's hands and feet.

What is this! ?

Tsunade's originally angry expression was stunned for a moment. Did she see it wrong?

It was actually Wood Release?

Then Tsunade became even angrier.

This guy said that Danzo stole his grandfather's blood. Isn't this guy the same?

He is also an ambitious person who wants Wood Release.

"First of all, my Wood Release has nothing to do with your grandfather. I didn't use your grandfather's cells. I can use Wood Release by myself!"

Bai Ye understood Tsunade's eyes, but this thing was won by her in the lottery, so it certainly has nothing to do with Hashirama Senju.

"Take off your clothes!!"


Tsunade knew this. When she came back, Bai Ye gave Tsunade the experimental data of Danzo, and there was a note in it that once Hashirama Senju's cells were transplanted, because his cells were too domineering, his physical characteristics would appear.

And this point, as long as Bai Ye didn't have it, it could be confirmed.

After seeing that Bai Ye did not have the characteristics of her grandfather, she thought of the second one, that is, Yamato's experiment, that ninja could also use Wood Release.

"Let me go and follow me."

Tsunade looked at Bai Ye deeply. If Bai Ye could use those secret techniques, she would believe in Bai Ye.


Bai Ye had a hunch that Tsunade seemed to be giving him a gift.

Following Tsunade all the way to the ancestral home of the Senju family, Tsunade cut a hole in her hand at a seal, opened the seal with her own blood, and took out a large scroll directly from it.

"Inside is my grandfather's secret technique about Wood Release. If you can use it, it means that you are not transplanted!"

According to Danzo's previous research report, if Wood Release is researched, then it can't exert that kind of strength at all.

However, what they don't know is that Wood Release itself is not strong, and it is strong in the Sage Body and Ashura Reincarnation.

Although there is no Ashura Chakra at present, with the Sage Body, Bai Ye can still exert the full strength of Wood Release.

After Bai Ye took the scroll from Tsunade, he opened the secret technique inside and took a look, and his eyes instantly became hot.

Wood Release·Tree World Birth, Flower Tree World Advent, Wood Dragon Technique, Wood Man Technique and other ninjutsu are all in it, even the Buddha on the top is in it.

Using the Sharingan to copy all of these, Bai Ye then threw the scroll to Tsunade and began to experiment with the first ability,

Tree World Birth!

Under Tsunade's shocked eyes, a huge forest appeared, followed by the Flower Tree World, and then the Wood Dragon Technique.

If it weren't for the fact that the Senju clan's ancestral home is now on the edge of Konoha, it is likely that this place will be completely destroyed by Bai Ye's greening.

"Are you from the Senju clan?"

Tsunade murmured in disbelief as she looked at Bai Ye. She originally thought that the Senju clan could not have Wood Release, and after the Senju clan merged into Konoha, how many Senju clans actually had?

But now, a member of the Uchiha clan actually had Wood Release.

The power of the two hostile forces once appeared on one person at the same time.

No wonder he dared to declare war directly on several other ninja villages.

Tsunade seemed to have thought of something, staring at Bai Ye with burning eyes and asked, "Did you know that you could use Wood Release a long time ago?"

Apart from this explanation, Tsunade couldn't think of any other reasons.

"That's right, Tsunade, let's make the Senju clan great again!"



Hearing this from an Uchiha, Tsunade was really speechless.

"Huh, so you decided to change Uchiha Byakuya's name to Senju Byakuya?"

Tsunade looked at Bai Ye with interest. Although she still wanted to beat Bai Ye in her heart, she was still very confident about her own strength.

Even if she didn't have hemophobia now, she was still no match for Bai Ye.

"No, the surname is just a name, and what it really represents is the will. I want to save this ninja world with the will of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. This ninja world is sick. Just like I told you before, your relatives were killed, his relatives were also killed, and everyone was killing each other. Have you ever thought about why this is the case?"

Bai Ye's words were very inflammatory. Even Tsunade had to admit that although she knew that this kid was going to talk nonsense, she was still willing to listen seriously.


Tsunade actually wanted to know.

At the beginning, they started killing people when they were Genin, and they killed countless enemies during the Chunin period. When they became the three ninjas, they killed countless ninjas in the Land of Rain.

At that time, Tsunade didn't think so much, but as the people around her died one by one, Tsunade suddenly realized a problem.

Why were they killing each other?

She watched her relatives and comrades die in front of her, but she was powerless to do anything. At that moment, she chose to leave and no longer be a ninja.

"Because of the imbalance of the system, ninjas have strong combat power, but they have to be controlled by the daimyo, and the daimyo is unwilling to watch the ninja continue to develop, so it is necessary to reduce the strength of the ninja village. Every time, we fight with several ninja villages, and several small ninja villages are beaten. After the fight, most of our ninjas died, while the daimyo only need to pay some resources, and then they can exchange for stability.

If we can unify the entire ninja world and kill all the daimyo, then the world will no longer be the same as before. We ninjas are not tools for killing, we are also human beings. Tsunade needs everyone to contribute to save the world. Whether it is Uchiha, Senju, or Hyuga, as long as this sick world is changed, I think it doesn’t matter who it is."

The outbreak of war in the ninja world is nothing more than resources, and those daimyo only need to say that there are no resources at present, and they don’t even need to continue to say that the ninja village will break out when it can’t stand it.

Isn’t this the trick played by the daimyo?

