Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 15: Crazy attack on Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen (seeking monthly votes and recommendation ticket

Chapter 15 - The mad fight against Danzo and Hiruzen Sarutobi (please seek monthly recommendation votes)

"Sandaime-sama is in trouble!"

The ANBU took a piece of information, placed it in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, opened the scroll, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed.

What is this Uchiha clan doing?

"What's wrong Hiruzen?"

Koharu glanced at the ANBU and then at Hiruzen Sarutobi. Watching his expression gradually change, Koharu also felt a little confused as to what happened.

Could it be that madman Kumogakure is starting another war?

"You should look at the Uchiha clan's problems for yourselves."

Sarutobi Hiruzen touched his forehead in distress, and then placed this information in front of several people for them to see.

He really didn't expect this thing to turn out like this. Could this be Bai Ye's first move?

Although he had already guessed that Byakuya would definitely do something after he came to power, this move was obviously something Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't expect!

"The security team directly fights the mud?"

"What on earth is this going to do?"

When they went to bed, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan were both confused.

no! ?

Why does this feel like a trick played by children?

Just start ignoring it?

"This guy is very smart."

Danzo said with gloomy eyes. Compared to Mito Kaden and Koharu, his political sense is obviously higher than the two of them, and he can naturally see what Byakuya wants to do.

This trick seems like a child's trick, but it can indeed have some effects.

But if the Uchiha clan wants to rely on this thing to solve their predicament, it seems a bit awkward, right?

"Lord Hokage, many villagers in the village are already downstairs waiting for you to give you the results."

"I understand. Let them wait for now. You can go find the new leader of Uchiha and the elders of the three factions to come over."

After a moment of silence, Sarutobi Hiruzen decided to talk to Byakuya first.

This time it is obviously more difficult to deal with than Uchiha Fugaku.

Therefore, he also needs to find Bai Ye to find out.


The ANBU disappeared into the Hokage's office, and then the four of them began to discuss what to say when Byakuya came later.

Prepare in advance so there won't be any problems later.

"Byakuya Uchiha, there are three elders. Lord Hokage has invited you to come over to discuss some matters."

The ANBU quickly found Byakuya.

Uchiha Tetsu, Uchiha Setsuna and Uchiha Jhin on the side all turned their heads to look at Byakuya in disbelief.

Is it really what he said, as long as they do this, the Hokage will find them soon?

After the clan meeting ended, the Uchiha clan began to implement the plan made by Byakuya last time.

The Uchiha Guards started to fight, and when dealing with things, they tended to let the Konoha villagers go to the village to deal with it. But now they are either drinking tea in the office, or they can't find anyone who is 'on a mission'.

In just one morning, the whole village was in chaos.

In the past, whenever there were some trivial matters in the village, they would go to the Uchiha Guards. Anyway, everyone has their own reasons. If you Uchiha can't handle it well, then it's your Uchiha's problem.

But now the Uchiha people just don't deal with it for you. They just drink tea and can't find anyone, and then ask them to find people on the other side of the village to solve it.

The villagers who were used to being uncles were a little panicked for a moment.

Who doesn't know that it doesn't matter if you go to Uchiha with problems over the years and lose your temper, the other party will tolerate it anyway.

This is one of the few opportunities for them to lose their temper with the ninja master, and the villagers will naturally not let this opportunity pass them by.

But now, the Uchiha clan simply stopped playing with you. Except for a few old men in the guard team who were drinking tea and reading newspapers, all the other young people in the guard team had left their posts due to 'urgent missions'.

Moreover, this **** also said that he had already registered and would deal with it immediately when the people came back, but there was no one there at all. They wanted to deal with it immediately, so a group of people started to gather together and came to the Hokage's office.

Some people want to solve the problem, while others want to complain to the Uchiha clan.

"Wait a minute, we'll be there later."

Bai Ye nodded, with a smile on his lips.

It seemed that his plan was successful. It was just to disgust Konoha and the villagers.

It’s not your father who cares about so many things about you?

You can complain as much as you want, but seriously I will lose!

So what if I complain to Konoha?

Originally, the salary of the guard force was paid internally by the Uchiha clan. Byakuya didn't want to ease the relationship between Uchiha and Sarutobi Hiruzen, so he naturally let it go.