"You are bolder than I thought!"

Tsunade originally thought that Bai Ye was going to destroy four ninja villages and follow the path of Uchiha Madara.

But unexpectedly, Bai Ye's plan even surpassed Uchiha Madara!

At the beginning, Madara was only thinking about a ninja village plan, and did not think about killing the daimyo.

"Change is a good thing, isn't it? Madara was defeated by Hashirama, which means his plan failed. Hashirama created a ninja village, but the war that eventually broke out was more cruel than the war between ninja clans, and it also failed. We are going to take another path now, so Tsunade. It's okay to hand over the Sand Village to you, right?"

After going around in circles, it turns out that he wants me to take action.

Tsunade couldn't help but complain in her heart, and looked at Bai Ye deeply: "So you lied to me at the beginning?"

This guy should not remember the conditions he gave me to stay in Konoha, right?

It was agreed that I would only teach medical ninjas, but now I have to go to the battlefield myself?

This time I dare to go to the battlefield, and next time I dare to give birth to a child!

"After the unification of the ninja world, you can go anywhere you want to gamble, and I can reimburse you."


Tsunade licked her lips, and a hint of excitement flashed in her eyes, but the next second she felt something was wrong. Why did she feel that she was being flattered again?

When she came back, Bai Ye said that she could gamble anywhere in the Land of Fire, and they would reimburse her.

Now he told her that she could gamble in the whole world as long as she helped him unify the ninja world

Mist Shadow.

After the master brought back Bai Ye's words, Terumi Mei frowned, and at this moment she was extremely angry.

She was used by Bai Ye.

Now she finally knew why Bai Ye was willing to provide them with these cheap goods.

It turned out that he wanted to tie the Mist Shadow to the chariot!

Now it is impossible for them, the Mist Shadow, to leave Konoha. If they have to leave, they will inevitably enter the pain period. At that time, the Mist Shadow will definitely not be able to recover, and they have offended four ninja villages at once!

Now it is obvious that the Mist Shadow is given two choices.

The first choice is to follow the other three ninja villages to take advantage of the fire to rob Konoha, but the price they pay will be very high!

The second choice is to follow Konoha to fight the other three ninja villages. If they win, there will be no price. At the same time, they can get all kinds of assistance from Konoha, and they only need to contain the Sand Village to make the reputation of the Mist Shadow, but if they lose, they will have nothing.

This guy really knows how to give them problems!

"Master Yuan, what do you think?"

Mei Terumi stroked her forehead and looked at Master Yuan with some distress.

At this time, she really felt that no matter which choice she made, it would be bad.

"We can only choose Konoha. We have been kidnapped by them. It is estimated that they have already calculated it when Bai Ye came to the Mist Shadow. If we follow the other three ninja villages at this time, I am afraid it will be miserable!"

On the way back, Master Yuan kept speculating on Bai Ye's purpose, and as he continued to think deeply, he finally found that they seemed to be calculated by Bai Ye.

They can only board Bai Ye's pirate ship.

"Sorry, if it's not my fault"

A trace of apology flashed across Yagura's face. If he hadn't been controlled, Kirigakure Village wouldn't be in this situation.

"Let's talk about this later. If we choose Konoha, then we will set off for Konoha. I just want to question that guy. Besides, since we helped, he must also check for us who is controlling you. Who is the Uchiha!"

Terumi Mei suppressed the anger in her heart. She actually thought just now that maybe they didn't have a choice.

It's just that I can't swallow this breath.

very good!

This was all calculated for them.

After that, when you get there, you must catch Bai Ye and talk about this matter!

"It's so scary Mizukage-sama."

"Hmm? Chojuro, you said I can't get married?"

"I don't have one. Master Yuan, save me!"

Chojuro looked at Terumi Mei's smiling face and felt a chill in his heart. Did he really want to kill him?

"Then let's fight! Let's go to war with Konoha!"

"Haha, do you want to start a war with the three families? Then let Konoha try it!"

"Konoha, you already have a way to kill yourself!"

After receiving the reply from Konoha that Konoha wanted to start a war, Ai, Onoki and Rasa began to prepare. Since Konoha wanted to go to war with the three of them at the same time, they did not have to refuse. After all, this was what they had discussed before.

If Konoha compromises, then there will be benefits. If Konoha doesn't compromise, then fight until Konoha compromises!

"Asshole!! Who allowed that guy to start a war without authorization?!"

The roaring voice of the Fire Nation Daimyo resounded throughout the palace.

At this moment, he wished that Bai Ye was right in front of him so that he could give him two big mouths.

This bastard didn't get his permission and actually chose to go to war directly?

Who gave him the courage?

"Haha, if that guy dares to start a war, we will immediately stop their supplies of Konoha!"

"That's right, let that guy come over and apologize, and let him talk to the other shadows, and let us stop the war no matter what!"

The ministers talked a lot, but their unified goal was to get Bai Ye to stop the war and apologize. Without exception, they were all condemnations of Bai Ye.

I think that becoming Hokage is not as good as when Sarutobi Hiruzen was in power. Sure enough, Uchiha cannot become Hokage!

"Have someone tell that guy Byakuya that if the war doesn't stop, I will stop all funding from the Leaf Village!"

The daimyo said arrogantly that the support given to Konoha was his gift in his opinion, and a sneer flashed across Asuma's face as he listened. He wanted to see how Byakuya would solve this problem at this time!

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