As for chilling the villagers?

It's not that the Uchiha clan doesn't want to deal with it, it's just that there are some urgent matters at the moment. When their own problems are solved, why not help them deal with it immediately? Besides, haven't they arranged for a few retired uncles to register them?

"Let's go, three."


The three of them looked at each other and then followed Bai Ye.

It may be Bai Ye's first time to come to this kind of scene, but the three of them have already experienced it.

"Clan Leader Baiye, this is your first meeting since becoming the clan leader."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the visitor and greeted him with a smile, while Danzo and Mito Kadoen beside him had cold expressions on their faces.

They had discussed it before they came.

"Yes, this is indeed our first meeting. Does Hokage-sama have anything to do with me? You might as well tell me directly."

Byakuya also didn't talk nonsense with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This attitude somewhat surprised Sarutobi Hiruzen to be so direct.

However, he quickly recovered. The old god took a puff of cigarette, squinted his eyes and smiled kindly: "I was just thinking that the Uchiha clan suddenly elected a new clan leader, so I wanted to meet him. "

whispering sound.

What an old fox.

Bai Ye cursed secretly in his heart, and then replied: "I am also a little surprised by the arrangement within the clan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said that the Uchiha clan changed its leader and the village didn't know about it. Could it be that the Uchiha clan didn't inform them about such a big event, and Byakuya responded directly. This is what happened within the Uchiha clan. .

I thought Byakuya would not be able to catch it, but Sarutobi Hiruzen realized that he still underestimated Byakuya a little too much.

"That's right. I said Fugaku has done well over the years. Why did he suddenly come down? It's really sudden. Speaking of which, has Fugaku been resting within the clan recently?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued talking as if he didn't understand Byakuya's words.

"Fugaku is indeed resting during this period. He also said some time ago that he feels too tired. Sometimes he wants to do something, but some people don't respect the clan leader as a human being, so he wants to quit when he is tired. As for the clan leader I also briefly dealt with those who did not treat the clan leader as a human being, and it seems to have worked well. "

Damn it! ?

Is this kid okay?

Uchiha Setsuna on the side looked at Bai Ye in shock, obviously shocked by Bai Ye's bragging and not drafting.

He originally thought that Bai Ye would face this kind of scene for the first time.

Maybe I still feel a little timid in my heart.

But I didn't expect that Bai Ye would be able to handle it so easily?

Byakuya was talking about the internal affairs of the Uchiha clan, but wasn't it a metaphor for Konoha?

It is said that the Uchiha clan is dissatisfied with Fugaku, but in fact it is the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha.

And what Bai Ye said was a simple solution had a good effect. In the case of the Uchiha Guards messing up just now, the effect seemed pretty good.

"This brat must be killed"

Danzo glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen and didn't say anything. He just labeled Byakuya as dead in his heart.

In his opinion, Bai Ye must die this time!

Otherwise, judging from the current performance of this guy, he will definitely be an opponent hundreds of times more difficult than Uchiha Fugaku.

"But it doesn't seem like just tapping is a good idea, right? Don't you want to ease the atmosphere within the clan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"It's useless to ease up. After all, some people just want to see their clansmen live a bad life."

Bai Ye replied.

Frowning, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Byakuya, and then sighed: "Chief Byakuye, I feel there may be some misunderstanding here!"

It’s not easy to fool.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that the situation in front of him was really difficult to handle.

"For example?"

A trace of interest flashed in Byakuya's eyes, and then he handed over the topic to Sarutobi Hiruzen. He wanted to see what Sarutobi Hiruzen was going to say next.

"I actually think that the issue of the Uchiha Guards should not be like this. This will only aggravate the villagers' view of the Uchiha clan. I have stabilized it for you. If it continues like this, I will not be able to convince those villagers all the time. ”

Sarutobi Hiruzen had a flash of displeasure and distress in his heart. If it had been Uchiha Fugaku in the past, he would have expressed gratitude to himself first.

But from Bai Ye's face, he didn't see it at all. Instead, he felt that the other party was looking at him with a teasing look.

This inevitably made Sarutobi Hiruzen have a little doubt about himself.

"There are some things within the Uchiha that need to be dealt with. There is no way to deal with other things for the time being. I can only trouble you, Hokage-sama, to deal with them first!"

"Asshole, do you know what the Uchiha Guard does? Do you know how much this has delayed things? You Uchiha will be responsible for all the consequences! Do you know how many people want the right of the Guard?"

Danzo saw that the red face of Hiruzen Sarutobi was useless, so obviously his dark face also needed to appear.

"I didn't say I wouldn't handle it. I just want to deal with matters within my own clan first. Besides, the salary of the security team is not paid by Konoha, right? If we are dissatisfied with the security team, we Uchiha can hand over the security team to other people. Ninja clan, since Elder Danzo wants it so much, if the security team is a good thing, why not give it to you, the Shimura clan?"

After Byakuya finished speaking, Uchiha beside him burst into laughter.

"why are you laughing?"

Danzo looked at Uchiha Setsuna with a sullen expression.

"Sorry, I thought of something funny!"

Uchiha Setsuna has received professional training and will not laugh under normal circumstances unless he can't help it.

He didn't expect Bai Ye to be so damaged.

Speaking of which, looking at Danzo's aggrieved face, he felt relieved, and at the same time he became more determined to support Byakuya.

"Byakuya, the village has always wanted to improve relations with you Uchiha clan, not to mention that this police force was your next responsibility. Do you think this means giving up? Isn't this somewhat irresponsible?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly warned Byakuya that no one knew that this guard was a restriction on Uchiha.

If it were really thrown out, it wouldn't be a piece of cake.

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen who came out to smooth things over, a sneer flashed in Byakuya's eyes, did he start moral kidnapping again?

"Since you all think that the Uchiha clan is not competent, why do you still need the Uchiha clan to do it? Isn't it because these things offend people that they are thrown to the Uchiha clan?

Hokage, can't everyone open their hearts and talk? Why do you have to pretend so much?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Bai Ye to say this to him.

"Hokage, you know who intensified the conflict. Isn't this the method you are best at using? Right? Danzo assists?"



If you want to attack Sarutobi Hiruzen, then attack Sarutobi Hiruzen. Why did you mention your own name at the end!

Danzo's eyes were gloomy, and then he said calmly: "Why should the Uchiha's own problems be attributed to others? You are arrogant in your clan, and you don't know how to restrain yourself in the village. Naturally, you will be rejected by the whole village. What's more, during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the Nine-Tails was controlled by the Sharingan, and the first Hokage died not long after fighting with Uchiha Madara, the ancestor of your Uchiha clan!"

This trick has been used by them time and time again.

At the beginning, no matter how Fugaku explained, it was the Uchiha clan's Sharingan that controlled the Nine-Tails, and everyone could see the Sharingan in the Nine-Tails' eyes clearly.

They don't have any explanation, right?

"If the death of the first Hokage is counted on our Uchiha clan, then we can just count upwards. During the Warring States period, many members of your clan were killed by our Uchiha clan, so we can just count them together. Since we want to count them carefully, why not find the Hyuga clan to count together and see how many ninjas of each other were killed when we conquered each other in the past?"


"Sorry, sorry, I will hold it back!"

Uchiha Setsuna waved his hands repeatedly, and then forced himself to hold it back.

What the hell!

This kid's words can really make people angry to death. Even if he is unreasonable, he will fight for you.

Just now he didn't know how to explain it, but Bai Ye directly gave you a trick of the history book of years. You like to reminisce, right? Why not recall it upwards?

"Then how do you explain the Nine-Tails Rebellion?"

"Someone also saw a strange masked man appear that day. I now seriously suspect that this masked man is Danzo's subordinate or collaborator. After all, we Uchiha clan can't get the information about the Fourth Hokage's wife giving birth, but you, Danzo, as the Hokage's assistant, can get it."

"Secondly, none of your Root showed up during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. I seriously suspect that you directed and acted this out yourself!"

Damn it! ! ! !

Danzo has already started cursing in his heart.

The people around him were also shocked by Bai Ye's theory and couldn't speak. Isn't it said that Uchiha are all reckless men who only know how to fight?

When did he become so powerful in talking?

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